Have your past attempts at fitness & wellness ended in injury or sheer disgust?
Or maybe you just never saw the results you were promised – and decided to quit, in hopes that you’d find something better… Or maybe it was some other totally justifiable reason…
Or maybe you never even tried getting yourself fit and healthy – because you’ve heard all the negative stories – an d you’re just unsure about where to start and what to do.
You want to do something – but not just anything. It has to be the “right thing”.
You’re being smart about this – but you know you need to be doing something… And deep down, you really want to, because you know it’s the key to the best you – for life.
You deserve to be the absolute best version of yourself – and your family deserves that optimal version of you as well.
Well – congratulate yourself – because you just discovered “that something”.
Body-Mind Reset is a 28-Day phase of essential mind-clearing and powerful body re-activation. During this enjoyable 4 week program you quickly learn:
1 – The myths were holding you back for so long.
2 – The dysfunctional advice that was acting against you and aging you faster.
3 – Why you haven’t had access to what you truly need to be the best version of YOU…
And MOST IMPORTANTLY, this all naturally happens as you are doing the method, 2 or 3 times per week, here in the private SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women.
After the Body-Mind Reset phase – you can choose to become a long-term client, so we can guide you to reaching your absolute best body, a balanced mindset and optimal health.
Why this is for YOU:
This is for the woman who is NOT interested in the “the gym”… you’re not interested “push harder” boot-camps, and you’re not interested in all the “fitness/wellness alternatives” that promise the world but leave so much to be desired…
You ARE interested in a simple, revolutionary and modern method based on long-forgotten, time-tested principles of human physiology, mindset empowerment – and health optimization.
Here’s Some of What You Should Expect:
– A Truly Unique, Effective and Pleasant Experience
– You’ll Never Think of Fitness/Wellness the Same Way (EVER)
– Top-Shelf Results Via a Natural, Enjoyable, Female-Only Method
– Feel Enhancements and See Changes You Never Thought Possible
– Experience the Feeling of “Re-awakening” the YOU of Years Past
– Imagine the Inner-Peace & Positivity Triggered by Knowing You’ve Found Your “Thing”