F*ck Your Age

On December 17th 2016, Bernard Hopkins will be fighting one last time to finish out an incredible boxing career.

If you don’t know his story, I recommend you check it out.

In a nut shell, he came from nothing, always got into trouble, ended up in prison and after spending quite some time in jail, he decided he would never go back.

Boxing was his way out.

This month his storybook career comes to a close.

But here is the inspiring part… Not only did Bernard Hopkins make something of himself… Not only did he change his mindset to find a way out of prison and become a boxing legend…

But he will now be fighting his final bout… at the age of 51.


Look around at most people you know in their 50’s.

How many of them tell you “I’m too old to workout”?

How many of them tell you “Once you get to be my age you won’t care about the gym anymore”?

Hell, I hear that from guys in their 30’s!

And I cringe every time I do.

Guys that are only 35 years old say that they “don’t have time to train”.

You don’t have time to train?

So your health, longevity, vitality, energy, wellness, mobility, strength and appearance mean nothing to you?

What kind of example does that set for your children and others around you?

You have to understand that if you don’t take care of yourself physically, you will never become the best version of yourself mentally.

Guys like Bernard Hopkins prove that age is truly just a number, as long as you take care of your body and continue to work on yourself throughout your life.

Your health needs to be prioritized, so stop making excuses about your age and start putting in the work.

Now, you might say “well, Bernard Hopkins is a professional fighter, he’s an outlier”. Maybe you have a point. But what about the “normal” people I have worked with over the years that drastically improved their lives that were well into their 40’s, 50’s and even 60’s?

Guys like Paul Kaplan who at 49 years old, lost 100 lbs, packed on more lean muscle than he’s ever had in his life and has 10 x’s more energy than any twenty year old I have ever met.ed50a6_712387909e0944cbb3a5a364e63e6d03-mv2

Or women like Maureen Melody that started training for the first time in her mid-fifties and lost 45 lbs. of fat, drastically improved her blood work and felt better than she ever had in her life.

Come into my gym and these people will tell you first-hand how training improved their lives.

It is sad to see that as most people age, they stop caring about themselves. In so many ways, they stop living.

Diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and medication has become the norm, combined with a laundry list of other issues.

That is not the way life is meant to be!

Invest the time and money into yourself, so you can do the things you want to do in your life. Do not just work, retire and die! Stay active, eat well, and enjoy your life as you age.

Both guys still train and look better than guys over half their age.

When you are that age would you rather be fit, traveling the world and playing with your grandchildren, or lying in bed shoveling pills down your throat?


Sickness and medication do not have to be your destiny.

Common does not mean normal, so do not accept illness as something that is completely out of your control. Obviously there are things people are faced with that could not be avoided.

However there are many cases where illness and disease could have been prevented, so stack the odds in your favor. 

You get one life. One shot to become the person you want to be. And you can become that person at any age. I don’t care if you are already in your 70’s, it is never too late to reinvent yourself.

And that begins with changing your mindset.  

Accepting that you are responsible for your outcome and that no matter how beat up you are you can always change.

Hopefully if you are reading this you are just as inspired by Bernard Hopkins as I am and realize that if he is 51 years old and still competing at the highest level possible, against guys a fraction of his age, then you can get to the gym for a few hours a week.

Stay active, stay strong and control your destiny.

I’ll catch you guys next week.

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