Fat Loss

The Dreaded Scale!

The Dreaded Scale!

Did you weigh yourself this morning? ……I did.

Did you like the number you saw, or were you expecting som54fe8d4fa21fd-feet-scale-tapemeasure-cpething different? Did you get overly excited if it was low or unreasonably depressed if it was too high? We’ve all
been there, so don’t beat yourself up too much.

Did  you give yourself the self talk…… “Yep that pizza I ate last night, that would be why I’m up 2 lbs today!”   OR “YES!!! I ate so good yesterday (aka under calories) and so now I’m down 2 lbs!” Wrong 🙁

I often get the question should I get on the scale? Well, that depends on how you CHOOSE to respond.

If you are they type of person that gets on the scale day after day and you choose to have the scale motivate you:  or going up, what could I do better…. oh yes, the last 3 nights I have not slept so I am going to make sleep a priority. “” yes, I lost a pound, what I have been doing over the last few weeks is paying off and this just reinforced it.” OR “GRRR this scale is not moving

I want you to understand your scale certainly doesn’t tell the whole story and can send you on an unnecessary roller coaster of emotions. Yes I do realize most roller coasters are amazing – the emotional ones kind of suck though.

Here’s why.

1) Your weight will fluctuate more than the stock market

The human body is one incredibly complex piece of machinery. There are things going in, coming out, transforming, and dissolving all of the time. As a result, your weight can fluctuate wildly over the course of a 24-48 hour period or even longer, yes I said longer. Depending on what you ate today, how much water you drank, if there was sodium in your food, what kind of clothing you were wearing, what time of day you weigh yourself, your weight WILL be different.

Weigh yourself before and after your next workout – there will be a difference.
Weigh yourself this morning and then again tonight after a full day of eating – there will be a difference.
If you’re trying to lose weight the healthy way (1-2 pounds a week is a good goal to shoot for, 3 pounds if you’re on the heavier side), your successful wei
ght loss could be hidden by any number of circumstances that falsify your statistics.

That means you could be down three pounds since last week, but because you ate frozen veggies and frozen fish (oh hey sodium), drank water this morning, and didn’t get to weigh yourself til the afternoon (while wearing jeans), the scale could show a GAIN of one pound. After working so hard, this “weight gain” can instantly demoralize you, sending you to the ki
tchen for some pity rocky-road ice cream and then over to the couch for a Battlestar Galactica marathon.

It’s just a number, and it can be wildly inaccurate over a short period of time. A true measure is 1 week apart. For example a Monday to a Monday.. weigh on the same scale and pick a time that is similar to the last Monday you weighed.

2) Your weight does NOT tell the whole story….. At Altman Fitness we use other tools to measure progress: fitness testing, measurements and body fat percentage.

3) The scale does not define you

If you set out to lose 100 pounds in a year – an incredibly ambitious goal – and you only manage to lose 85, you might consider yourself a failure. After all, you set a goal and failed to achieve it, right?

YOU STILL LOST 85 freaking pounds, something you might have been struggling to do for years. I bet you’ve had to buy a whole new wardrobe and get all kinds of “holy crap you’ve lost a lot of weight!” comments.
Not bad for a failure, huh?

Don’t get caught up in the numbers game, and instead be proud of what you have accomplished instead.

I often hear people compare pounds lost to another persons pounds lost. “I’ve lost 8 pounds but my co-worker has lost 15!” What you fail to look at is body type and actual weight. Person A may be 130 pounds and very close to their genetic potential. And Person B might be 256 pounds  and of very different body type. Don’t compare!

You’re not a statistic.

You’re not a number.

Keep track of your success instead and do a reality check. Has it been 3 weeks and the scale as moved 8, 10. or 15 pounds? That’s success! Has it been 6 months and the scale has not moved?  Well if your goal was to lose 10 pounds and you have not moved in 6 months… it’s time to change your plan.

I will admit that the scale can have its uses. If you’re just getting started, a few big changes in the first few weeks can really help you see progress and build momentum. Also, over long periods of time, it’s a good way to tell if you’re headed in the right direction or not. However, a scale can also cause all kinds of mental issues that bring you down quickly, and becomes less and l
ess important as you get closer to your goals.

Here’s how you can stay strong and motivated without stepping on a scale regularly:

Remember that your journey to a healthier life is a marathon, not a sprint. Changes from day to day are practically meaningless and incredibly difficult to quantify, so go with changes over a longer period of time. Weigh yourself once a month or once a week to make sure you’re trending in the right direction. If it’s weekly, make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of the day, wearing the same type of clothing. Remove as many of the variables as possible to make your reading accurate. And even then, don’t put too much stock into it.

Look at your body composition rather than your weight. I try to take a picture of myself every month or so, giving me the chance to compare how I look. Yo
u can also buy a body fat caliper or tape measure to keep track how your body is adjusting. Just make sure you’re taking your measurements in the same places on your body at the same time of day. If you’re taking photos, take a straight-on photo and a profile photo.

Set goals that are not weight-oriented. Say you want to do 15 push ups, run a half marathon, and/or do a pull up. With your mind focused on a strength building or endurance goal, you won’t have to worry so much about a scale. If you can only do 5 push ups now but next month you can do 15, you definitely got stronger, but you probably also lost some fat.

Keep a journal. I know plenty of 160-pound people who are out of shape and 210-pound folks who are incredibly healthy. How do you FEEL this month compared to last month? Maybe you can now run around the track without stopping, you don’t get winded go
ing up and down stairs, and you can give your kids a piggy back ride without being out of commission for days afterward. Keep track of your energy levels, your conditioning, and your overall well-being.


Moral of the story – if the scale is working for you and you’re seeing results, stick with it. If that number on the scale constantly screws with your mind, maybe it’s time to take a break.

At any rate, the coaches at Altman Fitness are here for you. Give us a call and we will get you started the path to success!  Give us a call: 612-454-6409

What is my typical day of eating to lose weight?

What is my typical day of eating to lose weight?

I get the question all the time “what do you eat to lose weight??”

Well the answer is not so simple. First of all you have to know that everyone’s body is different. We all lost weight differently and we all lose weight at different rates.

What is the same is the tools on how you figure out how to lose the weight.

  1. Calories, if your consuming to many…. you won’t lose weight.
  2. Whole foods, yep this means you have to eat your veggies
  3. Exercise…. does that mean you have to be a body builder? No.

Let’s look at calories. When I first started if you asked me how many calories I consumed in a day, I would have said: “I’m not sure, but I would guess about 2,500 and I eat pretty healthy” And then I downloaded this free little app called “my net diary”. Guess what? My “I eat pretty healthy and 2,500 calories, well I consumed that by 3:00pm and the bulk of my food was still to come. The worst part, I drank most of my calories. Including milk, pop and caribou coffee. Download the app and start plugging in EVERYTHING you eat. Then just use it as a guideline, letting you know where you are at. For me it was shocking how much sugar I consumed and how little protein I ate.

As a rule: 30% healthy fat, 30% healthy carbs and 40% Protein.


Whole foods, why do we hate our veggies so much? I can tell you… because we don’t know how to prepare them! Go into any fine restaurant and you will eat your veggies right? Those amazing little carrots with the stems still on them, how can they taste so good? and seriously why do Brussel sprouts or green beans always taste so much better when I eat out verses when I make them? Because they know how to cook them! Instead of boiling or stemming the heck out of your veggies, try this next time:  Set your oven on 350 degrees. Cut up all your veggies toss them in a zip lock bag, 1  Tbs. of olive oil or better yet coconut oil.  a couple of twists of pink Himalayan sea salt. Shake it up and put on a cookie sheet in the oven for 20 min. BAM! you have some amazing veggies!

Exercise: why does everyone think they need to go out and do some crazy hard workout to get results? You don’t. Even a 30 min walk outside will get your metabolism stimulated. Go for a bike ride, swim, have sex (did I just say that) go dancing!  Do something that you LOVE. If you want to try a workout class, I highly recommend a HIIT class that is really going to get your body to burn fat off your body.


So there you have it, some general rules on how to start burning fat. Still feel stuck? Then call me and I will help you through it: 612-454-6409

Oh and as promised….. this is my typical day of eating:

Breakfast: 1 cup egg whites cooked over low heat. toss in 2-3 oz of sweet potato that I baked the night before. 1 green drink: 1 cup of bone broth, handful of organic power greens from target, 1 cutie orange, 1/4 green apple, 1/4 avocado, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder. add ice and blend well. rice

Mid morning snack post workout: Protein smoothie: 1 cup water, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, 1 tsp pure coco powder, 1 tbl.
PB2, 1/2 frozen banana, ice. blend well and put thermos.

Lunch ( I eat about 1:30) – Grilled chicken tossed in with cauliflower rice (Can buy already made in a bag) shredded carrots, 1 green onion, 1/4 cup peas, I cook all this in a pan in the morning, and then add in 1 tablespoon of coconut tariki  sauce. then I bring it to work and eat it cold.

Mid afternoon snack: grilled chicken slices, bubbies sauerkraut. Then go for a walk.

Dinner: Fish tacos (3) or Flank steak and green beans or rotisserie chicken and a bunch of greens.

If I crave something sweet then I will have 1 C. watermelon or 1/2 apple. I also drink 100 oz of water every day.

I want to remind you what I said in the beginning, everyone loses weight differently. Just because you eat like I do does not mean you will lose weight. It’s important to find what works for you!

Eat Slowly and Lose Weight

The benefits of slow eating include better digestion, better hydration, easier weight loss or maintenance, and greater satisfaction with our meals. Meanwhile, eating quickly leads to poor digestion, increased weight gain, and lower satisfaction. The message is clear: Slow down your eating and enjoy improved health and well-being.

When you eat slowly, you digest better. You lose or maintain weight more easily. Yet you also feel more satisfied with each meal.

Conversely, if you rush your meals, your digestion suffers. Meals are stressful. And it might seem like each meal is over too soon, which often makes you want to eat more. Or you “overshoot the runway”, finishing the meal before your natural satiety signals kick in, and ending up suddenly — uncomfortably — overstuffed.

It’s simple: Slow down your eating and enjoy improved health and well-being.

The value of slow food

We’re a rushed, distracted, and too-busy society. Most people in North America eat fast. Really fast. We rarely take the time to savor our food
 or sometimes even to chew it properly.

We rush our food no matter who we are. Even if you’re a nutrition coach with a Master’s degree in nutrition and many additional nutrition certifications. Like me.

For years, I wanted to gain weight. Eating quickly helped me do that. Shoveling down the food meant that I could sneak in a lot of extra calories before my stomach realized what was going on.

But now I’m older and simply trying to maintain my weight. I have to learn to eat more slowly again. It’s not always easy. But my wife and my waistline both appreciate it when I do.

And as I counsel my clients, learning to eat more slowly is one of the simplest yet most powerful things you can do to improve your overall health.

Why eat slowly?

Sensing satisfaction

One of the most important benefits of eating slowly is that it gives your body time to recognize that you’re full.

It takes about twenty minutes from the start of a meal for the brain to send out signals of satiety. Most people’s meals don’t even last that long!

Imagine the extra calories you could ingest simply because you didn’t allow your body time to register that it no longer required food. Now imagine the effect of those extra calories on your weight.

Eating slowly also helps us feel more satisfied — which is different than just being “full”.

When you slow down, savor a meal, pay attention to tastes and textures, and appreciate each mindful bite, you leave the table feeling good in your soul
 even if all you ate was a baloney sandwich.

Improved digestion

Eating slowly also helps our digestion.

Think of digestion as a chain reaction. As soon as we see, smell, or think about food (step 1), we start salivating to prepare for putting that food in our mouth (step 2). Saliva contains enzymes that break the food down, and moistens the mouth for easier swallowing.

Meanwhile, digestive steps 3, 4, 5 etc. have to get ready to go to work. Our stomachs start to secrete more acid. Our small intestine starts to get ready for some peristalsis. And so forth.

If we rush this process, we force our GI tract to deal with stuff before it’s fully prepared. Surprises are great on birthdays, not so great during digestion.

At the University of Rhode Island, researchers examined how eating speed affected the early stages of digestive processing by observing 60 young adults eat a meal.

  • Slow eaters consumed 2 ounces of food per minute.
  • Medium-speed eaters consumed 2.5 ounces of food per minute.
  • Fast eaters consumed 3.1 ounces per minute. They also took larger bites and chewed less before swallowing.

This means that not only are fast eaters putting more food down in a given amount of time, that food isn’t as well-processed. Food is essentially landing in fast eaters’ stomachs in big ol’ lumps.

Digestion starts in the mouth, so large bites that are inadequately chewed will be more difficult for your stomach to turn into chyme – the liquid mix of partially digested food, hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, and water that passes through the pyloric valve on its way to elimination.

Food that isn’t properly broken down into chyme can lead to indigestion and other potential GI problems. And who wants that?

Smaller portions – without trying

Most of the research on this topic suggests that eating slowly helps you to eat less. That’s especially useful information if you’re trying to lose or maintain weight.

In another University of Rhode Island study, researchers served lunch on two different occasions to 30 normal-weight women. The meal in both cases consisted of an enormous plate of pasta with a tomato-vegetable sauce and some Parmesan cheese, along with a glass of water.

At each visit, researchers instructed the women to eat to the point of comfortable fullness. But during one visit, they also told them to to eat as quickly as possible, while on the other visit, participants were asked to eat slowly and to put down their utensils between bites.

When the researchers compared the difference in food consumption between the quickly eaten lunch and the slowly eaten lunch, here is what they found:

  • When eating quickly the women consumed 646 calories in 9 minutes.
  • When eating slowly the women consumed 579 calories in 29 minutes.

That is 67 less calories in 20 more minutes!

If you extrapolate that to three meals per day, you can see how
 those extra calories could add up.

And here’s another interesting twist: When the women ate their lunch quickly, they reported more hunger an hour later than they did after their slowly eaten lunch.

So not only did eating quickly lead to greater food consumption, it actually satisfied the women less! Conversely, of course, slow eating meant less food but more long-lasting satisfaction.

Better hydration

Good hydration helps maintain the balance of our body’s fluids, energizes muscles, helps our kidneys and bowels work more efficiently, and improves the appearance of the skin. And one side benefit of eating slowly is that it seems to increase water consumption during meals.

In fact, that same University of Rhode Island study compared the amount of water that the participants drank. When they ate slowly, the women drank 409 mL (about 14 oz) of water.  When they ate quickly, they drank only 289 mL (9.7 oz) of water!

Results like that have sometimes led scientists to wonder if drinking more water is what helps people to feel satisfied for longer.

So the University of Rhode Island researchers put this theory to the test. (By now you’ve probably noticed that URI is really into this slow eating research.) In a variation of their lunchtime study, they controlled water intake so that participants drank the same amount of water at each sitting.

In this version of the test, whether they ate slowly or quickly, the women consumed approximately the same amount of food.  And at the end of their meals, they also gave a similar appetite rating.

But an hour after the meal, those who’d eaten slowly reported less hunger and a lower desire to eat, with greater levels of satiety.

Researchers concluded that drinking more water might be key to helping us eat less during a meal. 

But eating slowly seems to decrease hunger and lead to higher levels of satiety between meals.

Takeaway – eat slowly, drink more water, consume less food, and feel more satisfied! All-around win!

Is eating quickly really so bad?

Eating slowly may not be a perfect panacea for weight loss, but it will certainly help you with portion control and greater feelings of satiety.

Meanwhile, the research on eating quickly is pretty unanimous: Eating quickly promotes weight gain and makes you feel out of control of your eating habits.

Weight gain

Both large-scale population studies and research on smaller groups (such as fire fighters) who habitually eat quickly concur: Fast eaters gain more weight over time than slow eaters.

If weight loss or maintenance is your goal, slow down.

Disordered eating and eating speed

If you’ve ever experienced a binge episode, you’ll know the feeling — a powerful urge to get the food in there as fast as possible. Research shows that one of the hallmarks of binge eating is rapid eating speed.

People who suffer from compulsive eating often feel out of control of their eating behavior. After a binge or episode of over-eating, they feel guilty, ashamed, and regretful.

The good news is that you can often derail a binge or over-eating episode — and help yourself get back in the driver’s seat — simply by slowing down.

In fact, this is a technique we use in our coaching program: When you’re in the grip of a binge or an over-eating episode that feels overwhelming, just try to slow down as soon as you realize what’s happening.

You might not feel able to stop eating right away, and that’s OK. But most people can slow themselves down, even when the binge demons are howling.

It’s sort of like having someone call your name when you’re lost in thought and snap you out your daydream. This simple “binge slowly” strategy can often shift your attention, re-focus you, and help you regain a sense of control.


Most of us lead hectic, fast-paced lives, so it’s understandable that we might try to rush our meals. But eating quickly does us no favors.

When we eat too quickly we end up eating more than we need, which leads to poor digestion, weight gain, and lower satisfaction from eating.

Eating slowly, in contrast, makes for better digestion, easier weight maintenance – and much greater satisfaction from our meals.

Some helpful tips

  • Sit down to eat in a calm environment with minimal distractions. Don’t eat while driving, while watching TV, while texting, etc. Pay attention to your food.
  • Choose high-fiber foods that take more time to chew, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Put down your utensils between bites. Take a moment. Breathe. If you’re eating with other people, enjoy making witty conversation for a few minutes.
  • Try setting a minimum number of chews per bite. This will feel strange at first, but give it a try and see what you discover.
  • Use smaller plates or different utensils (such as chopsticks).
  • If you find yourself rushing, that’s OK. Put your utensils down and take a minute to re-focus. If slow eating isn’t habitual for you, this will take practice.
  • Find another slow eater and pace yourselves to them. Picky little kids and chatty dinner companions who hardly stop talking long enough to take a bite are often ideal for this.
  • Set aside time to eat – at least 20-30 minutes for each meal, and preferably even longer at dinner. Don’t just eat “whenever you get around to it” or treat it as an inconvenience. You’re fueling your body and maybe spending quality time with friends and family. That’s important. It deserves an appointment.

Did you know…

The first McDonald’s drive-thru was created in 1975 near Fort Huachuca — to serve soldiers who weren’t allowed to get out of their cars while wearing their fatigues!  Drive-thru sales now account for more than half of McDonald’s system-wide sales, adding up to billions every year. And you can bet that most of those customers are not on-duty soldiers.

Think about it. Wouldn’t you rather eat at-ease?

Eat, move, and live

Yep, we know
 the health and fitness world can sometimes be a confusing place. But it doesn’t have to be.

Let us help you make sense of it all.  Call us at 612-454-6409 or email us at office@altmanfitness.com to recieve 3 “Afterburn” workouts and a nutrition consult absolutely FREE.

We will teach you the best eating, exercise, and lifestyle strategies – unique and personal – for you.  And you will meet other amazing people just like yourself while having so much fun.

Your Fitness and Fat Loss Guy,


Smoked Salmon Hash Recipe

Smoked Salmon Hash Recipe

Looking to shed unwanted pounds?  This recipe packs in some really amazing omega 3’s, powerful proteins and crip tender asparagus.   Asparagus is a very good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells.  Let’s just suffice it to say that this meal pack in the nutrients and melts off the fat.
If you love salmon like I do then you’re going to love this recipe!  Not only is this great for breakfast but it also works for just about any time.  My mouth waters just looking at this picture and I just finished eating!  
This recipe is directly from our 28 Fat Loss Formula Recipe Book.  For more recipes like this one visit https://altmanfitness.com/28dayfatlossformulanow/ 

Smoked Salmon Hash




1tbsp. diced onion,

8 oz hot or cold smoked salmon 1 cup Asparagus


1tbsp. fresh dill

1tbsp. Dijon Mustard 1tbsp. olive oil

2 tbsp. lemon juice 2 tsp. Horseradish

2 Eggs

Pepper to taste



Start out by cooking the asparagus, in a pan with raw onion until tender. If you prefer the salmon warm, place it in a sautee pan with asparagus. or you can keep it cold.

In another pan, make your eggs, over-easy with a very small amount of real butter

To make the “dressing”- take the dill, mustard, olive oil, lemon juice and

horseradish and mix together. Take the salmon, asparagus and egg and top it with the dressing. Enjoy!

Calories: 333 Fat:16 Carbs: 5

Fiber: 2

Protein: 37

For  400 calories,  use  5 oz salmon

For  500 calories,  use 6 oz salmon and 2.  eggs

The Top 5 Ways You Eat Too Much

The Top 5 Ways You Eat Too Much

Each day you make well over 200 decisions about food, according to Brian Wansink, PH.D. in his book, Mindless Eating. Your weight is the sum total of your past food decisions.
overeating picture

According to Wansink, overeating can be greatly reduced simply by removing the cues in your environment that cause you to overeat. He goes on to explain the top 5 Diet Danger Zones and the solutions for each:


1. The Meal Stuffer: At mealtime you really stuff yourself. You clean everything off your plate, eat quickly and often go back for seconds. You consider yourself to have a “healthy appetite” and often feel uncomfortably full after eating.

  • Use the Half-Plate Rule: fill half of your plate with vegetables and the other half with protein and starch.
  • Use smaller plates and wait 20 minutes before deciding if you want seconds.
  • Eat slower so your appetite can catch up with what you’ve already eaten.
  • Don’t place serving dishes on the table. Pre-plate your food and then put the rest out of reach.

2. The Snack Grazer: You eat whatever food is within reach, and snack at least three times throughout the day. You can’t walk past a candy dish without dipping in. Your snacking is rarely done out of hunger.

  • Chew gum throughout your day to avoid mindless munching.
  • Keep tempting snack foods out of sight and out of mind.
  • Never eat directly from a package. Portion out your snack into a dish.
  • Don’t purchase tempting snack foods for future snacking. Keep a wide variety of fruits and vegetables on hand instead.

3. The Party Binger: Whenever you attend a social event where the main attraction is food, you eat without stopping. With all the distraction you quickly lose track of how much you’ve consumed and often stop only when it’s time to leave.

  • Stay more than an arm’s length away from the buffet or snack bowls.
  • Put only two food items on your plate during each trip to the table.
  • Make yourself feel full by eating the big healthy stuff first, like broccoli and carrots.
  • Remind yourself why you are at the party: first to socialize or to conduct business and secondarily to eat.

4. The Restaurant Indulger: You eat out at least three times a week and enjoy every minute of it. You love appetizers, large entrees and rich desserts. When you leave the table you are always stuffed.

  • Ask your waiter to remove the bread basket from the table.
  • Before you eat, ask your waiter to box half of your entrĂ©e to take home.
  • Decide to either share an appetizer or a dessert, never have both.
  • Skip the appetizer menu and instead start your meal with a side salad.

5. The Desktop (or Dashboard) Diner: You like to multi-task by eating at your desk or on the go. Your lightning-quick meals are grabbed on-the-go from fast food joints, vending machines and convenience stores. You don’t plan your meals ahead of time and end up eating whatever you can quickly find.

  • Pack a healthy lunch and bring it with you.
  • Stock your work area with healthy protein-filled snacks.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Turn off the computer or pull your car over while you eat.

By making these healthy changes when it comes to your food decisions you will put yourself back on course and moving in the direction of healthy weight loss.

Would you like to expedite your fitness and weight loss results? Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will quickly transform your body.

Remember, while nutrition is vitally important for weight loss, true results are achieved through a combination of both nutrition and challenging, progressive exercise.

To start on our proven eating plan that will literally melt fat off your body and will keep you filled up go to https://altmanfitness.com/28dayfatlossformulanow to try it risk free.

If you’re ready for an exercise plan that blasts fat off your body in the shortest amount of workout time then you owe it to yourself to try us out for 3 FREE “afterburn” workouts.  Simply email us at office@altmanfitness.com and we’ll get you all set up, ok.

Your Fitness and Fat Loss Guy,

Jay Altman


Seven Exercises to Get the Most Out of Your 2016 Workout

The new year is right around the corner, and you’re making plans to finally achieve that beach body in 2016. The problem is, you’re kind of at a loss of where to start. There are literally thousands of exercises out there, and while you know eating well will help you, you really want to tone your body and finally get in shape.

If you’re tired of trying to determine what exercises you should do, read through the following seven simple exercises and give them a go!



You may take it for granted as you get from point A to point B every day, but walking is a complete body workout. In order to walk, your muscles must all work together to propel your body forward. When walking is done in a conscious manner, meaning you’re keeping your speed at a certain level and your form proper, you can burn a lot of calories!

Start your day with a quick 15- to 20-minute walk in the morning in 2016. You’ll feel much more awake and ready to conquer the day! If you can’t do a regular workout routine with weights or at a gym, just take a walk. Something is always better than nothing!



Push-ups are also a fantastic full-body exercise. Although the main strain is on your chest and abs, if you’re actively engaging your muscles, you’ll feel it in your hip flexers, quads and even your shoulders.

There are a ton of variations of push-ups that will target different muscle groups. If you’re starting out, begin doing push-ups from your knees so you don’t strain your back too much if your core is not strong enough yet. As you progress and the exercise gets easier, begin to change up the type of push-up you do to keep those muscles guessing.



When in doubt, squat it down! Squats for some folks can be very intimidating, but they don’t have to be. Even if you’re just using your bodyweight, squats can literally transform your body. They activate your abdominals, hip flexers, quads, glutes, hamstrings and many more muscles to burn a ton of calories.

Whether you’re a pro at squats or a newbie, you’ll want to constantly be focused on your form with this exercise. Squats can cause injuries if you’re not careful in your form. Start out with no weight in 2016 if you’re new to them before piling up the 45s on the bar.


Interval Training

So you like to walk, but it gets kind of boring if you’re not in a scenic location. The good news is you can get your heart rate up just by doing some simple exercises. Interval Training focuses on doing two or more exercises which will require you to vary speeds.

An example would be doing 20 squats and then moving into 20 jumping jacks. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is not for beginners, but with a few adjustments, you can do intervals at your level. Our staff at Altman Fitness is well-versed in interval training, so get in touch today!


Hip Extensions or Glute Bridges

If you’re looking for a great exercise for your glutes, hip flexers and back, the hip extension (or glute bridge) is the one you’re waiting for. When lying on the floor or with your upper back only on a bench and your feet firmly planted on the ground, you’ll engage your core, legs and glutes to force your feet into the floor, which lifts your butt off of the floor.

This exercise is great for anyone with lower back pain or for someone who wants to tone their glutes and thighs.



A sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on your back. Reverse the pain with a simple exercise you can do while lying down!

The superman exercise move is easy and can be modified for your skill level. Lie flat on your stomach and outstretch your arms above your head. Pretend someone is grabbing your arms and legs, pulling them away from one another, elongating your body.

When you’re ready, you can either lift your arms and chest, your feet and legs, or both up off of the ground. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and then release. Your goal should be to get your limbs as high up off the ground as you can. This exercise is perfect for your abs and back!



Pull-ups are no easy exercise, but they are so worth it! They’re a great upper body workout because they engage every muscle group above your waist.
If you’re not at the point where you can do a pull-up, that’s okay! Use resistance bands for assistance, or perform negative pull-ups or jump pull-ups. Just be careful how many you do when you’re first starting out! You can and will be very sore from these exercises.

If you’d like some guidance on what other exercises to try or if have any questions about form, give us a call at Altman Fitness! Our phone number is 612-454-6409.  We can help change your life and body from the inside out for your 2016 New Years resolution!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Meet Christy

Breast cancer is personal, yet it doesn’t have to be something you go through alone. – Firefly Sisterhood

If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer and live in Minnesota, Firefly Sisterhood exists for you. Their mission is to connect you with a woman who has been through what you’re going through, a Guide who can help light your path from diagnosis to healing.

Let me tell you a little about a local woman named Christy Lund.  I’ve known Christy for several years now because I am her mother’s personal trainer.  October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I asked Christy if I could share her story with you for a couple of reasons.  1.  She has lived through breast cancer and her story in an inspiration.  2.  She is now working for Firefly Sisterhood, the non-profit that I referenced above.

Without further ado,

Meet Christy – from her own words,

In January of 2014, at the age of 42, I received the shock of my life when my internist told me the results of a breast biopsy: I had breast cancer. What??? I had spent the past decade emphasizing clean eating, engaging in very regular exercise, and strengthening my emotional health.

Besides the shock of the diagnosis being nearly overwhelming, foremost in my mind was the question of how I would care for my then 17 month old daughter. I was raising my amazing Grace as a single mother by choice, not having had the right man in my life at a time when I knew I wanted to make my dream to become a mother come true.

Being a single mother is a unique challenge, but it had allowed me to work hard to create a very strong village to support our family. Once I was diagnosed with breast cancer, it didn’t take me long to learn even more ways to ask for help and to expand our growing village. And oh, what support we received!

Throughout my long and arduous treatment, I was very fortunate to be able to take advantage of many integrative practices, including acupuncture, massage, yoga, counseling, and mindfulness training. In addition, I was able to spend a great deal of time as I gained strength and energy engaging in various forms of exercise: walking; jogging; strength training; and more yoga.

I know, without a doubt, that I came through my recovery as well as I did as a result of being physically strong and active prior to my diagnosis, throughout my treatment, and beyond.

Ok, I’m back.  Isn’t her story an inspiration?  Listen, I know that many if not all of us know somebody that has been affected by breast cancer and before you exit this page I’m asking for your help.  I want you to do three things:

  1. Send this blog to anyone you know who can benefit from it.
  2. Visit Firefly Sisterhood to learn more about them.        ==> https://www.fireflysisterhood.org/ <==
  3. Take advantage of my 14 Day Fat Furnace Plan so you can lose weight and get fit AND I can donate 100% of the money you pay for the Plan to Firefly Sisterhood.

Below is the information about my 14 Day Fat Furnace Plan:

(I wrote this to my email list) 🙂

I need your help, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

This was something I was only doing with my clients and their friends
 but so many people loved the idea that I decided to open this up to everyone on my email list.

Not sure if you know this or not, but October is breast cancer awareness month.

If you’re like me, then you may know someone who’s been affected by breast cancer.

Maybe it’s even very close to home for you like it did for one of my private clients.  Her daughter, Christy, a single mother of a just turned 3 year old was given a breast cancer diagnosis just over a year ago.  You can read Christy’s inspiring story above.

With October being the month to raise awareness, I thought we should do our part here at Altman Fitness to raise even more awareness!

So I came up with a plan to raise awareness and (more importantly) to raise money to help fund a local non-profit organization that Christy now works for called Firefly Sisterhood.

But I need your help

During the month of October I’m offering our popular 14-Day Fat Furnace program for only $25 for to folks in our community. Normally this program costs $67, but I wanted to cut the price to less than half so more people can get on board and so we can help raise more money

Yes! I’m donating 100% of the money we get from these 14-Day Fat Furnace Programs to the Firefly Sisterhood.  The Firefly Sisterhood is a local non-profit organization that pairs women who have had breast cancer to women who are recently diagnosed.  Firefly Sisterhood is located in St. Louis Park and all the money we raise stays local and helps women who live right here in our community.  To find out more about Firefly Sisterhood go here:  https://www.fireflysisterhood.org/

The special program is only for the month of October so this is the ONLY time where you’ll get my most popular program for only $25.

  • 14 days of workouts here at Altman Fitness for Fit Body Boot Camp or Power 45 (Low Impact).
  • A fat loss meal plan to help you lose even more fat.
  • And all the motivation and accountability you need to get it amazing shape.

All you have to do is reply to this email or call me at 612-454-6409 and let me know that you want to jump on board with this special “Breast Cancer Awareness” program and you’re in!

Now, I should warn you and let you know that this IS my most popular program and it fills up every time. And since I’ve cut the price for it so low, it’s going to fill up even faster.

So it’s first come, first serve.

Like I said, I’m donating 100% of the money you pay for the 14-Day Fat Furnace to the Firefly Sisterhood and they are LOCAL!

So together we’re doing something really awesome to help out such a great cause
 plus you’ll get an amazing workout, you’ll get into shape, and you’ll feel way better because Altman Fitness workouts just do that to people 😉

You may even want to buy this program for a friend, neighbor or co-worker and bring them along to.

It’s a total win/win/win deal!

Pretty sweet, right?

By the way, you should tell all of your Facebook friends too by posting this up on your Facebook wall:

Altman Fitness is offering their popular 14-Day Fat Furnace workout program and eating plan for weight-loss for only $25 and they’re donating 100% of the money to Firefly Sisterhood, a local nonprofit that pairs women who have had breast cancer to women who are recently diagnosed for support.  I’m doing it! It’s an awesome workout, and a great cause to support considering it’s breast cancer awareness month.  You can reach Altman Fitness by emailing them at office@altmanfitness.com or call them at 612-454-6409

So be sure to get on board with the 14-Day Fat Furnace program now for only $25 and help us with this great cause.

Thank you for your help with this!  Together we can make a REAL difference for REAL women right here in our community,


P.S. Remember, you can call 612-454-6409 or reply to this email and let us know you’re ready and we’ll get you right in this week!