Eight Point Plan for Achieving Fat Loss
By Jay Altman
1. Fix in your mind exactly what you desire as your definite fat loss goal. Write it out in a clear, concise, positive statement. Ex. I will weigh 150 pounds.
2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return to help you achieve fat loss. Will it be your time, your money, your control, etc…? How much money, time or control will you give up in exchange for success? Remember, there is no such reality as “something for nothing.” Ex. I will spend hours and hours teaching myself everything I need to know about fat loss. or I will pay someone to tell me everything I need to know about fat loss.
3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess what you desire. Ex. I will weigh 150 on April 17th, 2013.
4. Create or follow a definite plan for carrying out your fat loss goal and begin immediately, whether you are ready or not, put this plan into action. Do it now – right now.
5. Start by opening a new page in your journal and writing your polished statement of your definite fat loss goal. Next write out the benefits you will receive by carrying out your fat loss goal. Then set the time limit for your goal by choosing an exact date when you want to achieve it. Write down what you intend to give in exchange for your fat loss goal, and create or follow a clear plan through which you intend to get to your goal.
6. Read your written statement out loud at least twice daily. Read it just before you go to sleep at night and again first thing in the morning. As you read, see, feel and believe in your mind that you are already at your goal. Your brain cannot distinguish between what is real and what you believe is real.
7. To guarantee success, engage in regular study, thinking, and planning time about how you can achieve your fat loss goal.
8. Set specific times for regular check-ins to determine whether you are on the right track, so that you don’t get off track to your fat loss goal. Initially, track yourself daily, then weekly, and then monthly or whatever you determine will continue to work best for you. Ex. Weigh yourself daily, then weekly, then monthly
So there you have it, your eight point plan for fat loss. Don’t waste any time. Get going now. Print this off and start using the eight point plan today.
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