Welcome to our new website!
We will be writing about a variety of informative topics to help you achieve your health, weight management, and fitness goals. Be sure to check back often and let us know if there’s a specific topic you’d like for us to include. Here are some of the topics we will be covering – hope you’ll […]
Hello world!
Welcome to Fitness Website Formula Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Transformation Challenge
Now is your time to get the body you deserve! Here’s how in 3 simple steps: Step One: Cut out the Junk The best way to do this is to start by cutting unhealthy foods out of your diet. NOT JUST THE OBVIOUS STUFF EITHER; we’re talking processed foods that contain so many ingredients they […]
Survival Workshop
The holidays are just around the corner, and as fun and exciting as they are, it’s also a little scary when you consider the following facts… 2,000 calories can be in just ONE serving of ONE holiday meal. 20% of obese subjects and 10% overweight subjects gained 5+ pounds during the holidays. For most healthy […]