I started Lapeer Fit Body Boot Camp 3 years ago. I met Brian and Kristen Kalakay at a Spring Expo at our local High School in March/April. I told them I needed something more permanent than temporary programs/walking groups that I can make an excuse not to be there. They explained their Boot Camp program and told me anyone can do it….yeah right!
I was sent an email invite to come see what Boot Camp was all about for2 weeks. 3 months later I contacted the gym to see if the offer was still available. ABSOLUTELY!!
Brian greeted my nervous self at the door. I proceeded to tell him every reason I can’t be here: back knee, out of shape, too heavy and I’m sure more things too. He assured me that I would be fine and teamed me up with a “veteran” (someone who has been with Boot Camp for more than 6 months and knows the routine).
I’m not going to lie, it kicked my butt and I was shaking at the end of the session. I could not even text my husband Jon to tell him how I did. When I got home I told him exactly that, that Boot Camp kicked my butt but that I needed it!
A couple of weeks later, I became a member. Best decision I ever made!I have accomplished so much in the last 3 years that I ever dreamed I could. Just two examples are pushups from my toes and pull ups/chin ups from the high bar. I have dropped 22 pounds, went from a 14 pant to an 8 pant….and they bought me my new pair of jeans at my 1 year anniversary! Woohoo!
The best part of all is my husband thinks “tone” is sexy!!
Thanks so much Brian and the entire Fit Body Boot Camp Family 🙂