
Benefits Of Juicing

Benefits Of Juicing

If you’re wondering what the benefits of juicing are, compared to eating the whole fruit or vegetable, you’ll find that there actually aren’t any. In fact, when you juice, you actually lose the benefit of much of the fiber. There are some indirect benefits, meaning that there’s nothing magic about the juice, but by juicing, you’ll make changes in your diet of fresh fruits and vegetables that provide a benefit. For instance, you’ll probably drink more fruits and vegetables than you could ever eat if they were whole. According to science, there’s no evidence that if you drink the juice of a fruit, it’s healthier than eating the fruit.

Some feel you get more nutrients from juicing, since there’s no fiber to get in the way.

While that statement immediately rings false, since the fiber doesn’t affect the absorption and even aids digestion. Fiber is also important to feed the healthy bacteria in your gut. However, if you remove the fiber from a fruit or vegetable, the volume decreases. That means you’ll be able to consume far more each day if you’re juicing and therefore get more nutrients.

You’ll be able to broaden your selection of fruits and vegetables.

Let’s face it, everyone has that “one veggie” they can’t stand. When you juice, you’ll be able to include a wider variety of fruits and vegetables than you’d normally eat at a meal. Even if you love veggies and eat a lot, like four servings at a meal, you’ll get about 7 to 10 when you juice. The more variety you have, the more potential you have to get all the nutrients you need daily. Dark greens might give a bitter taste to your juice and to hide that, mix in a bit of fructose or add an apple.

The increased fruits and vegetables in your diet can help fight a number of diseases.

You don’t have to juice every day if you don’t want to do that. Some people juice once a week to give their digestion a rest. However, if you juice one meal a day you could add enough extra vegetables and fruits in your diet to help lower blood sugar levels, prevent cancer, lower cholesterol levels and improve your overall good health. It’s even good for your skin.

  • If you want the full benefit of a fruit or vegetable, consider blending and making a smoothie. You’ll get all the fruit or vegetable, plus more fiber and more phytonutrients contained in the skin.
  • If you juice, make only the amount you intend to drink immediately. Freshly squeezed juice can become a petri dish for bacteria quickly.
  • A good recipe for a health juice is 80% vegetables and 20% fruit. Fruits higher in fructose should be limited, such as mangoes. If you choose berries, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are lower than blackberries.
  • You can add herbs and spices to juices to increase the flavor and the health benefits. For instance, adding a bit of ginger, holy basil, parsley or other herb can bring even more benefits.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Alcohol + Weight Loss

Alcohol + Weight Loss

At Upfit Training Academy in New York, NY, a lot of clients enjoy a glass or two of alcohol after work, and some even stop for a drink after a workout. However, if your goal is weight loss, everything that you eat or drink plays a role in whether you achieve your goals or not. Unfortunately, alcohol does have many negative effects, besides the diminished performance both mentally and physically, potential for addiction, increased risk of diabetes and liver disease. Those reasons alone should make you want to skip that drink. If you’re trying to lose weight There are other reasons you might want to stick with water when you gather with friends.

Alcohol has empty calories.

You’re probably already aware that alcohol has calories, but no nutritional value—the very definition of empty calories. The body uses those calories first if you combine it with other carbohydrates, protein or fat. That means it puts off burning fat and adds to the fat storage. However, once those calories from the alcohol are burned, the body goes back to the regular fat processing routine. If you drink, drink straight alcohol on the rocks or with water, so the calories burn faster or opt for wine. Avoid beer and mixed drinks.

Your testosterone level is reduced by alcohol.

If you’re trying to build muscle and lose fat, testosterone is a good friend. Unfortunately, when you drink alcohol, it reduces the potential to act as a fat burner, while lowering metabolic rate by interfering with muscle gain. The less muscle you have, the harder it is to burn calories and the tougher it is to lose weight. Even when you’re resting, you’ll burn fewer calories. By interfering with the testosterone levels, alcohol both directly and indirectly affects your weight loss.

When you drink a glass of alcohol before or with your dinner, you’ll be more likely to eat more.

When you have a drink before dinner, the chances of eating more increases. Not only does it lower your inhibitions, making you more susceptible to over-eating, you simply feel hungrier and eat more. One study found that taking an alcoholic drink before dinner beefed up caloric intake far greater than if you drank a soft drink or water. Another study compared how much was eaten at a meal with an alcoholic drink compared to a meal with a soft drink. The subjects were told to eat as much as they wanted. When they drank alcohol, they ate far more they did with the soft drink.

  • Alcohol has twice as many calories per gram as protein and most carbohydrates. Alcohol logs in at seven calories for each gram, which is just about twice that as protein or other carbs. Fat has just two calories more per gram at 9 calories per gram, but without any potential for nutrients good for health.
  • Besides the calories from alcohol, which provide no bulk to fill you, many alcoholic drinks contain other ingredients that add to the caloric intake. The calories cause insulin release that increases fat storage.
  • About 25% of the alcohol is directly absorbed from the stomach to the blood stream, with the rest absorbed through the small intestine. Carbonated alcohol, like champagne is absorbed more quickly. Food slows down absorption.
  • The pounds gained from drinking alcohol tend to accumulate in the belly. There’s no doubt about it, beer bellies do exit. If you’re struggling to get rid of that belly fat, stick with water with your meal.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

How To Stay Hydrated During Winter

How To Stay Hydrated During Winter

You probably don’t feel much like drinking cold water when the weather is below zero, but it’s just as important as when it was 90 degrees and toasty. That makes it harder to stay hydrated during winter, since you feel less like drinking water. We focus on hydration all times of the year at Upfit Academy in New York, NY, because it’s so important for your body.

You may not notice you’re losing fluid.

During the winter, sweat evaporates easier, since the air is often dryer and not nearly as humid. That causes it to evaporate quicker. You also lose fluid when you breathe. That cloud of water vapor when you can see your breath outside is also water vapor and the drier the air—which happens in cold weather—the more you lose. Your body reacts to cold weather by restricting blood flow and constricting surface vessels to save heat. That makes the body feel like you’re adequately hydrated, but your not. Even the choice of drinks is different and often highly caffeinated, such as coffee, which means they’re natural diuretics, causing you to lose more fluid.

Water is only second to air in the list of importance.

You can live three minutes without air, three days without water and three weeks without food. You need water for your joints to lubricate. Every organ in your body requires water. The body contains approximately 55-65 % water. The heart and brain contain 73 % water, the lungs have 83% and muscles and kidneys contain 79%. Dehydration affects how well they work. Seniors have a harder time staying hydrated and signs of dehydration can often be the same as dementia and senility. Water helps rid the body of toxins and acts as a shock absorber for the brain.

You can create a goal to drink more water.

Just like your fitness goal, setting a goal to drink more water and tracking it can help. In fact, there are apps to remind you to take a drink of water, if you have a problem remembering. Carry a bottle of water with you at all times and sip on it throughout the day. If nothing else, it will remind you to take a sip when you have a minute. If you have a problem with plain water, hot green tea, cinnamon tea, ginger tea and other herbal teas can help. While green tea does contain caffeine, which is a diuretic, it doesn’t have as much as coffee. Cut out alcohol consumption, it dehydrates you.

  • If you’re feeling a little tired and find it difficult to focus, try a bottle or glass of water before grabbing a cup of coffee. You’ll find it is often just what you need to get energized and far better than coffee.
  • Certain foods can add to your hydration. Fruit like oranges, cantaloupe, strawberries and celery are good. Soup made with broth, rather than cream soups, are also hydrating, plus they’re warm, often lower in calories, filling and delicious.
  • There’s no adequate way to determine exactly how much water you need. One estimate for a sedentary person is to cut the number of pounds you weigh in half and drink that many ounces of water. If you weigh 140 pounds, 70 ounces of water is your baseline. Add more if you are active.
  • When you’re exercising, it’s even more important to drink extra water. Sip the water, don’t guzzle it. It’s suggested that during a tough workout you lose a cup of water every fifteen minutes. Replenish it with one and a half times that during and after your workout.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Does Exercise Help Lose Fat?

Does Exercise Help Lose Fat?

When you exercise, you burn calories and that can cause you to lose weight, but does it cause you to lose fat? Not necessarily. Some aerobic exercises, such as running long distances, burn tons of calories, but those calories come from burning both fat and lean muscle tissue. If shedding fat is your goal, that simply won’t help. What does help burn fat? Strength building exercise helps burn fat. When you do strength training, you’re burning a lot of calories, but you’re also building muscle. That means the calories are coming from fat.

Strength training also does more to help you shed fat.

Muscle tissue requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does, so the more you have, the more calories you burn. Not only will you maintain and build muscles as you burn fat, you’ll boost your metabolism to help you burn even more calories. That means that it helps you lose pounds, by burning fat, but also keep pounds off in the future.

The amount of time you exercise affects fat loss.

You probably think that more is better and a long workout is best, but you’d be wrong. You need to workout hard when you workout and push it as far as you can with shorter breaks. You can increase the amount of weight you lift to make it harder, rather than increasing the length of time you spend. Once you workout an hour, studies show the benefit of the workout drops dramatically and subjects you to the potential of muscle damage from injury.

Don’t forget about healthy eating.

Eating healthy not only helps you lose weight by controlling caloric intake, it helps you build muscle tissue. Protein is ultimately important if you want to build muscle tissue. Animal sources for lean protein include chicken, beef, fish and turkey. Plant sources include beans, tofu, nuts or seeds. You can boost the benefits of plant protein by fermenting seeds before using them for baked product or cereals. Soaking them or sprouting them also helps.

  • If you’re trying to lose fat, don’t worry about the scales if you’re eating healthy and working out. A cubic inch of muscle tissue weighs more than a cubic inch of fat, so you may be burning fat and replacing it with muscle, but the scales won’t show any weight loss. Track loss of inches.
  • Make sure your diet has adequate protein. Protein makes you feel fuller so you won’t eat as much or as often. It also takes more calories to burn. You need protein to build muscle tissue, too.
  • Besides exercise, don’t forget about hydration. If you’re dehydrated, even slightly, you’ll have less energy and burn fewer calories. The next time you get tired, don’t grab a cup of coffee, but get a bottle of water instead. You’ll be surprised at how it energizes you.
  • Getting enough sleep is also important for shedding fat. While you sleep, the body converts fat to energy. You’ll be able to work toward your maximum potential. Sleep also balances satiety and hunger hormones. Adequate sleep means you won’t get hungry as often.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

How To Beat A Weight Loss Plateau

How To Beat A Weight Loss Plateau

Everyone has faced it at one time or another, a weight plateau. You may be doing almost everything right but still can’t lose more weight. You notice the word almost was used. That’s because there are things you can do to beat a weight loss plateau that can make a big difference. What is plateauing and why does it occur? Sometimes, plateauing occurs for a week or two, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t losing fat, it just means you aren’t losing weight. There’s a big difference. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, it’s also more compact. That means a pound of muscle tissue would require a much smaller container than a pound of fat. While you might not be losing weight, you probably are replacing fat tissue with muscle tissue, so you look thinner.

Doing the same thing repeatedly can cause you to plateau.

Have you been doing the same routine for months without making any changes? Maybe that’s why you’re having problems with weight loss. The longer you do the same type of motion, such as a specific exercise, your body becomes more efficient at doing that motion. The more efficient your body becomes, the fewer calories you burn. Rather than sticking with the same workout for months or years, vary it frequently.

Maybe sticking with the same caloric intake should be considered.

Weighing more than should is like constantly carrying around a weight. If it’s thirty pounds extra, you’re burning a lot of calories, as you would carrying a thirty pound weight. When you start to lose weight, unless you’re building muscle tissue, you’re caloric requirement will drop. It’s like doing lifts with 30-pound weights and then changing the routine to use ten pound weights. It’s often why that last ten pounds is hardest. Another way to trick your metabolism is to have a cheat day. A cheat day means eating some of your favorite high calorie foods, but not overdoing it. Cheat days help keep your metabolism higher and a slower metabolism means burning fewer calories.

Get all types of training, strength, flexibility, endurance and balance.

Are you drinking enough water? That may be part of the plateauing problem. Water can help curb your appetite, act like a diuretic, flush out toxins and fill you up. Drink a glass of water before you eat and you’ll eat less.

  • Get more sleep. Not only does lack of sleep cause you to work less efficiently, it also makes you hungrier. Lack of sleep causes you to produce less hormone that makes you feel full and more of the hormone that makes you feel hungry.
  • Keep a food diary to make sure you aren’t eating food you don’t realize. Do you lick spoons when you’re cooking, grab a handful of candy as you pass the dish on your friend’s desk or even finish the last spoonful of potatoes so it doesn’t go to waste? It all adds up to extra calories.
  • Vary your diet and make sure you have adequate protein. You not only need protein to build muscle tissue, it also helps you feel fuller sooner and stay fuller longer.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Start Your Resolution Today

Start Your Resolution Today

Every year people make New Year’s resolutions and by the end of the second week of January, most of them are broken. One of the problems is that they’re just resolutions, without a path to reach them. You can start your resolution today, but don’t forget to turn it into a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. It’s the only way you’ll make your resolutions come true.

SMART is how you can remember to make goals.

As noted before, goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. Those letters create the acronym SMART. Specific goals include goals like, I will lose twenty pounds, not I will lose weight. Measurable is included in the goal, since it names the number of pounds, but can be broken down to I will lose two pounds a week for ten weeks. If your goal was to lose twenty pounds in a week, it wouldn’t fit the next category, attainable. Relevant means it’s important to you, not just a whim. Finally, time based indicates you have a specific time frame, not just some day, because without it, you don’t know if you’re succeeding or failing and some day never comes.

No matter how much paperwork you do to make it a goal, you have to take action.

If you’re a chronic procrastinator, you may use the goal setting experience as a new way to put off starting your fitness regimen. Be true to yourself. Identify whether it’s what you’re doing and just do something. It’s one reason we offer virtual training, so you can begin your program immediately. Without action, there are never any changes and if you want positive changes, you must do something, NOW.

You don’t have to go big.

You can start small and make minor changes. Take a walk every day if you’re not ready for a full workout program or fit enough to start one. As your fitness improves, gently move toward a program of regular exercise. If you want to lose weight, start by giving up sugar. It’s the toughest thing to do, since sugar is in everything and very addictive. Keep a journal of your changes or take a photo of yourself to log your progress. It won’t take long before you’ll notice changes in your appearance and overall health.

  • Fitness takes both physical and mental changes. You have to have the proper mindset. Working out not only trains the body, it trains the brain neurons. Find activities you enjoy, making it easier to stick with your program.
  • Always look forward and never backward. Don’t look at all the failures of the past. That won’t change them. Instead, get rid of the negativity and congratulate yourself for all the positive steps you take.
  • When you’re getting into shape, focus on more than just the scales. Take measurements, pictures of yourself and note your energy level on paper. You’ll see that you’re making progress when you stick with the program, even on those weeks when the scales say differently.
  • Working out is more fun when you have a workout buddy. It also keeps you more accountable when you workout with someone else. If you work with us, a personal trainer acts in that capacity. If you’re working out on your own, find a friend, spouse or family member to join you.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Have You Considered A Plant-Based Diet?

Have You Considered A Plant-Based Diet?

At Upfit Training Academy in New York, NY, we focus on programs that help you become your healthiest and fittest. What you eat, exercise, how much you sleep and a broad range of other factors affect your health, but some are more important than others are. Diet is probably at the top of the list for good health. There are many philosophies on what type of diet is the best. Each choice should be individual, based on personal needs and preferences. A plant-based diet is one of those options. Is it the right choice for you? Investigating the pros and cons is the only way to decide.

What is a plant-based diet?

There are different levels of plant-based diets. Some allow only food from plant sources, while others focus on food mostly from plant sources, but allow eggs and/or milk products. Some include fish or seafood, while others include all types of food, but diet is primarily plant-based, such as the MIND or Mediterranean diet. What is most important in any plant-based diet is eating whole foods and avoiding over processed ones. White rice, bleached wheat products and highly processed food with chemical additives are not part of this type of diet.

There are benefits to plant-based diets.

Plant-based diets can lower blood pressure, which makes it heart healthy and lowers the risk of stroke. Studies show that a plant-based diet can also reduce the risk of developing diabetes. One hypothesis is that a plant-based diet is lower in saturated fat, which can increase the risk. While the jury is out on whether it definitively lowers the risk of cancer, plants contain many nutrients that help protect the body from it. Those include minerals, fiber and many plant chemicals. There is substantial proof it does help lower the risk for specific types of cancer. Weight management and improved cognitive functioning are also positives.

Are there any negatives to a plant-based diet?

One of the biggest functions of a plant-based diet is to get people to eat more whole food without additives, sugar and refining. If you go on this type of diet, but still opt for processed food, you’re defeating the whole purpose. Without proper planning, you could experience problems like low intake of quality protein, iron deficiency, leaching of calcium from the bone, B-12 deficiency and reduced intake of essential fatty acids.

  • While it may be difficult to manage a nutritionally balanced plant-based diet, it could be a huge benefit for weight control. Just adding an extra helping of vegetables and reducing the amount of red meat can be a benefit.
  • Plant-based diets can be far less expensive than traditional methods of eating. Just making one day a week a meatless day can significantly cut the cost of groceries over a year’s time.
  • A plant-based diet may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s according to several studies. Just increasing your daily diet of fruit or vegetables by 100 grams lowered the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia by 13%.
  • A major study showed that consuming a plant-based diet decreased the risk of death from all causes by 25%.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Is Coffee Bad For Your Health?

Is Coffee Bad For Your Health?

If you can’t get started in the morning without your favorite cup of joe, then you don’t want to hear that coffee is bad for your health. If you love that coffee, there’s good news on the horizon, plus some bad news, too. Coffee gets mixed reviews when it comes to whether or not its healthy. It has both good and bad plant chemicals and nutrients in it.

Coffee can give you that little burst of energy when you need it most.

The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that absorbs in our bloodstream, then goes to the brain. It blocks the neurotransmitter adenosine. That allows dopamine and norepinephrine is allowed to increase and boost the firing of neurons. Studies show that it can improve areas of brain functioning. You’ll burn more fat when you drink coffee, primarily because of the caffeine. The caffeine in a cup of coffee signals the body to burn fat and increase adrenaline levels, which improves performance at the gym.

There are also nutrients in coffee and it reduces the risk of diabetes.

Believe it or not, even though coffee has no calories, it provides some nutrition. There’s 11 % of your RDI—Referenced Daily Intake—of vitamin B2 in just one cup of coffee. That same cup has 6% vitamin B5, 2% of vitamins B1 and B3. It offers 1% folate RDI, 3% of both potassium and manganese and 2% RDI of niacin and magnesium. Studies show that drinking coffee can even reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes by as much as 67%.

The shakes and other problems can come from drinking too much coffee.

Yes, you can get too much of a good thing, even coffee. Each person has his or her own tolerance level to the effects of caffeine, where the boost in energy becomes shaking discomfort for the rest of the day. Too much can cause heart palpitations, panic attacks and disrupt sleep. To avoid the problems, monitor your coffee intake and don’t drink it later in the day, such as after 2:00 pm. If you want to quit coffee, take it slowly. The caffeine is addictive and there’s withdrawal symptoms, like headaches and irritability.

  • While most people don’t drink coffee for the health benefits, be aware that decaf doesn’t have them. It’s made by using solvents to remove the caffeine.
  • When you drink coffee, make it coffee made with a paper filter. French press unfiltered coffee has cafestol, which increases cholesterol levels.
  • Drink just plain coffee, with not sugar, sugar substitutes, cream or cream substitutes. They add loads of extra calories and aside from minor benefits from real cream, very little nutrition.
  • Coffee contains high amounts of antioxidants to keep you healthier. It also can lower the risk for Parkinson’s disease by as much as 60%.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Favorite Healthy Breakfasts

Favorite Healthy Breakfasts

Healthy breakfasts help you start off the day right and can help you lose weight, by keeping you feeling full longer. I have several favorites and some that clients have shared. In fact, if you have a healthy breakfast option you’d like to share, please feel free to do so in the comment section. We all are better when we help each other with knowledge. Some people simply do not like to eat breakfast. In fact, some are natural intermittent fasters. For the rest of us, here are some breakfasts that are perfect for the weekend and some that will get you out of the house quickly.

If you’re always running late, plan for a quick breakfast on the go.

Breakfasts take time to prepare and if you’re a last minute leaver, you may not have that time. That’s why preparing overnight oats with fruit and nuts on top could be a huge benefit. The oatmeal has fiber that fills you up and when topped with fruit and nuts provide protein and loads of nutrients. You can take time over the weekend to make healthy banana bread or pumpkin bread, then spread on some nut butter and you’re ready to leave. Another option is a hard-boiled egg. It even has its own container. Add a banana or some toast with mashed avocado and it’s a fast breakfast packed with nutritional power that keeps you full longer.

If time isn’t a problem, enjoy a royal breakfast.

If you have time on the weekend or even a day off during the week, where you can enjoy both the process of making breakfast and eating it, one of my all time favorites is a scramble. It’s a great way to use up the extra vegetables in the frig, too. I like a vegetarian option and normally include onions, mushrooms, broccoli and pepper. If I have cut up carrots, spinach, or kale, they go in, too. If I have a craving for more meat, leftover beef or turkey can be added. You can also add all the ingredients in a bowl, making sure you cut the vegetables in small pieces and pour it in a muffin cup and bake, for a mini scramble egg muffin.

Make sure you include protein, a source of fiber and healthy fat.

If you want to feel fuller longer, don’t forget the healthy fat, protein and fiber. They’re all an important part of your diet and will help you stay fuller longer. Protein includes meat, milk, eggs or even beans, such as a breakfast burrito. Healthy fat can include avocado, eggs, cheese or nuts, for example. You’ll get fiber from oatmeal, muesli, nuts and seeds. Try to include these things in your breakfast recipes.

  • Having the ingredients ready for a smoothie is a quick breakfast idea. Just toss them in the blender, pour in your cup and you’re ready to go. Clean up is a breeze and only takes a second. Put water in the blender, turn it on and you’re ready to go.
  • Breakfast sandwiches are becoming more popular with people on the go that want to eat healthier. Try an open face sandwich on whole grain. Sliced avocado, smoked salmon, tomatoes, eggs, baby lettuce and a bit of feta are a few of the ingredients you can use.
  • Be prepared for those mornings you simply don’t have time. Have some natural peanut butter and fresh fruit at your office or on the kitchen shelf ready to go. Apples and bananas are both great with nut butter of any type.
  • Plain Greek yogurt topped with walnuts or almonds and frozen or fresh berries or fruit is a filling breakfast. Chopped frozen black cherries, wheat germ, walnuts and Greek yogurt is filling and delicious.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Academy

Keeping Fit On The Go

Keeping Fit On The Go

It’s been a tough time and getting back to normal is even tougher. As your life gets busier and more complicated, with travel to other parts of the country, keeping fit on the go becomes one of the more perplexing problems. I have some clients that prefer the gym environment and strictly workout here. Others schedule time once or twice a month, and other times they workout on their own using the virtual training. Still, others are quite content to use the virtual training for their normal workout and one on the go. No matter which you do, stay fit should be your top priority. So do the one that works best for you.

Exercising on the go can be far easier than you thought.

Just getting up 45 minutes to an hour earlier can help you get your workout in for the day, so that life’s interruptions don’t get in the way. Not only is starting your day with a workout a good way to keep you on schedule, it also gets your blood circulating and makes you more alert. Our virtual program is excellent for early morning risers and those who travel.

We have exercise programs that don’t require a lot of space and can be done anywhere.

Many people have switched to strictly working at home, so taking a break from work to workout is excellent. You can break the sessions into two or three ten to fifteen minute sessions to give yourself a break from sitting. If you’re on the road, simply stopping at a rest stop and taking time to do lunges, squats beside your vehicle or simply walk around can get your blood circulating. Resistance bands are also great on-the-go pieces of equipment. Our virtual workouts can be done in a hotel room if you’re out of town.

Staying healthy on-the-go also means eating healthier.

Plan and schedule your meals ahead of time, especially if you’re busy. We have nutritional programs that can help you do it. Take time on the weekend to prepare all the food for the week and use it throughout the week when you’re busiest. You’ll be less tempted to opt for fast food if you already have healthy food ready.

  • Much of the virtual training program uses no equipment and bodyweight exercises. If you normally come to the gym for training, your trainer can create a program for you to use on the road.
  • No matter what you do, always break up longer periods of sitting by moving around approximately five to ten minutes every hour. Studies show that long periods of sitting can wipe out much of the benefit that exercise brings.
  • Make changes in your life to increase your activity. Park further from the store and walk, take the stairs not the elevator and walk faster, taking longer strides when you’re out and about.
  • Don’t skip sleep and stay hydrated. Drink approximately eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily and get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Academy