Do Older Adults Need to Strength Train?
Anyone remember the Silver Sneakers program?
Think seniors moving torturously slower than they wanted to doing choreographed moves over a chair.
“While there are instances where low-intensity, low- volume programs are appropriate (i.e., beginning programs for individuals with frailty or CVDs), the greatest benefits are possible with progression to moderate to higher intensity programs.” (Fragala et al. 2019)
Our progression to that Silver Sneakers program would be going home.
It’s almost as if we put a glass ceiling on our older adults, put em in a bubble.
“No they shouldn’t lift that.”
“They’re going to hurt their backs.”
We say forget that.
Our UpFit Master’s program members put a lot of young bucks to shame.

Joe loves Goblet Squats
It took courage, patience, consistency to get here, but these badasses know what it means to be anti fragile.
To be strong.
To be tough. ✊️✊️
To be resilient.
And they’ve earned it..through good ol’ fashioned hard work.

Pat loves to train!
Ask about our UpFit Master’s Program, and let us show you how to start believing that age is truly just a number.
“Maintaining a high muscle force-generating capacity into older age is related to beneficial effects on functional performance, which may not be achieved with recreational activity, thus highlighting strength training as an important contribution to healthy aging.” (Unhjem et al. 2019)
Learn the fundamentals of strength and power training and how to put on muscle at ANY age.
“Despite what could be interpreted as a blunted ‘physiologic reserve’ in aged skeletal muscle, numerous studies provide encouraging evidence that older muscles adapt vigorously to resistance training with marked myofibre hypertrophy.” (Hunter et al. 2004)
The program is here, the community is here, the coaches are here. Are you?
-Coach Paul