Everyone has been constipated at some time in their life. It’s uncomfortable, but a topic that isn’t always discussed with friends. What you eat makes a huge difference in whether you have to strain when you’re on the toilet or make your bathroom visit shorter and more productive. While your diet plays a big role, other things can help you “get moving,” too.
Constipation comes from several things, one is lack of liquid in the colon.
Another reason for constipation occurs when food passes through the colon too slowly, causing too much liquid is removed. That causes hard, dry stools that make it hard to pass. If you want to make the waste to pass faster, so less fluid is removed, exercise is one way to help. It causes the contractions to accelerate and the muscles in the intestines to push food through faster as it increases your heart rate and breathing. Just walking or riding a bike can help.
Drink more fluid throughout the day.
If you’re even slightly dehydrated, it can cause your pooh to be harder, with less fluid to allow easy passage. It may not help you unless you’re in one of three groups, people who are dehydrated, pregnant women and older people. Studies show that people who are dehydrated, no matter how mild, benefited from extra water. Studies showed that by increasing fluid intake, it lowered the risk of constipation in pregnant women. In several studies on older individuals, there was a direct relationship between low fluid intake and constipation. Seniors are also more susceptible to dehydration.
Add fiber to your diet whenever possible.
There are two types of fiber and both of them help to make your bathroom time shorter. Soluble fiber dissolves in water to create a gel that keeps stools softer and easier to pass. Insoluble fiber adds bulk, which can also help you go….unless you don’t have enough fluid, then it’s like adding cement to your stools. Focus on legumes, apples, figs, sweet potatoes, avocados and other foods high in soluble fiber. If you eat a lot of white rice, bananas or other food high in insoluble fiber, drink extra water so you don’t create a brick in your colon. Sometimes, too much insoluble fiber makes matters worse.
- Certain diseases and medications for those diseases can cause constipation. Thyroid problems, MS, IBS, diabetes and hypercalcemia are those health problems. See a physician to make sure it isn’t just diet that’s the problem.
- Eating fewer carbohydrates and eating more probiotic foods, such as sauerkraut, kefir or yogurt, can help relieve constipation. Avoid processed foods and foods high in sugar and white flour if you have chronic constipation
- Coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that causes intestinal muscles to contract and make going easier. Foods higher in magnesium, like spinach, also help.
- Prunes and prune juice are also notable for treating constipation, but be aware a little goes a long way. If you suffer from bloating and gas from prunes, stick with prune juice and avoid juice with pulp. Drinking a glass of water before consuming prunes or prune juice helps.
For more information, contact us today at Upfit Academy