Hi Kirra, here!
I can promise you I care about the health and well-being of each one of you. That is why I have dedicated my passion into the time and effort it takes for you not only to CRUSH your immediate GOALS but continue to create a world where you wake up each and every day and feel satisfied knowing that you now live in a healthier world because you chose a healthier life!
Oh and…
Rest assured, you are in great hands as I am a Certified Elite Personal Trainer & Nutritionist! I also specialize in Aquatic Fitness and Bodybuilding.
Kirra is proud to announce that she was recently named 2019 Colorado Athlete of the Year & Ms. Braveheart by clinching the overall win, thus ultimately becoming a Nationally qualified NPC Bikini Competitor. In 2020 she placed in the Top 5 nationally in the Masters Bikini Division.
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* Gold's Gym Greeley (970) 451-8440