
Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myths

If you’re tired of all those weight loss myths, magic diets and ridiculous “get thin quickly” schemes you find on the internet? Many of my clients at Rising Fitness in Houston, TX were and came to get sound advice that really worked. We use science-backed training and an individual approach. No two people are alike and that should be reflected in their weight loss program. Some gyms and trainers do a one size fits all approach, which doesn’t work for everyone.

Just counting carbs and calories isn’t enough.

A calorie is a standardized measure of energy provided by a specific food. Any energy your body doesn’t burn is converted to fat for later use. When you count calories, you attempt to keep the calorie intake lower than the number of calories you burn. That doesn’t mean all calories are equal. There’s a lot of difference between eating 400 calories of a quality protein food and 400 calories from a simple carb. Protein goes through a different digestive process that causes you to feel fuller longer, while boosting your metabolism and aiding in the weight loss function. Calories from carbs like fruits and vegetables come with nutrients that help weight loss, while carbs from donuts with the same number of calories don’t. What you eat is more important than how many calories or carbs you eat.

Don’t weigh yourself daily or expect the same weight loss every week.

Weighing yourself every day, even if it’s at the same time, can be quite discouraging. If you expect to lose weight at a level rate, you’ll be discouraged quickly. A lot of things can affect how much weight you lose. Water weight affects weight loss and the amount of muscle you gained affects it, too. Judge your efforts over several weeks. If you’re doing everything right, you’ll be successful.

You need more than exercise to lose weight.

While working out is part of getting healthier and losing weight, what you eat makes a huge difference. In fact, there’s a saying that a great body starts in the kitchen. Weight loss is all about calories in vs calories burned and having all the nutrients to keep you torching calories. When you eat healthy and time your snacks to complement your workout, you’ll get more from your workout and lose weight faster. You need both a health diet and a program of exercise, which is why we focus on both.

  • One of the most prevalent myths is that you have to starve yourself to lose weight. The opposite is actually true. A super low calorie diet can actually lower your metabolism and make weight loss harder.
  • Some people focus on aerobic exercise for weight loss and skip other types of workouts. Aerobic training may burn calories, but they’re from both fat and muscle tissue. When you lose muscle tissue, your metabolism slows. Use all types of training, particularly strength training, for weight loss.
  • Instead of choosing special “diet foods” at the grocery, opt for more whole foods that have less processing is best. Even diet drinks can be a trap. Recent studies show diet soft drinks can actually cause you to put on belly fat.
  • Don’t fall for those television commercials that tell you that weight loss comes without effort by just taking a pill. Many of those “magic pills” come with a recommended low calorie diet and that’s really why you lose weight. The pills only make your wallet thinner.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

How Many Times Should You Workout A Week?

How Many Times Should You Workout A Week?

If you’ve wondered how often to workout a week, you might be asking the wrong question or have missing information, like what types of workouts should you do and should they be varied. While it’s true that working out at least three days a week is a great start, you can actually do more and get good results, but not if you’re doing the same type of exercise every day.

You need all types of training.

If you’re only doing cardio, you’re not doing yourself a favor. You need a variety of training to achieve fitness in all areas, strength, balance, flexibility and endurance, also known as cardio. You need balance when you workout. If you do strength training every day, you’ll actually be doing your body a disservice. Your body needs at least 48 hours to recover, since strength training causes micro tears in the muscles. If you don’t have that time for your body to heal, it can cause muscle loss and set you back, rather than aid you in achieving your goals.

Start slower and add to your workout.

If you haven’t worked out for a while, you shouldn’t start by planning to work out at high intensity for an hour a day. It’s better to start slowly and work up toward a tougher workout. The reason is simple. Those initial workouts prepare your body and get it ready for tougher ones. If you do too much initially, you’ll either end up sore, which can lead to skipping the next workout, or injured, which leads to skipping the next month of workouts. Starting with a half-hour three days a week and building up to an hour, can help boost your chances for success.

Supplementing your workout can be quite beneficial.

If you’re working hard in the gym or online three days a week doing flexibility training and strength training, with a touch of cardio, there’s nothing wrong with going for a walk on those days off or doing yoga. Those types of workouts help you stretch your muscle groups and participate in active recovery. They’re easy on the body, but increase circulation to boost the healing of muscle tissue.

  • At The Worx, we can provide a program of healthy eating and exercise designed specifically for you. You won’t overwork your body, but will get in the right amount of exercise to see the transformation faster.
  • The longer you participate in a fitness program, the more days a week you can exercise, as long as it’s not all strength training. For the average person who isn’t a bodybuilder, strength training should never be done two days in a row.
  • No matter what your workout program, the key to success is consistency. Even the best program created by a personal trainer won’t work if you don’t do it on a consistent basis.
  • If you’re unsure where to begin, at The Worx, we offer two weeks of free at home training. You’ll get zoom workouts, meal plans and so much more, which takes the confusion out of how many days a week to train.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness!