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Core Training & BOSU

Core Training & BOSU

The BOSU ball is one of the best pieces of fitness equipment on the market for training your core muscles. Whenever you exercise on the BOSU ball, your body engages your core muscles as it attempts to balance and over time this leads to significant improvements in core strength. Whilst the BOSU ball always engages your core muscles, some exercises are much more effective at targeting them than others. In this article I will be helping you find those exercises by listing my top five BOSU ball core training exercises.


1) BOSU Crunches

 Crunches are one of the oldest but most effective core training exercises around. Performing them on a BOSU ball gives your core muscles an even better workout as they have to help you balance as well as focussing on the actual crunch.

To perform BOSU crunches, sit on the BOSU ball with your knees bent. Lie back so that your back is arched across the BOSU ball and bring your hands up to the side of your head. Then slowly crunch your abs together, release and return to the starting position. Perform as many crunches as you can and try to improve consistently week on week.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Crunches <<<


2) BOSU Planks

 Planks are an excellent way to strengthen your core without curving your lower back and are ideal for anyone who suffers from back problems. Adding a BOSU ball to the mix makes planks even more difficult as you have to engage your core more than usual to stay balanced.

To perform BOSU planks, put the BOSU ball in front of you, kneel down and place your forearms on it. Bring your knees off the ground, balance on your toes and forearms, tighten your core muscles and hold this position. To add extra intensity, roll the BOSU ball from side to side as you hold the plank. Hold it for as long as you can and try to increase the amount of time you can hold it for each week.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Planks <<<


3) BOSU Reverse Planks

 Reverse planks are very similar to standard planks but place more emphasis on strengthening your lower back. Performing them on a BOSU ball is extremely challenging because you have to balance without being able to see the BOSU ball.

To perform BOSU reverse planks, sit on the BOSU ball and place your hands by your side. Slowly lift your hips off the BOSU ball, straighten your legs, neck and spine and tighten your core muscles. Hold the position for as long as you can and try to increase the amount of time you hold it for each week.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Reverse Planks <<<


4) BOSU Side Planks

Side planks are a great way to tone and strengthen your oblique muscles. Doing side planks on a BOSU ball adds an extra level of intensity as you have to balance at a difficult angle whilst also keeping your core muscles tight.

To perform BOSU side planks, lie on your side with the BOSU ball at chest height and your legs stretched out. Place your forearm on the BOSU ball, raise your hips off the ground and balance on your feet and forearms. Hold the position for as long as you can and try to increase the amount of time you hold it for each week. Once you have held the BOSU side plank for as long as you can, flip over to the other side and repeat the hold.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Side Planks <<<


5) BOSU V Hold

 The BOSU V hold is the toughest core exercise on this list. It requires super balance and super core strength. To perform the BOSU V hold, sit on the BOSU ball with your legs straight out, your toes pointed up and your hands on the BOSU ball. Raise them off the ground and lean back a little. Once you have your balance, take your hands off the BOSU ball and stretch them out at either side. Slowly clap your hands above your head and then lower them back to your side. Continue clapping and hold the position for as long as you can. Try to in665192_origcrease the amount of time you can hold it for each week.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU V Hold <<<



A strong set of core muscles has many benefits. It improves your posture, prevents pain, boosts your exercise performance and more. If you practice the core training exercises listed above regularly, you will have a solid set of core muscles in no time at all. So if your core has always been one of your week points, grab a BOSU ball and start building your core muscles today

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Core Training & BOSU

V.I.P 1 to 1 Fitness Center is hands down Fort Lee’s best kept secret! About a year ago I felt like I wasn’t able to keep up with my three kids. I knew it was time to make a change both physically and mentally. I contacted Brian Hernandez and have been training with Brian for less than 3 months. The compliments I began receiving about my shape, I had not heard in over a decade. Not to mention, the impact Brian has had on my overall well being is beyond descriptive. I have recommended Brian to 4 of my friends and they are as happy as I am with their results. All that I can say, if you are serious and committed to truly making a positive change, reach out to Brian and find out for yourself. This is the best decision I have ever made!!!!

Strength Training & BOSU

Strength Training & BOSU

The BOSU ball’s primary function is to improve balance and core stability. However, it’s also a pretty nifty way to enhance your strength training workouts. By lifting weights on a BOSU ball you can get all the benefits of the weight training and also boost your balance and work your core muscles at the same time.

In this article I will be discussing six of the top strength training exercises you can perform on a BOSU ball. One key thing to remember is that a BOSU ball is a lot less stable than a bench or the floor, so you will not be able to lift as much weight. If this is your first time using a BOSU ball, I would recommend selecting weights that are at least one band lighter than what you normally lift for these exercises.


1) BOSU Dumbbell Chest Presses

 Dumbbell chest presses are a fantastic exercise that build strength in both sides of your chest equally. By adding the unstable surface of the BOSU ball you get to engage your legs and core muscles too.

To perform BOSU dumbbell chest presses, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up) and a pair of dumbbells. Sit on the BOSU ball and put the dumbbells on the floor next to your knees. Then lift the dumbbells off the floor, curl them towards your chest and slowly slide down the BOSU ball until your bum is on the ground, your upper back is on the BOSU ball and your knees are bent. Once you are in this position, push your bum off the ground and slowly press the dumbbells towards the ceiling until your arms are fully extended. Once your arms are fully extended slowly bend your elbows and return the dumbbells to their starting position. Repeat for 8 to 12 repetitions depending on your goals.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Dumbbell Chest Presses <<<


2) BOSU Standing Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

 Standing overhead dumbbell tricep extensions are one of the most effective exercises for isolating your triceps. Performing them on a BOSU ball brings in your legs and core too as you focus on balancing as well as lifting the weight.

To perform BOSU standing overhead dumbbell tricep extensions, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up) and a pair of dumbbells. Stand on the BOSU ball and hold the dumbbells in each hand above your head. Then bend your elbows whilst keeping the top of your arms straight above your head and lower the dumbbells behind your head. Once your elbows reach a 45 degree angle, extend your elbows and raise the dumbbells back above your head to the starting position. Repeat for 8 to 12 repetitions depending on your goals.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Standing Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions <<

 3) BOSU One Armed Dumbbell Rows

 One armed dumbbell rows are an excellent way to build muscle in your back. Adding a BOSU ball to the mix makes the exercise extra tough as you have to balance with one hand whilst lifting the dumbbell with the other.To perform BOSU one armed dumbbell rows, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up for beginners, platform side up for the more advanced) and a single dumbbell, then place them next to each other on the floor. Place one arm on the BOSU ball and one arm on the dumbbell, straighten your legs out behind you and assume the press up position. Once you have your balance, slowly pull the dumbbell off the floor towards your chest. Once the dumbbell touches your chest, slowly lower the dumbbell until it is just above the ground. Repeat for 8 to 12 repetitions depending on your goals.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU One Armed Dumbbell Rows <<<


4) BOSU Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curls

 Standing bicep curls are a brilliant way to isolate the biceps. Doing them on a BOSU ball gives your legs and core muscles a work out too as you have to lift the weights and maintain your balance.

To perform BOSU standing bicep curls, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up) and two dumbbells. Stand on the BOSU ball, hold the dumbbells by your side and get your balance. Once you have your balance, slowly curl the right dumbbell towards your chest and then when your arm right arm is fully curled, slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat with the left arm and do 8 to 12 repetitions with each arm depending on your goals.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Standing Bicep Curls <<<


5) BOSU Dumbbell Squats

 Standing dumbbell squats are one of the best ways to build big, strong legs. Using the BOSU ball gives you an even better leg workout because you have to lift and balance at the same time.

To perform BOSU standing dumbbell squats, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up) and two dumbbells. Stand on the BOSU ball, hold the dumbbells by your side and find your balance. Once you have your balance, slowly bend your knees whilst making sure you keep the arches of your feet pressed into the BOSU ball and your upper body straight. Keep lowering yourself down until your butt is parallel with your knees and then slowly raise yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat for 8 to 12 repetitions depending on your goals.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Dumbbell Squats <<<


6) BOSU Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Presses

 Standing dumbbell shoulder presses are a great way to target all areas of your shoulder. Using the BOSU ball turns the exercise into more of a full body workout by also targeting your legs and core.

To perform BOSU standing dumbbell shoulder presses, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up) and two dumbbells. Stand on the BOSU ball, get your balance and then slowly lift the dumbbells up onto your shoulders, making sure your palms are facing forward. Once the dumbbells are in position, slowly press them above your head and straighten your arms, making sure that you do not lock your elbows. Then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat for 8 to 12 repetitions depending on your fitness goals.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Presses <<<



Strength training with a BOSU ball is a great way to keep your routine fresh. Even if you don’t incorporate it every week, you should make the effort to include the BOSU ball in your workouts from time to time. Doing this will give your strength training a unique twist and ensure that your balance and core muscles remain strong.

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Strength Training & BOSU

V.I.P 1 to 1 Fitness Center is hands down Fort Lee’s best kept secret! About a year ago I felt like I wasn’t able to keep up with my three kids. I knew it was time to make a change both physically and mentally. I contacted Brian Hernandez and have been training with Brian for less than 3 months. The compliments I began receiving about my shape, I had not heard in over a decade. Not to mention, the impact Brian has had on my overall well being is beyond descriptive. I have recommended Brian to 4 of my friends and they are as happy as I am with their results. All that I can say, if you are serious and committed to truly making a positive change, reach out to Brian and find out for yourself. This is the best decision I have ever made!!!!

Flexibility & BOSU

Flexibility & BOSU

The BOSU ball is one of the most effective balance trainers around. However, it’s also a great flexibility tool. By doing your stretches on the BOSU ball you can add another dimension to your flexibility training by making your body balance at the same time as you stretch. In this article I will be discussing five fantastic stretches that you can perform on the BOSU ball.

1) BOSU Calf Stretch

 Calf stretches are a great way to increase the range of motion in your calves. To perform the BOSU calf stretch, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up), place it in front of you and stand with one foot in front of the other. Place your front foot on the BOSU ball so that your calf is stretched at an upwards angle and then hold for one minute. Switch your stance, place your other foot on the BOSU ball and then hold for another minute.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of The BOSU Calf Stretch (Second Exercise) <<<


2) BOSU Hamstring Stretch

 Having flexible hamstrings can reduce your chances of injury when playing sport and makes many day to day activities (such as putting your socks on) much easier. To perform the BOSU hamstring stretch, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up), sit on it and stretch your legs out in front of you. Once your legs are fully stretched out, lean forward, reach for your toes and hold for one minute.

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of The BOSU Hamstring Stretch (Fifth Exercise) <<<


3) BOSU Bridge

 The bridge stretch is a great way to improve your posture and reduce lower back pain. Performing it on a BOSU ball also improves your balance significantly as you have to do the bridge whilst you are upside down on an unstable surface. To perform a BOSU bridge, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up) and place it at your feet. Bend your legs and place your feet on the BOSU ball whilst keeping your arms by your side. Push up with your legs and curve your back so that it makes an arch and then hold for one minute.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of The BOSU Bridge <<<

 4) BOSU Shoulder Stretch

 Having flexible shoulders helps loosen up your neck and upper back. To perform the BOSU shoulder stretch, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up), stand on it and gain your balance. Once you are fully balanced, stretch one arm across your chest, hook it with your other arm and pull it towards your chest. Hold this position for one minute, then repeat with the other and hold for a further minute.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of The Shoulder Stretch (Simply Perform This Stretch Whilst Standing On A BOSU Ball) <<<

5) BOSU Tricep Stretch

 Stretching your triceps regularly can make lifting weights easier and reduce muscle soreness after working out. To perform the BOSU tricep stretch, grab a BOSU ball (dome side up), stand on it and gain your balance. Once you have your balance, place one arm behind your head, bend your elbow and touch your upper back. Slowly push down on your elbow with your other hand and stretch your tricep and shoulder past their normal range of motion. This should be uncomfortable but not painful. If it starts to hurt, stop straight away but if you can perform the stretch comfortably, hold for one minute and then repeat with the other arm.

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of The Tricep Stretch (Simply Perform Stretch 1a Whilst Standing On A BOSU Ball) <<<




Regular flexibility training is a key part of any fitness program. It increases your range of motion, makes you less likely to get injured when you exercise and makes simple day to day tasks (such as bending down and picking things up) a whole lot easier. Using the BOSU ball enhances your flexibility training routine by making the stretches more difficult and building your balance and core muscles at the same time. So if you feel a stiff all the time and you aren’t currently stretching regularly, go grab a BOSU ball and give the suggestions in this article a try.

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Flexibility & BOSU

V.I.P 1 to 1 Fitness Center is hands down Fort Lee’s best kept secret! About a year ago I felt like I wasn’t able to keep up with my three kids. I knew it was time to make a change both physically and mentally. I contacted Brian Hernandez and have been training with Brian for less than 3 months. The compliments I began receiving about my shape, I had not heard in over a decade. Not to mention, the impact Brian has had on my overall well being is beyond descriptive. I have recommended Brian to 4 of my friends and they are as happy as I am with their results. All that I can say, if you are serious and committed to truly making a positive change, reach out to Brian and find out for yourself. This is the best decision I have ever made!!!!

Cardio & BOSU

Cardio & BOSU

At first glance, the BOSU ball doesn’t look like the best piece of equipment for a cardio workout. It’s bouncy, unstable and definitely not an ideal platform for performing rapid movements on. However, don’t let the BOSU ball’s appearance deceive you. With a little thought and creativity this innovative fitness device can be used to create some pretty solid cardio workouts and boost your balance at the same time.

In this article I help get you started by providing you with an intense 15 minute BOSU ball cardio workout that will get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. All the cardio exercises are meant to be performed with the BOSU ball dome side up with the exception of BOSU mountain climbers which should be performed platform side up. However, if you are an advanced BOSU ball user you can try some or all of the exercises with the platform side up.

1) BOSU Step Ups (4 Minutes)

 Step ups are a great way to get your blood flowing and start off a cardio workout. To perform step ups, simply step on the BOSU ball and step off again. Start off slowly and then gradually increase the speed until you are stepping on and off as fast as you can. Once you are at maximum speed start changing the leg you put forward first to keep your body guessing and start stepping around the BOSU ball. The video below demonstrates BOSU step ups perfectly:

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Step Ups <<<


2) BOSU Burpees (1 Minute)

 After four minutes of BOSU step ups, stop, drop and perform one minute of BOSU burpees. Burpees get your legs, arms and core moving and add to the intensity of the workout. To perform BOSU burpees, stand in front of the BOSU ball, hop on, hop off, drop into a squat position, place your hands on the BOSU ball, kick out your legs so that you are in a push up position, pull them back in and then return to your starting position. The video below outlines how to perform BOSU step ups:

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Burpees <<<

 3) BOSU Jogging (4 Minutes)

After a minute of BOSU burpees you will be feeling the burn. Next up is BOSU jogging. To perform BOSU jogging, stand on the BOSU ball with both feet, start off by walking slowly and then speed it up until you are jogging. Once you are jogging comfortably, try mixing it up with fast jogs and slow jogs. The video below explains how to jog on the BOSU ball:

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Jogging <<<

4) BOSU Shuffles (1 Minute)

Once you have jogged for four minutes, it’s time for a minute of intense BOSU shuffles. To perform BOSU shuffles, place one foot on the ground and one foot on the BOSU ball. Touch the foot on the BOSU ball with your opposite hand (so if you have your right foot on the BOSU ball you will touch it with your left hand), then hop across the ball, switch feet and repeat. The video below provides a visual demonstration of BOSU shuffles:

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Shuffles <<<

5) BOSU Jumping Jacks (4 Minutes)

After completing the BOSU shuffles, you are now into the final five minutes of this workout. Next up is BOSU jumping jacks. To perform BOSU jumping jacks, stand on the BOSU ball with both feet and then start doing jumping jacks. Do them slowly at first then gradually increase the speed and intensity. Once you get comfortable, try jumping from one leg to the other. The video below outlines how to perform BOSU jumping jacks perfectly:

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of The BOSU Jumping Jacks <<<

6) BOSU Mountain Climbers (1 Minute)

Once you have done four minutes of BOSU jumping jacks, it’s time for the final minute and final exercise – BOSU mountain climbers. To perform BOSU mountain climbers, place your hands on the BOSU ball and drop into a push up position. Then bend one knee towards your chest, return it to its original position and then repeat in a running like motion. The video below shows you how to perform BOSU mountain climbers:

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Mountain Climbers <<<      bosu-balls-300x200



BOSU ball cardio workouts are a fantastic way to mix up your cardio routine and keep it interesting. So next time you are at the gym, skip the cycling machines and treadmill, grab a BOSU ball and get ready to sweat it out with the workout above. Once you get used to this 15 minute BOSU ball cardio workout, you can increase the intensity by adding more exercises or performing the existing exercises for longer. Good luck.

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Cardio & BOSU

V.I.P 1 to 1 Fitness Center is hands down Fort Lee’s best kept secret! About a year ago I felt like I wasn’t able to keep up with my three kids. I knew it was time to make a change both physically and mentally. I contacted Brian Hernandez and have been training with Brian for less than 3 months. The compliments I began receiving about my shape, I had not heard in over a decade. Not to mention, the impact Brian has had on my overall well being is beyond descriptive. I have recommended Brian to 4 of my friends and they are as happy as I am with their results. All that I can say, if you are serious and committed to truly making a positive change, reach out to Brian and find out for yourself. This is the best decision I have ever made!!!!

Balance & BOSU

Balance & BOSU

The BOSU ball is one of the best pieces of balance training equipment around and performing any type of exercise on it can lead to significant improvements in balance. However, if you want to take your balance training to the next level, certain exercises are better than others. In this article I help you maximize your balance by discussing four of the top BOSU balance exercises.

1) BOSU Lunges

BOSU lunges are the easiest of the exercises on this list as one of your feet remains firmly planted on the ground. However, they are still pretty challenging and a great way to get started with balance training.

To perform a BOSU lunge, place the BOSU ball dome side up and then put one leg in front of your body and onto the ball. Then bend your knees and slowly lower your body down until your front knee is at a 90 degree angle. Once your knee reaches a 90 degree angle, slowly raise your body back up to the starting position and repeat.

When performing static lunges, make sure you don’t lean forward and that your front knee does not go over your ankle. Failing to do this can cause injury. Also, make sure that you do lunges on both legs so that you develop your balance equally in each leg. The video below outlines how to perform BOSU lunges. Just don’t try the clapping part until you have mastered the actual lunge:

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Lunges <<<


2) BOSU Wobble Board

Once you have mastered the BOSU lunges, using the BOSU ball as a wobble board is the next logical step. This is a little more difficult than lunges as it takes both feet of the ground and onto the rotating BOSU ball.

To use the BOSU ball as a wobble board, place it platform side up, stand on it, get your balance and then stand up straight. Once you have secured your balance, slowly rotate the BOSU ball to the left, then to the right, then backwards and then forwards.

When using the BOSU ball as a wobble board, make sure you start off slowly and only start to rotate when you are fully balanced in the center of the ball. If you find balancing on the BOSU ball too difficult, hold a broom in your hands for extra support or place the ball close to a wall so that you can use the wall to help you balance. Then once you get used to balancing on the BOSU ball you can gradually try using it as a wobble board with no additional support. The video below demonstrates how to use the BOSU ball as a wobble board:

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of The BOSU Wobble Board <<<


3) One Legged BOSU Balance

 Once you can successfully use the BOSU ball as a wobble board with no additional support and without falling off, you should be ready for the next balancing exercise – one legged BOSU balance. This is the most challenging balancing exercise so far because it takes one leg off the ground completely and involves you maintaining full balance on the BOSU ball with just one leg.

To perform the one legged BOSU balance exercise, place the BOSU ball dome side up, stand on the BOSU ball with both feet, slowly raise one leg off the ground and then hold the position for as long as you can.

When performing the one legged BOSU balance exercise, make sure you move onto one leg very slowly and that you maintain full balance at all times. If you find that you can’t balance on one leg initially, try using a broom or wall for support in the same way as I suggested in the BOSU wobble board description. Also, make sure that you do the one legged BOSU balance exercise on both your left and right legs to ensure that your balance develops equally. The video below demonstrates how to perform the one legged BOSU balance exercise:

>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of One Legged BOSU Balance <<<


4) BOSU Leapfrogs

 Once you are an expert at the one legged BOSU balance exercise, you are ready for the ultimate balance test – BOSU leapfrogs. This exercise is the hardest one on the list and requires you to find your balance on the BOSU ball immediately. Only attempt this once you have fully mastered the three exercises above.

To perform BOSU leapfrogs, you will need two or more BOSU balls. Place the balls platform side up and arrange them in a way that allows you to jump between them. Stand on one of the BOSU balls, get your balance and then jump to the next one. Gain your balance and then jump to the next BOSU ball or if you are using just two balls, jump back to the original ball.

When performing BOSU leapfrogs, make sure you are fully balanced before jumping. Also, make sure that the BOSU you are jumping too has stopped moving and is fully stable. If this is your first time attempting BOSU leapfrogs, put down some padded mats as you are very likely to fall. The video below demonstrates how to perform BOSU leapfrogs:

 >>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Leapfrogs <<<



Once you are comfortable with all the exercises on this list, you will be a BOSU balance master. Not only will you find exercising on the BOSU ball easier but you will also find that your overall balance and stability when not using the BOSU ball is much better. So get practicing those one legged lunges today and take your first steps towards becoming a BOSU balance master.

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Balance & BOSU

V.I.P 1 to 1 Fitness Center is hands down Fort Lee’s best kept secret! About a year ago I felt like I wasn’t able to keep up with my three kids. I knew it was time to make a change both physically and mentally. I contacted Brian Hernandez and have been training with Brian for less than 3 months. The compliments I began receiving about my shape, I had not heard in over a decade. Not to mention, the impact Brian has had on my overall well being is beyond descriptive. I have recommended Brian to 4 of my friends and they are as happy as I am with their results. All that I can say, if you are serious and committed to truly making a positive change, reach out to Brian and find out for yourself. This is the best decision I have ever made!!!!