Day 2 – Flat/Sexy Stomach

Your 7-Day “Slim-Down Tone-Up” Session #2 Is Also from C.E.O. Joey

Who Is Joey? Joey is the C.E.O. (Chief Enhancement Orchestrator) of SCULPTAFIT Studios for Women (Saint Johns, Mandarin, Fleming Island). And he’s the creator of Naked Beauty – The SYMULAST Method, which has become so popular it has been translated into 5 other languages (Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portuguese).

IMPORTANT: We always strongly suggest getting your doctor’s clearance for exercise – regardless of how simple or gentle it might be… ESPECIALLY if you’ve been sedentary for a long time.

Today’s session is the ‘primer intro’ to Joey’s complete Abs & Core 3-DVD set from Abs of Stone – Core of Steel 3-DVD set, plus 1 bonus DVD (worth a look if you like following from DVDs on your TV screen, etc…)

In Session #2, Joey guides you through short sequence of abdominal/core moves that target the midsection problem-areas WITHOUT risky stress or strain on the spine. Here is how to get the most out of this session:

(Side Note – this is a short sequence. So, if you find it “easy”, try going through it a second time πŸ™‚

1 – ONLY do what you can, and don’t do what you can’t. If you can only do 2 of these moves, then focus on those 2 until you feel you can add the others.

2 – Don’t force the number of repetitions. You want to build up to 8, 10, 12 as the next few weeks progress.

3 – When this sequence gets easy to get through 1 time; then you can think about going through it twice in one session.

4 – Provided you have Dr’s clearance for exercise, you’ll want to try Session #2 today, as tomorrow you’ll be getting “Slim-Down Tone-Up” Session #3 πŸ™‚

5 – As we mentioned yesterday, now that you see we have some incredibly helpful material for women exactly like you – be sure to share the 7-Day “Slim-Down Tone-Up” Program with other women you know, who will truly benefit from what we are sharing here. This allows us to keep adding more helpful material to the site and the blog – so we can continue to give women they need the most πŸ™‚ Joey-Atlas-Cartoon1-221x300

Please feel free to share via email, or post the following link on your facebook page:

7-Day “Slim-Down Tone-Up” Program for Women

Just in case you missed this yesterday; We’re giving away 2 SCULPTAFIT Sample Sessions this week, FREE (we only have 1 left now) here at the Studio.

So, if you want one…

Just click the ‘Contact’ button below and send Nikki a message to let her know you want it. Or call/text her directly: 904-891-3680
fitness program for women saint johns mandarin florida
gym for women only fitness trainers in saint Johns and mandarin florida