[ Programs for Women, Men and Youth ]
Intelligent People Know That a Proper Fitness Program is Critical for
Optimum Health, Wellness, Performance, Longevity and a Great Life
By “proper fitness program” we mean Safe, Gentle, Enjoyable, Highly Effective and Sustainable…
Our clients appreciate our physiology-based approach to fitness that doesn’t punish them and hurt them – but rather, one that makes them stronger, better, healthier and happier…
Low-Impact and focused-intensity are a few of the differences that make our unique method progressive, and better, for the average person seeking improved health, strength and fitness in a well-rounded approach…
Another powerful element that we include in our clients’ programs is “Transitional Fitness Training” ( TFT )…
“Transitional Fitness Training” is a combination of physical rehab exercise techniques and kinesiology-based reconditioning, blended with our unique and gentle method of fitness training.
Our history in various settings with a diverse array of clients has given us a specialized set of skills and programs that cannot be experienced with regular personal trainers or mass-market fitness instructors.
We specialize in working with clients who have various joints problems (past injuries, etc), health challenges, weight issues and more…
How Brenda Found Her Perfect Gentle Fitness Solution for LIFE
As a matter of fact, we instruct with an opposite approach we developed, called “LIIT”, and we focus on removing momentum out of the movements, so the muscles, fascia, nerves and connective tissue get stronger and more supple, instead of getting over-trained, torn and injured…

“LIIT” Certified Personal Trainers serving clients from Saint Johns, Mandarin, Fleming Island and Orange Park, Florida
Our typical clients want a higher quality of life, and achieve that through benefits such as;
1 – Improved Body-Composition
2 – Enhanced Balance and Coordination
3 – Decrease of Excess Weight
4 – Higher Self-Esteem and Confidence
5 – Greater Mental Clarity and Better Moods
6 – Better Sleep and Rest Cycles
7 – Increased Energy Levels for All Activities
8 – Renewed Strength, Vitality and Vigor
9 – Improved Health/Medical Exams and Vital Signs
10 – Reduced Aches, Pains and Stiffness
11 – Reversal of Premature Signs of Aging (muscle weakness, loss of balance, etc)

Personal Training Client AJ and Coach Corinne — bodyweight row on Bodyweight SCULPTAFIT Home-Gym
A – We know that traditional hardcore training programs are painful, too long and unrealistic for most people…
B – We also know that “doing it on your own” is very confusing, extremely risky, overwhelming, and often ineffective…
C – We also know what most other facilities haven’t caught onto yet…
D – That proper exercise MUST be safe and gentle, while still delivering DEFINITE, life-changing results.

Personal Training between Semi-Private Group Sessions in the SCULPTAFIT Studio
The “Method” was originally created by Masters Degreed, Exercise Physiologist, Joey “Atlas” Gennusa – and then perfected with his Caring Coaching Team here in the SCULPTAFIT Studio
Our unique method enhances the entire human body while keeping the joints SAFE, no matter what age a client might be (we work with clients ranging from 16 – 82 years “young”)…
We get clients into shape for all aspects of better daily living with a synergistic style of gentle “body-mind” re-conditioning and progressive conditioning…
Our proprietary method of SAFE training is supported by the SCULPTAFIT Training Unit with allows for complete fitness programming with body-weight, custom resistance-bands and carefully selected accessories fitness training items.

Personal Trainer Coach Josh with Personal Training client in a “LIIT” Upper Body Fitness Training Session
Your first, and best, step is to come try a Complimentary 1-on-1 Walk-Through Personal-Training session with Coach Corinne or Coach Josh, so you can learn what a properly-designed & personally-tailored fitness training session should look and feel like to you.
Call or text us at 904-891-3680 to discuss your most important personal needs and goals – and schedule your Complimentary 1-on-1 Walk-Through Personal-Training session…
Or email us via the ‘Contact’ page here ==> https://sculptafit.com/contact/
Your Health, Strength and Quality of LIFE are all VERY important, let’s make them a successful priority together.

trainer assisted stretching for flexibility in personal training session with personal trainer Nikki and client Nelson