Benefits of Kettlebell Training:
1. Full Body Conditioning. Kettlebells train the entire body at one time through full body movements.
2. Increased resistance to injury. Kettlebell exercises help strengthen your hips and produce endurance in your lower back the definitive factor to preventing lower back pain.
3. The ability to work aerobically and anaerobically at the same time. Proper Kettlebell Training develops your musculoskeletal systems, cardiovascular system, and increase your metabolism leading to a positive change in body weight and composition.
4. Increased strength without the increase of mass. Kettlebell exercisers are lean and toned, not bulky. Women love training with kettlebells for this benefit.
There are many benefits to kettlebell training but without proper instruction. Kettlebell training can be dangerous. If your interested in kettlebell training learn from a RKC certified Instructor at Prime Performance Training Systems located in Totowa NJ. Call (973) 638-2223 to set up your free consultation.