
How Do Eating Disorders Affect One's Mental Health?

How Do Eating Disorders Affect One’s Mental Health?

Eating disorders have only been widely recognized as an illness in the last 50 years, although these disorders have existed for centuries. In the Middle Ages, starving oneself was a way of cleansing the soul, and the spiritual aspect continued through centuries. As the beauty type changed from rounded, full-figured women to lithe, thin ones, […]

Should We Eat Like Cavemen?

Should We Eat Like Cavemen?

One diet that’s gained popularity in New York, NY is the Paleo diet. If you’re on the Paleo diet, you eat like cavemen, sans the brontosaurus burgers. It’s based on the concept that our bodies were healthier when we ate the food that grew before farming began and eating food that’s more genetically matched to […]

Easy Ways To Burn More Fat

Easy Ways To Burn More Fat

You can achieve your goal to lose weight quicker and more effectively with these easy ways to burn fat. They won’t replace having a healthy diet or a program of regular exercise but will increase the amount of fat you’ll lose and help you reach your goal faster. These tips will also help you prevent […]

Pantry Staples For Runners

Pantry Staples For Runners

Runners are no different from other athletes. They require a healthy diet. That’s where the similarity ends. There are tweaks to make each diet more appropriate for the sport. Even within running, the pantry staples will vary from those who run marathons to people who run sprints. Marathon runners need carb-loading with meals that include […]

Do I Need To Eat Organic Fruits And Veggies?

Do I Need To Eat Organic Fruits And Veggies?

Organic food includes both produce and animal products. GMO produce is also included in non-organic selections. Organically grown fruits and vegetables are lower in pesticides and chemicals. Every year the EWG—Environmental Working Group makes a “Clean 15” and “Dirty Dozen” list. The organic label extends beyond produce; it also is used for animal products. Are […]

What Is Primal Living?

What Is Primal Living?

I love New York, NY, but I also think that all the wonderful things it offers come at a price. The price can include stress, illness, and obesity. Those factors may be what’s driving people to adopt primal living. Primal living doesn’t mean you have to go live in caves or search the park for […]

Reasons To Lift Weights

Reasons To Lift Weights

No matter what your age, goal, or gender, strength training is important. Improving your strength requires you to do exercises that require pulling or pushing against a resistance. Doing bodyweight exercises, using gravity, and the weight of the body and resistance bands are two ways, but you can also lift weights. Lifting weights is beneficial […]