Fitness & Wellness

How Do Grains Cause A Leaky Gut?

How Do Grains Cause A Leaky Gut?

It’s hard for the body to digest grains. Mother Nature intended that to occur. Grains are the seeds of plants. The continuation of the species is important for those seeds to be planted. The seeds are created to survive the digestive juices in the gut, to be scattered on the ground later in the waste. There are other safety measures taken so that the seed doesn’t sprout before it’s in an area where it can grow and thrive. Unfortunately for humans, the very things that protect the plant and seed can cause problems in the body, which include leaky gut.

What is leaky gut?

Leaky gut still isn’t accepted by the medical community and remains a hypothetical theory. The theory is that the mucous lining of the gut becomes more permeable and allows leakage, causing more water, nutrients, and even toxins to leak through, creating a cascading number of symptoms. Leaky gut syndrome affects many areas of the body. If toxins enter the bloodstream, it triggers inflammation throughout the body, not just in the gut. Besides causing digestive issues, other conditions thought related to leaky gut are diabetes, arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia.

Grains not only are difficult to digest because of their hard shells, and protease inhibitors.

Even if you grind grain, and remove the outer shell, grains are still hard on the digestive system because of a phytochemical called a protease inhibitor. It neutralizes the digestive enzymes, which allows plant proteins and toxins to remain intact and not degraded. That neutralization causes the body to send a message to the pancreas to produce more digestive enzymes and send it to the small intestines. An imbalance can form with too much trypsin created, which can cause a breakdown of the enterocyte cells and ultimately, leaky gut.

Grains, like members of the nightshade family, contain lectins.

Lectins protect plants from insects and pests. You might call them Mother Nature’s natural pesticide. Lectins don’t digest but pass through the digestive system with the seed intact, so when it finally is passed in waste, it has the waste as its fertilizer and its own natural pesticide. Lectin can play havoc on the gut and if there’s already a problem, it makes it far worse.

  • Grains and legumes both contain phytic acid. Phytic acid is an anti-nutrient. It slows digestion and diminishes the absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium, which are important for the proper functioning of the immune system, and can lead to leaky gut.
  • Grains contain complex proteins. Complex proteins are difficult to digest and the hardest for the body to break down.
  • Grains aren’t the only plants that contain lectins. Eggplant, peppers, potatoes, and other members of the nightshade family also contain it.
  • Sprouting, fermenting or soaking grains can help remove many of the problem phytochemicals in grains. Using heirloom varieties of grains or pseudo-grains can also reduce the potential for leaky gut.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

What Is Inflammation And How Can You Manage It?

What Is Inflammation And How Can You Manage It?

If you could prevent all types of inflammation, you wouldn’t want to do that. The body needs inflammation to survive. The inflammatory process is necessary for fighting microbes that attack the body and also for healing. That’s the definition of acute inflammation, which keeps you healthy. However, if inflammation becomes chronic it can lead to health issues, which include cardiovascular problems, asthma, cancer, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic inflammation is also associated with IBS, Crohn’s premature aging, COPD and diseases of the blood vessels.

Making lifestyle changes can help you manage inflammation.

Lifestyle changes can include eating healthier, getting more exercise, ensuring you have adequate sleep and hydrating more frequently. It can also include quitting negative habits like excess alcohol consumption, smoking or using drugs. Eliminating chronic inflammation means avoiding offending substances, which can range from consuming sugar to smoking, and increasing anti-inflammatories in your life.

Food plays a huge role in reducing inflammation.

Eating high amounts of foods with added sugar is a direct path to chronic inflammation. In most cases, these types of food are also devoid of nutrients. Fatty fried foods, particularly those with trans fats, and red meat can increase inflammation. Eating more greens and colorful fruits and vegetables can reduce inflammation. The same is true of eating foods high in vitamin C. One easy way to reduce the potential is to focus on whole foods and eat fruits and vegetables in a wide variety of colors. Include adequate Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, too.

Exercising regularly increases the production of several proteins that decrease inflammation.

When you exercise, the body releases interleukin 6—IL-6. It lowers the amount of TNF in the body. TNF is a protein that triggers the process of inflammation to start. Your muscles produce the IL-6 and the more you workout, the more it produces. Exercise also increases Interleukin-15. That controls the amount of belly fat you have. Studies show the more abdominal fat you have, the more likely you are to have chronic inflammation. Eliminating belly fat can help you control inflammation.

  • What you drink can make a big difference. Soft drinks can add to inflammation. It’s the sugar in regular soft drinks that does it. Switching to diet soft drinks won’t help. Studies show diet soft drinks can cause weight to accumulate on the belly and belly fat can increase inflammation.
  • Several vitamins fight inflammation. Vitamins A, B, C, D and E. It’s better to get your nutrition from consuming the food that contains it, or in the case of vitamin D, also from planned sun exposure.
  • Studies show people with low levels of vitamin B6 have high levels of a compound responsible for inflammation, C-reactive protein.
  • Recent studies showed that the segments of the population that were more likely to have severe symptoms of covid-19 and the most inflammation were also those that had a vitamin D deficiency.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Which Cardio Burns The Most Fat?

Which Cardio Burns The Most Fat?

When you come to UpFit Academy in New York, NY, we’ll help you build muscle, eliminate fat, boost your energy, and become the best version of yourself. One way to torch fat is to do cardio. While all cardio workouts burn calories, some are more efficient at calorie-burning. We use science backed workouts, so we focus on the type of cardio that burns the most fat. Just what are those cardio workouts and why do they work the best?

Cardio torches fat, while building muscle tissue.

Cardio torches calories, but where it gets the calories is extremely important. It can burn both muscle and fat. That can mean that you’re reducing the amount of muscle tissue you have. It can prevent you from getting the lean, svelte appearance you desire, while also sabotaging your future weight loss potential. Muscle needs more calories for maintenance, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn 24/7. Combining cardio with strength building not only burns a lot of calories, but it also builds and maintains muscle mass at the same time.

Make your strength training a cardio workout.

Strength training builds muscle mass, while also burning calories. When you combine it with cardio, you’ll torch the calories without losing muscle. One way to combine it is with circuit training. You can do bodyweight strength-building circuits. Circuit training uses up to ten exercises that focus on different body parts, all performed one after another without much rest between each. You can do circuit training that’s timed, which pushes cardio efforts.

Get quicker results with a HIIT workout.

HIIT workouts aren’t a special type of exercise, but any exercise where you adjust the intensity throughout the workout. You alternate the intensity of the workout. HIIT workouts boost your metabolism and keep it running at high for hours. You may start with high intensity for a short time, then take a brief recovery period and go back to high intensity, alternating intensities throughout the workout. HIIT was originally started to work with cardio exercises and has been shown to improve heart function faster than steady-state workouts. You can use the technique with strength-building workouts, too.

  • Try a quick workout technique that burns calories and keeps the calories burning after you quit. It’s called Tabata training. You use a bodyweight exercise, like burpees, go hard for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat. Do eight sets in all, that’s just four minutes.
  • Consider kettlebells. Kettlebells provide a total body workout that improves flexibility, strength and endurance. It burns more calories in a shorter time frame than most cardio.
  • No matter what your exercise routine is, to keep the calorie-burning fires going, vary it. It prevents boredom, too. Make sure you have a variety of exercises that include cardio, strength-building, balance, and flexibility.
  • Your diet is the most important focus if you want to burn fat. No matter how much you exercise, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Focus on consistency. To be effective, you have to exercise regularly.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Is A 10-Minute Workout Worth It?

Is A 10-Minute Workout Worth It?

According to the World Health Organization, you need between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of intense exercise every week. If you only have time for a 10-minute workout, do it, but make it count. Focus on doing an intense workout, make it Tabata or another high-intensity workout. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to get the results you want. It’s all about maximizing the results and using the latest science-based techniques.

Intensity determines how much time you spend.

HIIT—high intensity interval training—alternates the intensity of the workout between high-intensity and moderate intensity. It allows you to workout at peak performance longer than you would be able to do if you stayed at peak intensity throughout the workout. Tabata, a form of HIIT, takes it a notch up and the routine is just four minutes long. In a Tabata workout, you work out at peak intensity for 20 seconds, putting all of your available energy into the task. Then you get 10 seconds of rest. This process repeats eight times–comprising a four-minute cycle.

You don’t have to do your entire workout at one time.

If you only have ten minutes, use it! Maybe you’ll find another ten minutes later that day to add to that first ten minutes. It could be something as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or doing power walking during your lunch hour to your favorite restaurant. You’ll be more focused on the workout if you know you only have ten minutes. The more time you have to workout, the more time you tend to waste unless you have a well-planned workout.

One research study checked the benefits of just 10 minutes of exercise can provide huge benefits.

One study found that exercising for ten minutes and making one minute a high-intensity workout can provide the same benefits as jogging for 45 minutes. It can improve your strength, flexibility and endurance. It protects the joints, improves your mood, helps lower blood pressure, aids in weight management, improves sleep and helps reduce stress.

  • Is high blood pressure a problem? One study found that training for 10-minute intervals done consistently could lower blood pressure as well as a 30-minute workout.
  • Knowing you can finish a workout in just ten minutes can give you the incentive to work out more. Often the problem is getting started and procrastinating because it takes so long. If you know it’s short, you’re more apt to do it and may even extend the time.
  • Some short workouts are designed to supplement a more traditional program of exercise. The nitric oxide dump by Dr. Zachary Bush is one example. It only takes four minutes and can be done anywhere.
  • If you work out for just ten minutes, make sure you include at least one minute of high-intensity exercise. Do 3-three minute sets and make the last set one minute, but do it at maximum intensity.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Is Sugar Really That Bad For You?

Is Sugar Really That Bad For You?

Many of the foods you wouldn’t suspect have added sugar. Unfortunately, sugar is bad for your health. Anthropologists hypothesize that it’s instinct to crave foods with a sweet taste, like fruit. The sugar that is natural in fruit and vegetables doesn’t have the same effect as that of added sugar for several reasons. The fiber in the produce slows the absorption and the fiber and water it contains fills you up. That makes it hard to consume as much as you’d have eating a candy bar or adding a teaspoon or two to coffee.

There are several types of added sugar and most are bad for your health.

There are many different types of sugar or sweetener and consuming too much of any of them isn’t good. HFCS — fructose corn syrup—is called a natural sugar by promoters, since it comes from corn syrup and indicates it’s good for you. It’s anything but that and even worse than traditional cane sugar. Consider the amount of sugar in an apple, compared to a cola. An apple, for example, has just 23 grams of sugar, plus a plethora of nutrients. However, cola has 52 grams of sugar and no nutritional benefit. That’s one reason that food with added sugar is bad for you. It adds extra calories without making you feel full or adding any nutritional benefit.

While anthropologists say sugar cravings may be instinctive, neurologists say it’s something different.

When you eat sugar, it triggers the same reactions as opioids, by binding to the receptors. It causes the release of dopamine to make you feel good. Just like opioids, sugar can become addictive for that reason. It makes you feel good. However, sugar also affects your body negatively and causes inflammation. Inflammation can lead to heart disease, accelerate aging and impair your immune system. Too much can also lead to tooth decay, obesity and diabetes.

If you want to lose weight, start by giving up added sugar and sugar substitutes.

You often see people giving up regular cola for the diet version or using artificial sweeteners in their coffee, instead of sugar. While it might seem like a good idea to reduce calories, it’s simply not that healthy for you. Artificial sweeteners come with their own set of risks. Recently studies found that it can actually cause an increase in belly fat and a bigger abdominal diameter. They don’t metabolize like sugar and some affect the liver and the release of leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full.

  • A diet high in sugar can raise your blood pressure as much as one high in salt or fat.
  • Food with added sugar can cause damage to the stomach lining, while also upsetting your microbiome, the balance of beneficial microbes and ones that damage your body.
  • Just like any addictive substance, the more sugar you eat, the more you need. When you give up food with added sugar, you’ll be amazed at how sweet whole foods are.
  • A diet high in sugar increases the risk for dementia, insulin resistance and gum disease. It can lead to problems with cognitive functioning in children. It’s linked to acne, depression, gout and kidney disease.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

How To Ease Muscle Soreness From Exercise?

How To Ease Muscle Soreness From Exercise?

Everyone pushed themselves during exercise and instinctively knew they’d be extremely sore the next day. Muscle soreness, DOMS—-delayed onset muscle soreness—is the pain and stiffness felt after pushing too hard. It doesn’t happen immediately but takes between 24 and 48 hours to appear. It happens because of inflammation that occurs when muscle tissue breaks down. You need muscle tissue to break down and microtears in the muscles in order for it to repair itself, grow and get stronger, but it can be painful until it does. There are some steps you can take to ease the muscle soreness in the meantime.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Dehydration can make sore muscles even sorer. While you’re working out and afterward, drinking plenty of water can help flush out waste and reduce the pain. Water is an exceptional hydrator, but so is coffee. In fact, studies show coffee hydrates as well as water, plus it has a bonus benefit if you drink it before the workout, it can prevent DOMS. In fact, one study showed it helped prevent DOMS by 48% when consumed before exercising. It helps to reduce both muscle fatigue and soreness.

Get a massage.

Whether you use special oils or an OTC remedy, stimulating circulation can help reduce pain. In fact, regular massages may even help prevent future bouts with DOMS. The muscles of the people that get regular massages have more blood vessels, according to a 2015 study. That means improved circulation and quicker recovery time. For an at-home massage that’s quick and easy, consider getting a massage gun. Studies show that whether you use a massage gun or get a massage, doing it immediately after a workout provides more benefits.

Use hot and cold treatments.

Muscle soreness is eased by both ice packs and warm water. You should start by applying ice to any area that feels inflamed or has a burning sensation. It can numb the area. Once inflammation sets in, reduce it with warm baths or showers. You can add Epsom salts to bathwater to help further reduce the pain. While there are only anecdotal examples of the magnesium in Epsom salts being absorbed through the skin and no scientific study, taking magnesium supplements can help reduce pain in people who are deficient.

  • Tart cherries or red raspberries may not be at the top of your list for a snack, but studies show that drinking tart cherry juice before, during and after exercise can help reduce muscle pain. The same is true of red raspberries.
  • Getting adequate rest is important for recovery. Keeping legs elevated can help improve circulation and reduce inflammation.
  • While you don’t want to do heavy lifting or push yourself, active recovery can help speed the healing process. Walking, bicycling and stretching boosts circulation, reduces inflammation and speeds recovery.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Use an OTC pain reliever to do that if necessary. If you find the pain too intense or doesn’t start to feel better after several days of using techniques to reduce it, see your health care professional.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

How To Gain Muscle Mass?

How To Gain Muscle Mass?

We use only natural, scientific methods at UpFit Academy in New York, NY, to help people get fitter, gain muscle mass and shed extra pounds. It starts by making lifestyle changes. Eating healthy, getting adequate sleep and of course, following a program of regular exercise to build lean muscle mass are key to getting fit. We focus on scientifically based, natural techniques to build muscle tissue with personalized programs of exercise and nutrition to boost your progress and help you lose weight, as you build muscle.

Eating healthy and choosing the right type of nutrition is important.

No matter what you’re building, whether it’s a house or muscle mass, you need the right type of materials to do it right. Many people ignore that step when it comes to building muscle. The key is to get between 20 and 33% of your calories from protein. You want enough calories in your diet so you reach your fitness goal, whether it’s to stay the same weight, gain weight or lose it. The protein in your diet should be high quality and complete. Salmon, chicken breast, dairy and lean beef are examples. You also need healthy fat. Healthy fat is important if you want to build muscle tissue. Approximately 20% of your calories should come from healthy fat and the rest from high quality whole food carbohydrates.

Get the most from every workout.

A personal trainer can help you do that, but if you’re working out on your own, there are some rules to follow that will aid in building muscle mass. You may think that working out longer is better, but that’s not necessarily true, especially if you’re doing strength training. Lifting weights, whether it’s a piece of gym equipment or your body, makes muscles stronger. Weights tend to work the best. While light weights won’t build the muscle tissue you want, going too heavy isn’t recommended if you want to build muscle mass, although it is good for building strength.

Don’t forget a pre and post workout snack.

To maximize your workout, you need energy and to build muscle, you need the right type of material. Protein provides the right type of material, while carbohydrates provide energy. Eating a snack that’s a combination of protein and carbs before a workout, like Greek yogurt and fruit or a peanut butter on whole wheat bread sandwich, can give you the energy to maximize your workout. When consumed after a workout, it can speed recovery and start the process of muscle repair.

  • Focus on compound movements. Not only do compound movements burn more calories, but they also get more accomplished in a shorter time frame. They target larger muscle groups, which show the most growth.
  • Don’t forget to include healthy fat in your diet. Consuming avocados, nuts and salmon can help provide it. Healthy fat is necessary to increase the hormones that help produce muscle tissue.
  • Get plenty of sleep and hydrate frequently. During sleep, your body heals itself. Muscle is built when the microtears in the muscle heal. Hydration is important to maximize your energy and get the best results.
  • Muscles grow when they’re resting. Give your muscles between 24 and 72 hours of rest between strength training workouts. Strength-building more frequently can actually cause muscle loss.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Things You Didn't Know About Vitamins

Things You Didn’t Know About Vitamins

Life is hectic in New York, NY, which is why most people try to stay healthy the easiest way, by taking vitamins, rather than making lifestyle changes. It’s easy to understand. They’re promoted on TV, social media and on the radio. The commercials can be pretty convincing, especially if you want a quick fix for your health. However, there are many things people who take them regularly didn’t know that might change their mind or make them change their regimen.

Have you ever heard of Jack LaLanne?

Jack LaLanne was a health guru that started on TV with a local 15-minute program on fitness in San Francisco. He believed so much in fitness, he paid for the program himself. On the program, he advertised his own fitness products and his gym. It was much like the infomercials of today. However, by 1959, the show went national, with the television executives paying him. He had a lot of first on his show, including being the first person to sell vitamins on TV. He also was the first person to produce a nutrition bar for a snack. If you get weary hearing vitamin commercials, blame Jack.

Vitamin supplements pale in comparison to a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle includes diet, exercise, getting adequate sleep, adequate sunlight and hydration. In fact, one study proved it in 2019. They compared groups of people who modified their diet to make it healthier, to those taking supplements. The people with the healthier diet lived longer. Much of the reason has to do with things vitamins don’t have that real food does, phytonutrients. Another study found that many of the beneficial effects from vitamins only came when the vitamin was consumed in food, not in pill form.

You can overdose on vitamins.

There are two types of vitamins, water-soluble and fat-soluble. Vitamin C, for instance, is a water-soluble vitamin. If you take too many, your body flushes it out in your waste, but before that, expect stomach cramps and bloating. If you take too much over a longer period, it can cause kidney stones. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and is stored in fat tissues. It can build up, just as vitamin A, K and vitamin E can, causing toxicity. Too much vitamin D can cause bone pain, abnormal heart rhythms, high blood calcium levels, stomach pain, muscle weakness and fatigue, to name a few symptoms. It’s all about how much you take and whether you need it. It’s almost impossible to overdose on vitamins from food sources.

  • Not all vitamin products are equal. Some vitamin forms are more bioavailable than others are, meaning the body can absorb the nutrients better. Those that aren’t bioavailable are often flushed down the drain in the bathroom, unprocessed.
  • Some vitamins, like vitamin K and vitamin D, are hard to get from food. While you can get vitamin D from sunshine, it’s not always possible in northern locations. Both are necessary for maintaining calcium in bones.
  • Covid patients were tested and found that those with a vitamin D deficiency were more apt to develop more severe symptoms. It was also found that people of color, the elderly and obese people had a higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency.
  • One supplement that’s important for every woman of childbearing age is folic acid. If the mother doesn’t have adequate folic acid in early pregnancy, it can lead to birth defects.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

How To Introduce Exercise Into Your Weekly Schedule?

How To Introduce Exercise Into Your Weekly Schedule?

Everyone wants to get fitter, but it’s hard to find the time to do that, so often that goal is left to the sidelines. However, there is a way to fit exercise into your weekly schedule. In fact, there are several techniques you can use that will help improve the potential of making exercise a regular function of your day. The first is simple, schedule it. Find a time of day that you normally don’t have anything scheduled and make that your exercise appointment. Make sure you include time to change clothing and shower if it’s in the middle of the day.

Get up earlier and start working out.

If your day is such that there’s simply no way to add exercise and expect it to happen, try getting up a half hour to an hour earlier. It can save some time, since you will go right from exercise to your morning schedule, with showering and dressing for the day as part of it. If you’re not a morning person, it doesn’t mean you can’t become one. Once you start exercising in the morning, you’ll find you’re more awake and ready for the day.

Break your exercise into sections.

You can get just as much benefit from three fifteen minute sessions as you can from one 45 minute session. Do a 15 minute workout to start your day. Take a 15-minute walk for lunch. You can take it seven to eight minutes to a destination and seven to eight minutes back to work. When you get home from work, before you start dinner or do ANYTHING, do your last 15-minute session.

Make sure you know what exercises you’ll be doing and track those as well.

Have a list, so you can immediately start exercising, saving time and making the workout quicker. You can get a lot more out of a half hour workout that’s organized than you can get from an hour long one that isn’t, since most of the time will be spent trying to figure out what to do next. If you want to make it a family affair, have everyone exercise together right before supper, then pitch in and help you make the meal. That frees up your time and it’s almost guaranteed that after a workout, your gang will be hungry and ready to get the meal on the table.

  • Do you stop for a drink after work every day just to catch up on how everyone is doing? Then convince your compadres that it’s more productive to do it at the gym, rather than over a beer, coffee or cocktail. Make friends time, exercise time. Our small group sessions are perfect for this.
  • Make part of your exercise things you love to do. Doing calisthenics or weight training is one way to get fit, but you can supplement it with things you love to do, like hiking, biking and dancing.
  • Get the kids involved. Kids today tend to have their activities limited to electronics. It’s time to change that. Teach them your exercise routine and have them workout with you. Do active family things.
  • Just do it. Make it a priority. Give exercise the importance in your life that it deserves. You manage to find the time to shower, brush your teeth and eat every day, which are important, make exercise just as important.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Where To Find Nutritional Info On Your Favorite Foods

Where To Find Nutritional Info On Your Favorite Foods

Where’s the first place you look for nutritional info on the foods you consume? It’s on the packaging or label, of course. There are all types of information, which includes the amount of sugar the product contains, the amount carbs, protein or fat and the vitamin and mineral content. There’s also a list of ingredients, so you can see whether the food is Frankenstein food made in a lab or free of additives.

The label also gives you one more important fact, serving size.

If you buy a bag of chips, you automatically think that’s the serving size. That’s not necessarily true, even if the bag is smaller. Sometimes, the serving size will be far smaller than the bag. For those potato chips, a serving size is 160 calories and it includes one ounce, about 15 chips. Before you go shopping, you can find an online picture of your favorite food’s nutritional content to help decide whether it fits in your diet.

Fresh fruits and vegetables don’t have labels to read.

Finding the nutritional facts on whole foods is a bit harder, since most don’t come packaged. There’s seldom a sign in the fruit and vegetable department or meat department, which provides all the nutritional facts. You have to go online to get that information or use a program that provides it. However, a simpler technique is to vary the color of the fruits and vegetables you eat. Each color contains different phytochemicals and nutrients, so by having a rainbow on your plate, you’ll get a wide variety of nutrients.

Always opt for the food with the least amount of ingredients.

If you’re trying to choose peanut butter, look on the label for ingredients, instead of the nutritional chart. If you see anything besides peanuts or peanuts and salt, find a different type of peanut butter to purchase. The labels tell you not only the good things the food contains, but also those things that can negatively impact your health.

  • Don’t be fooled by the advertisement. Unless you’re gluten intolerant or have celiac disease, you don’t need a gluten free product. It’s not any healthier. While we’re on the topic, energy bars are often candy bars with a better publicist.
  • You might be surprised to find that frozen fruits and vegetables are just as good as fresh and sometimes better. That’s because they’re given more time to ripen and freeze right after they’re picked.
  • If you’re going to a fast food restaurant, many provide the nutritional information on their website and some even provide a paper printout with a nutritional analysis of the food.
  • Taking advantage of our Precision Nutrition ProCoach curriculum can help you plan a healthy diet that’s designed especially for your needs.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy