
Yoga For Diabetes

Yoga For Diabetes

Diabetes can exacerbate some conditions, like high blood pressure, heart disease or circulation. Yoga can help directly, like stabilizing blood sugar levels. Increasing activity and eating healthy are exceptionally good for controlling diabetes. Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that most people can do. There are several poses that have proven especially beneficial for […]

Best Stretches To Start Your Day

Best Stretches To Start Your Day

Are you one of those people that jump out of bed and immediately rush to get ready to work? There’s a better way to start your day and that’s by doing a few stretches first. If you’ve ever watched a cat when it first gets up, all it does is stretch for a while. We […]

Best Exercises For Stronger Obliques

Best Exercises For Stronger Obliques

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we focus on overall fitness using the tools of a healthy diet and a program of regular exercise designed specifically for each person. We are often requested to help people with specific goals, like building abdominal muscles, which includes the obliques. Exercises for the obliques not only provide that […]

How To Fit More Steps In Every Day

How To Fit More Steps In Every Day

For most people, it isn’t about the type of exercise to do…it’s more about just getting some exercise. If you’re working out in the gym already, then you can add to your program by getting more steps daily. Walking or increasing the number of steps you take can be done by anyone of any age […]

Great Protein Sources For Vegetarians

Great Protein Sources For Vegetarians

It’s far easier to find healthy protein sources for vegetarians than it is for vegans. It’s because vegetarians do eat some animal products, such as eggs, dairy or both. Lacto vegetarians consume dairy, while ovo consume eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarians consume both. Not all plant protein sources contain all the essential amino acids necessary to remain […]

Say Goodbye To Love Handles

Say Goodbye To Love Handles

If you’re out of shape, you face problems like beer belly, love handles, bat wings and thunder thighs. Those are just a few of the terms clients use to explain what they want to improve. We’ll help you lose those all those things and replace them with a fit, toned body at Body Sculptors in […]

What Is Lifestyle Medicine?

What Is Lifestyle Medicine?

You know the drill. You go to the doctor, he or she finds you have a condition or disease and the string of prescription drugs start. Those drugs help manage the symptoms. Often, you’re stuck with a lifetime of prescriptions and even prescription changes for the rest of your life. It’s a program of managing […]

Does Exercise Help You Live Longer?

Does Exercise Help You Live Longer?

Exercise is important for a number of different reasons. It improves digestion, increases circulation and helps prevent serious conditions that are life threatening, like stroke, high blood pressure, some types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. Not only does exercise help you lose weight, reducing the risk of obesity, the leading cause of preventable deaths, […]