
Zero Calorie Energy Drinks

Zero Calorie Energy Drinks

If you come to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, you’ll probably see a number of people touting energy drinks, including zero calorie energy drinks. One of my clients asked me which was healthiest and frankly, there are positives and negatives to both types of drinks. Let me first address the zero calorie drinks. These drinks […]

Changing Your Oil Habits

Changing Your Oil Habits

Everyone that cooks has oil habits. That means everyone has a go-to oil they use all the time, regardless of the heat used to cook or even the recipe used. For some people, it’s corn oil, for others, olive oil or even clarified butter. If your grandparents are alive, they may tell you that their […]

Is There Anything Wrong With Canned Veggies?

Is There Anything Wrong With Canned Veggies?

If you think that eating healthy can be too expensive, since fresh fruit and vegetables can cost a lot, reconsider. Healthy options don’t always have to be fresh. Both frozen and canned veggies can be nutritious, but you have to read the label and see all the ingredients, particularly on the canned vegetables. Some canned […]

365 New Chances To Start

365 New Chances To Start

People in Louisville, KY, are special, but like people all over the world, often wait until the new year starts to make those resolutions to get fit. In fact, the first month of the year is often the busiest. If you meant to start getting fit, but life made it impossible for you to begin […]

Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Exercises For Lower Back Pain

No matter where you live, Louisville, KY, or any other town or city, lower back pain can cause you to miss work and suffer from pain doing the simplest things. It’s hard to lift anything, move a few feet or do the simplest task. Even sleep alludes you when you suffer from this condition. Lower […]

It's Time To Push Through The Plateau

It’s Time To Push Through The Plateau

One of the biggest problems with losing weight, especially if you’re working out on your own, is plateauing. The best way to deal with a plateau is to avoid it in the first place. You can push through the plateau if it occurs and knowing what caused it helps. Plateauing occurs when the body becomes […]

Build Muscles The Natural Way

Build Muscles The Natural Way

If you’ve ever been to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, you know we have an entire program to build muscles with exercise and a healthy diet. You may read ads about pills that help you bulk up or lose weight, but many of these supplements are either unhealthy, such as steroids, or basically useless for […]