
How Chia Seeds Could Be A Game Changer

How Chia Seeds Could Be A Game Changer

No matter where you talk about chia seeds and the benefits, someone will bring up the chia pets that are so popular around Christmas. They extend beyond the animal world into the world of Star Wars and politics, with Bernie Sanders chias and Chewbacca’s. But chia seeds provide benefits for good health when you eat […]

Animal Vs Plant Protein

Animal Vs Plant Protein

It doesn’t matter whether it’s animal or plant protein, certain factors determine what’s best. For instance, does it contain all nine essential amino acids. The essential amino acids are ones the body can make itself. They must be consumed as food. Some essential amino acids are used more often than others are, such as glutamine […]

What Muscles Do Mountain Climbers Work?

What Muscles Do Mountain Climbers Work?

When only the best fitness results will do, we provide that at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. We focus on each individual’s needs, whether it’s nutrition needs, overall fitness and weight loss. We make sure each person achieves all types of fitness, which includes strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. Some exercises work a number of […]

Best Foods To Eat In The Morning

Best Foods To Eat In The Morning

No matter how much you love to start your day off with a donut, it isn’t on the list of foods to eat in the morning. It should supply not only energy that keeps you going until your next meal, but also adequate nutrition, since it is about a third of your daily calorie intake. […]

The Pros And Cons Of Restrictive Diets

The Pros And Cons Of Restrictive Diets

Special diets are all restrictive diets in one way or another, even if it’s a healthy diet. If you’re suffering from a food allergy, you have to go on a restrictive diet that eliminates that type of food. However, most people think of super low calorie or low carbohydrate diets when they hear the term […]

Should I Eat Protein With Every Meal?

Should I Eat Protein With Every Meal?

Whether you’re the average person who doesn’t exercise, trying to get into shape or at the level of a bodybuilder you need protein, but do you need protein with every meal? Protein is an important macronutrient that you need to build new muscle tissue. If you’re sedentary, you need less protein than someone who is […]

Will "Cheat Days" Ruin My Progress?

Will “Cheat Days” Ruin My Progress?

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we focus not on dieting, but learning to eat healthier. That way there are no strict calorie restricted days. Cheat days are more for those on strict calorie restricted diets, which we don’t recommend. They became popular as a way to boost metabolism by allowing you one day periodically […]

Good Fruit Combos To Fuel Your Morning

Good Fruit Combos To Fuel Your Morning

What’s the best food to start you day off right? It’s actually a combination of foods, but good fruit combos should be part of that group. Fruit is easy to digest, provides energy and based on the colors, textures and even shapes of fruits, have different phytonutrients and antioxidants. Creating combinations of fruit for breakfast […]