
Importance Of Consistent Sleep

Importance Of Consistent Sleep

While much of my work with clients in McKinney, TX is about diet and exercise, I do also emphasize the need for consistent sleep. It’s not really a popular idea to get adequate sleep anymore. Part of our culture has become burning the candle at both ends and late nights at the office. Even people […]

Creating A Healthy Home

Creating A Healthy Home

Creating a healthy home is just as important as getting exercise, eating healthy, getting adequate sleep and hydrating. You spend a lot of time in your home and if it’s brimming with toxic substances, all the work you’ve done to stay healthy can be for naught. Something as simple as a leak in the roof […]

Think Fitness And Become Fit

Think Fitness And Become Fit

If you’ve ever heard the saying, “If you believe it, you can achieve it.” you might not see how it has anything to do with fitness, but it does. When you think fitness, you become fit. That’s because it’s the core of your focus. Rather than thinking how fat you are, how out of shape […]

Spice Up Those Healthy Foods

Spice Up Those Healthy Foods

You don’t have settle for rice cakes or food that tastes like cardboard or vitamins if you want to eat healthy. In fact, healthy foods can taste delicious, especially if you add a little spice. Here in McKinney, TX, most people love food that wakes up their taste buds. That’s why adding spice not only […]

Strength Training Is Good Medicine

Strength Training Is Good Medicine

When most people think of starting strength training, they picture body builders and bulky muscles. That is just one outcome, based on the trainer and the person they’re training if you’re a man. While some women can develop denser muscle mass, it takes hours of dedication for years and often supplementation for women to bulk […]

Exercise Away Back Pain

Exercise Away Back Pain

If you’re suffering from back pain of any type, you probably want to stay in that easy chair and not move. However, that may be the worse thing that you can do. In fact, you can exercise away back pain in most cases. When you exercise you increase circulation and help build core muscles that […]

Nutrition For Weight Loss

Nutrition For Weight Loss

To shed pounds, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. However, you need to pay attention to good nutrition for weight loss to be healthy. As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” You’re not junk, so don’t eat junk. Too often people try fad diets that promise miracle weight loss. Unfortunately, […]