Strength Training Technique for the Personal Trainer

Strength Training Technique for the Personal Trainer

Two of the hottest topics currently in the personal training and strength training field are periodization and overtraining. In the past, most training methods used by personal trainers came from the Iron Game. That is why in the recent past, and often now as well, over-zealous Pt’s design programs comprised of the Arnold Schwarzenegger blitz biceps workout, the bench press routine from Bill Kazmaier, and the Bulgarian pulling cycling. Then there was the periodization concept and Russia’s weightlifting system involving percentages progression. Fortunately, the current strength training field has progressed significantly over the last several years and has a lot to offer when it comes to program design for the Personal Trainer.

This article’s goal is to provide five steps to personal trainers to help athletes achieve a superior physical state by solving these problems:

– The syndrome of Wanting It All
– The debate over Specificity vs. General Strength
– Overtraining vs. undertraining

Step 1: Alternate Intensification Phases with Accumulation Phases

In order for your neuromuscular system to be forced into adapting to a certain training load, it is critical to plan variations in both the intensity and volume of the load. Since the body adapts quickly to the training load’s stress, after just two weeks, strength training programs start to lose their efficiency. This is our main philosophy for all of our personal training clients at Inpower Fitness

To maintain maximum neural activation, increases need to be maintained at progressively increasing levels or varied periodically. If the body is presented with the stimulus in the exactly same way every time, its efficiency will begin to diminish. In North America, unfortunately, not many strength coaches and personal trainers know about this concept. That is why less than optimal results are produced by their strength programs. To make fast progress, you need to alternate phases of unloading with high volume phases (extensive loading, accumulation).

Linear intensification is one of the common mistakes found in strength training programs, which is having ever-increasing intensity. For example, an athlete will proceed through a monthly program like the table below. This design has intensity with linear movement from 78 percent to 85, 90 up to a maximum of 95 percent.

Table 1: Strength development standard linea intensification training

Weeks 1-4 5-8 9-1 13-16
Sets 5 3 3 3
Reps 10 5 3 2
Intensity 75% 85% 90% 95%
Total reps 50 15 9 6

This type of program has a couple of different problems that can arise;

– The intensity climbs up continuously, which creates ever-increasing stress levels, and therefore not much time is allowed for regeneration.

– The same amount of hypertrophy that is achieved during the first training month cannot be maintained when sets of five or fewer repetitions are done. Why? Because volume is required for optimal increases in muscle mass.

An alternative solution is offered in Table 2 so that both the intensity and volume are presented in an undulatory manner. The volume in this example is reduced much more slowly and the intensity increases more gradually. Also, the phases are a lot shorter, which allows for the stimulus to be changed more frequently, which really helps with strength gains. The system is very popular with Canadian, West German, and Eastern European personal trainers.

Table 2: Alternating intensification and accumulation phases for strength development

Weeks 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12
Sets 3 5 4 5 4 6
Reps 10-12 4-6 8-10 3-5 5-7 2-3
Intensity 70-75% 82-88% 75-78% 85-90% 80-85% 90-95%
Total Reps 30-36 20-30 32-40 15-25 20-28 12-18

Since linear overloading is not recommended, a much more rewarding alternative is offered by this undulatory approach. Schmidtbleicher states that strength potential is achieved more quickly when methods that favor muscle mass development are used first and then methods that favor the enhancement of motor unit activation (such as nervous system training).

Athletes must force their neuromuscular system to adapt through volume and then use intensity to stimulate it. This variety of training eliminates the psychological and physiological causes in training plateaus that come when specialization of intensity or volume is overemphasized. This allows for muscle mass and strength to be built at faster and higher rates.

Weightlifters need to focus on methods that will provide maximum neural activation increases. This can be seen in Yanko Rusev from Bulgaria. He won five World Championships, broke 25 world records, and won an Olympic gold medal in 1980. Rusev weighed 165 pounds and lifted 460 pounds.

Step 2. Vary the Types of Muscular Contraction

One of the most important factors in maximizing training response is to vary your strength training. Unfortunately, this training principle is often overlooked by personal trainers and strength coaches. Strength gains are achieved more quickly when many different kinds of contractions are used and not just one. A.K. Worobjow, a Soviet National Weightlifting coach, recommended the following percentages between the different kinds of contractions to achieve optimal strength development: 10 percent isometric, 20 percent eccentric, and 70 percent concentric.

Eccentric training makes it possible for athletes to achieve the highest muscular tension levels. This, in turn, greatly favors the development of strength and hypertrophy. It has been demonstrated many times that different combinations of eccentric and concentric training increase maximal strength more quickly than just using only concentric training. The following are some of the advantages offered by eccentric training:

– More muscle mass and strength gains can be induced compared to only isometric or concentric methods, which allows athletes to break through potential strength-gain plateaus.

— Fast eccentric work (plyometrics, for example) results in force-time curves shifting to the left which results in higher force development rates.

– Due to the very high loads that eccentric training uses, like the maximal weight methods, the nervous system is impacted in addition to the muscles.

– There are various forms that eccentric training may take, including the loading pattern below on an accumulation phase:

1. 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps each at 110-120%, 8 to 10 seconds eccentric, rest for 4 to 5 minutes in contrast between sets. This loading pattern could be followed by an intensification phased eccentric workout: 1. 1-2 sets of 3 reps each at 125%, with 3-5 seconds of eccentric, and then rest 4-5 minutes.

2. 1-2 sets of 3 reps each at 132.5%, 3-5 seconds eccentric, and then rest for 4-5 minutes.

3. 1-2 sets of 2-3 reps each at 140%, 3-5 seconds eccentric, and then rest for 4-5 minutes.

– Specially designed equipment like eccentric hooks can be used to increase eccentric loads.

Once a conventional concentric 4 to 6 RM set at 80-82 percent of 1 RM is complete, you can perform additional eccentric work by 25-30 percent extra weight being added on the barbell for the concentric training and then doing extra eccentric-only reps. Or instead of adding extra weight, resistance can be applied manually by a personal trainer (like pushing down on your barbell while you are performing a bench press) while you are doing the eccentric part of the lift. The extra negative reps exhaust levels of eccentric strength after concentric muscular failure is achieved. The method applies to the accumulation phase more, since this is where you want to achieve strength gains from hypertrophy. However, injuries can occur if the athlete does not control the descent of their chosen resistance.

Although eccentric training shows a lot of potential for improving strength, personal trainers should follow the guidelines outlined below:

– It should be practiced only after achieving a solid base on your strength training for one or two years.

– This kind of training has high muscle soreness levels associated with. Therefore, training frequency using this method should be limited to once every 7 to 10 days. The potential to overtrain can be increased by eccentric training and therefore it should be used sparingly. During competitive seasons it is also not recommended since it can hamper recovery time significantly.

– Slow eccentric training is associated with reducing the force development rate. This suggests that it mainly should be used during the off-season (preparation period), while you should do fast eccentric training during competitive seasons (pre-season and in-season).

– It frequently requires special equipment or assistance from one or two workout partners to help with moving resistance throughout the concentric range. During squats or other weight training exercises, eccentric training can be hazardous if the spotters have not been trained properly.

— Isometric contractions tend to be more specific in such sports as gymnastics and wrestling than they are to soccer or football, but they can also be used in predictor lifts to break through any strength gain plateaus. Since isometric contractions can produce 10-15 percent higher force levels, this type of workout can be used periodically to favor strength level growth. The following are examples of how isometric contractions can be focused on:

a) Functional isometric contractions can be performed by athletes after the muscle has been pre-fatigued by performing 4 to 6 partial reps. This method requires a power rack. After warming up, the athlete can choose a weight and move from one pin set to another, such as from the midpoint to six inches prior to lockout while performing a bench press. At the end of the final concentration repetition, perform 4-6 RM, contract isometrically for 6-8 seconds with maximum tension on the top pins. Lower your barbell and try to do another repetition. If another rep can be performed, that means the weight is not heavy enough.

b) The duration and intensity of a conventional set conducted to concentric muscular failure can be prolonged by isometric work. If an athlete has completed his final concentric part of a 6 RM barbell curls set. The barbell should be lowered by 30 degrees, stop for eight seconds, and then repeat this process at two different other angles.

c) Isometric stops may be incorporated into a movement’s dynamic range. For example, you can perform 6-second holds at different parts of a clean pull: at mid-thigh, right under the knee, and two inches off of the floor.

You can achieve eccentric overload by a personal trainer applying manual resistance to your barbell during the exercise’s lowering phase.

Step 3: Strengthen All Force-Velocity Curve Aspects

There are conflicting theories in North America on what the optimal speed is for performing strength work. One school of thought thinks that high-velocity training is best, while the other school claims that optimal strength gains can only be achieved through performing repetitions slowly only. Both of these schools of thought are right! Muscle gains occur more quickly if training is done at various speeds compared to if the training is always done at the same speed.

Another important thing to understand is that the contraction has a certain training effect on the body’s neuromuscular system. When high loads are moved at slow speed this eliminates using momentum to lift resistance. There is a definite advantage to training at a slow speed compared to high-speed lifting when it comes to developing maximum strength. When the movement is slowed down (3-10 seconds for every eccentric phase) it augments both the tensions levels that are imposed on the muscles and the duration of how long the stimulus lasts. It favors faster tension developed that is imposed on the muscles which result in faster development of muscle mass and strength.

When training is performed at slow speeds, 60 seconds of work maximum should be done for each set. For example, when the speed of movement is reduced to the point where each eccentric and concentric part of the lift takes 6 seconds, a maximum of 5 repetitions should be performed per set [5 repetitions x (6 seconds eccentric + 6 seconds concentric) = 60 seconds].

The force-time curve is raised when you train at slow speeds, while it is shifted to the left when training is done at high speeds. Training explosively at higher loads doesn’t generate high strength increases. However, it is very beneficial for training the nervous system to generate a positive adaptation to the force development rate. The early portion of force development is emphasized for these reasons: (a) it is beneficial for synchronization, and (b) for practical purposes is relevant since there is a very short time available in athletic activities for the muscles to contract.

Execution done at a slow velocity is associated with producing high forces. High-velocity movements, by contrast, favor high neuromuscular output levels. Therefore, a weight light enough to use for power training isn’t heavy enough to use for strength training. However, for the first year of strength training for an athlete, it is recommended by European strength coaches is to use moderate (60 degrees per second) or slow (30 degrees per second) execution tempos.

Although high-speed strength training is specific to fast movements that are performed in such sports as soccer and football, it needs to be done only after a solid maximal strength base has been obtained. It is best to use slow movements to obtain a solid maximal strength base. Therefore, movements during the general preparatory phase need to be slow or moderate tempo using a variety of different contractions, with the movements being gradually sped up as it gets closer to the competitive seasons to specifically train the body’s nervous system.

Step 4. Use a Wide Range of Exercises

Another way to achieve strength more quickly and eliminate boredom at the same time is to change the form and nature of the exercise. Furthermore, only varying your strength training program’s intensity and volume is not sufficient to obtain optimal results. That is because while a given movement is being performed, the motor units’ order of recruitment for a muscle is fixed, even when there is a change in speed of contraction and force development rate. However, it is possible to change the recruitment order by shifting the body’s position or performing different movements for multi-functional muscles.

Certain motor units inside a muscle have a high recruitment threshold on exercise Y and a low recruitment threshold on exercise X. This recruitment order variation might be partly responsible for the training specificity that has been seen. It might also support the idea that bodybuilders have held for a long time that a muscle’s full development is only possible when movements are trained.

Strength coaches and personal trainers have a wide range of different strength training exercises that are available to them. For example, exercises that strengthen the knee and hip extensors may be performed using different training implements (machines, iron circles, trap bars, dumbbells, or Olympic bars). Also, you can change the starting positions on certain exercises. For example, a football lineman who performs clean pulls for improving his knee and hip extension power can be done from mid-thigh, from the hang, from the blocks, from the floor, on a podium, and so forth.

A great form of training is a partial range of movement that is definitely not used enough. Strength and conditioning coaches, for example, know that a great deal of weight may be handled from the lockout position in squatting and pressing exercises. However, the resistance required for performing full-range exercises is not enough for the strong points within the strength curve to be overloaded and why power rack training is so useful. When a power rack is used, certain parts of the range of motion can be selected by the athlete and optimal loads can be used for these ranges of motion. Bocks of different heights may be used to perform the numerous variations of Olympic lifts.

One challenging training stimulus can be to change the grip’s diameter. Try to perform curls or chins with oversize bars to produce a new type of training effect on the elbow flexors. Plastic pipe, foam, tape, or a combination may be used to thicken the bars.

When the exercises are varied using the methods above it will also make sure the athlete achieves strength in all movement planes. Athletes are often overly concerned with “Big Bench.” Instead, be good in all press formed and have a shoulder structure where a force can be applied from any angle. This approach can allow athletes to achieve the “Big Bench” more quickly to prevent boredom and reduce the risk of developing overuse injuries.

One way that variety in training can be ensured is to change your body position, like lifting your hips while performing a leg extension.

Step 5. Don’t Pay Attention to Percentages

Strength training programs often follow a system that uses different maximum percentages. There are serious drawbacks to this method:

– Over one day strength varies 10 to 20 percent. Therefore, if 1 RM is tested at 5 pm, the percentage that is prescribed for an exercise that is performed at 11 am may not be appropriate.

– Although the relationships between submaximal loads and 1 RM has been established fairly precisely, individual differences caused by fiber typing and neural factor can deviate a great deal. For example, although most people can normally perform 11 to 12 reps at 70 percent of 1 RM, one person on Canada’s National Judo Team can perform 24 reps at that percentage.

– The percentage relationship that is between the submaximal and maximum reps is different for each muscle. Research has shown that at 60 percent maximum, just 11 leg curl reps can be performed, while 40 leg press reps can often be done.

– Percentages do not leave room for any individual training responses. There are some gifted people who respond fast to a strength training program and using fixed percentages may undertrain them, while those same percentages may overstress other people. The latter kind of individual may be tempted to cheat in order to get the prescribed number of reps done at a certain percentage to keep up with their friends. Or if the person doesn’t cheat, they may become discouraged if they are unable to keep up with their friends. Another important factor is that athletes have different recovery abilities. So what can be done instead? Allow the load to be dictated by the reps instead of the other way around. This can be achieved by an intensity zone spread being used that is controlled by doing a fixed number of reps (like 6-8).

So if an athlete is in a certain stage where they perform 4-5 repetitions if 7 repetitions or more can be performed, that means their weight is too light and on the next set should be increased. If only 3 reps can be done by the athlete, then the weight is too heavy. In that way, the duration of the stimulus that is imposed on the muscle will at least be controlled. And since the contraction’s intensity is inversely proportionate to the stimulus’s duration, you will know about what intensity levels athletes are working at. Also, since multiple sets are conducted, optimal resistance can be individualized for each athlete on a certain day. Your training program can take such factors into account as the time of day.

Your athletes should fill out a personal training diary and also fill out a training station dairy at each lifting station. The diary will let you assess your program’s effectiveness since you can compare an athlete against others as well as against himself.

Percentage method proponents argue this prevents overtraining. Maybe, but why do 5 sets of 5 reps at 70 percent when 12 reps can be performed at that percentage? If overtraining is something you are concerned with, you can cut back on the number of exercises or sets. Your body is capable of protecting itself against work intensity, but not against work volume. Why waste a set as a warm-up?

The percentage relationship that exists between the submaximal and maximum repetitions will depend on the exercises that are performed and the muscle groups that are recruited. For example, more repetitions can be done at a certain percentage of the 1 RM of an athlete when performing the leg press compared to when doing leg curls.

Final Thoughts

There are numerous ways that workouts can be varied in a progressive and logical way to improve athletic fitness. You need to design strength training workouts for athletes while taking into consideration all of the different factors that affect the design of the program including recovery time, equipment, and training age. This is a must if you are a personal trainer.

When variety is incorporated into your workouts by making use of the steps that have been discussed in this article, it can do amazing things for your training program.

Variety is truly the spice, and there certainly is no good reason why a little bit of spice should not be added to your training programs. So do not hesitate to innovate, and do not train just to train. Instead, train to win!

Let’s Simplify Your Fat Loss

The main reason that you’re not happy with your weight is because of what you eat.iStock_000003130008Small

It’s hardly your fault.

Have you ever stopped to notice how many times you’re bombarded by food marketing each day?

Ads come at you from magazine pages, T.V. commercials, on websites and billboards, each boasting of cheap, convenient and tasty ways to cure your hunger.

The question “What’s for dinner?” has never been more complex than now.

Extensive menu options and large entrees have distorted your concept of a proper meal, and before you know it you’ve fallen into the trap of the chain restaurant, the drive thru, and the take-out line.

But wait – truly healthy eating is simple.

First you need to block out the blizzard of food marketing around you.

Remember that advertisers want your money, and they don’t stop to consider if the food they promote will expand your waist – that’s your job.

It’s safe to say that, with few exceptions, any food that you see marketed should be avoided. When was the last time you saw an ad for grilled white fish, steamed broccoli and a side of brown rice?

So what does truly healthy eating look like?

A healthy meal contains lean protein, fresh vegetables and a modest serving of whole grains.

Just as importantly, a healthy meal does NOT contain:
Refined sugar / corn syrup
Fried / fatty food
Full fat dairy food
Processed food with chemical additives
Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What you decide to eat when you first wake up will set the tone for the rest of your meals that day. Try these healthy options:
Scrambled egg whites, sliced tomato and whole grain toast
Whole grain oatmeal, sliced fruit and a protein shake
Homemade breakfast sandwich: Multi-grain English muffin with lean turkey slices and egg
Healthy Lunch

It is important to plan your lunch ahead of time in order to avoid turning to a fast food joint or vending machine. Pack your lunch the night before and carry it with you. Try these healthy options:
Dark baby greens topped with chopped chicken breast and diced tomatoes
Albacore tuna (packed in water), mixed with finely chopped cucumber over brown rice
Homemade sandwich: Sprouted grain bread with lean turkey slices, lettuce, tomato and mustard
Healthy Dinner

Dinner is the meal where most people splurge and eat far more calories than they should. Eating at home is the first step in reducing your dinnertime calories. Try these healthy options:
Grilled white fish, sautéed spinach and whole wheat couscous
Baked chicken breast, steamed broccoli and brown rice
Try the recipe for Rosemary Lamb Chops below
While healthy eating is a huge factor in achieving your ideal weight, exercise is the other half of the equation.

Your exercise routine should be challenging and should be done on a regular basis.

I know that you have more than enough in your life to think about without having to plan your own exercise routine. Leave that job to me—call or email today to get started on a personalized fitness program that will leave your body no choice but to shed those unwanted pounds.

Portrait of young attractive dark-haired smiling woman holding basket full of fruits and eating apple at summer green park.

Never Crave Naughty Foods Again (Here’s How)

You wake up each morning with every intention of eating “good” today.

You’ll skip the drive thru line on your way to work. You’ll refuse to get fast food with co-workers at lunch. You’ll boycott the vending machine in the mid-afternoon. And you won’t even think about having dessert after dinner.

But then your cravings kick in…

Your friend drops by with a big fluffy muffin and a latte for breakfast. A group of co-workers invite you to that greasy spoon down the street for lunch. Cake is passed around at the mid-afternoon staff meeting. And after dinner your honey surprises you with a bowl of your favorite ice cream.

You tell yourself that tomorrow will be different.

Tomorrow you won’t give in to food cravings.

But then tomorrow comes with its own special circumstances, and cravings get the best of you once again.

Why Do Food Cravings Always Win?

Let’s face it, we live in a world where food temptations are everywhere…which leads to cravings, which leads to eating things that you shouldn’t, which leads to pounds gained. Again. And again. And again. Until you’re so fed up with your body that you don’t even know where to begin to get yourself back on track.

Stores display the most tantalizing junk food items right where you could easily reach them. TV commercials for greasy, fattening foods portray them so scrumptiously that you literally salivate. Sugary snack items have full-page, glossy pictures in your favorite magazines. And as if all of these weren’t enough, the people in your daily life are another (constant) source of food temptation.

To make matters worse, you’ve been conditioned since childhood to have a positive association with the act of indulging in your cravings. You use food as a reward. You use food as a source of emotional comfort. You use food as a way to relieve stress. And quickly these associations and uses of food become habit. A habit that’s not easily broken.

New Technique to End Food Cravings

Food cravings don’t need to have the upper hand on you anymore. Here’s how you can fight back using your most powerful asset: your brain.

Remember that your mind is an amazing thing. Once your mind is made up about something it’s nearly impossible to change it.

healthy eating

Try This Powerful Mind Exercise: Imagine that you are peacefully floating down a river on a raft. The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and you are having a fun, relaxing time. You feel wonderful about the river because it’s making you feel happy.

Now change perspectives for a moment. You’re now in a plane flying over the river and the raft. Instantly our eye is drawn to an enormous rocky waterfall. Then you look back to the person floating on the raft, having a wonderful time, headed straight for the treacherous falls.

With this new perspective of the river, do you think that you’d agree to get on a raft and take your chances floating toward the falls? Laughable, right? You’ve seen the hidden danger of the river. You know it leads to pain and suffering.

Now your negative association (watery death) with the river has replaced your initial positive association (relaxing fun).

This is the key to overcoming food temptations and putting an end to food cravings: building negative associations in place of existing positive ones. I’ll break this process down for you in two steps:

Step One: Create a STRONG Negative Association with Unhealthy Food

You may not have realized it, but up until this point you’ve placed unhealthy, fattening foods on a pedestal in your mind. As long as the wrong foods are on that pedestal you’ll continue to give into your cravings and will continue to gain fat.

Take the wrong food off that pedestal by listing off everything negative about them…
These foods make you unhealthy.
These foods cause weight gain.
These foods drain your energy.
These foods kill your confidence.
These foods lessen your quality of life.
These foods damage your love life.
Every time that you feel tempted to eat an unhealthy food, focus on your list of negatives. Kick the junk off the pedestal and put something healthy in its place.

Step Two: Create a STRONG Positive Association with Wholesome Foods

Now that your mental food pedestal has been cleared, put truly wholesome food items on it. Juicy fresh fruit, crispy vegetables and savory lean meats are the place to start.

List off the things that you love about healthy food…
These foods make you healthy.
These foods promote fat loss.
These foods boost your energy.
These foods build your confidence.
These foods improve your quality of life.
These foods enhance your love life.
I encourage you to immerse yourself into the world of healthy, wholesome foods. Browse the aisles of your local natural foods store. Stroll through a farmer’s market. Pack healthy snacks to bring to work. Clear your kitchen of junk.

Use the technique above consistently and you will soon find that healthy, wholesome foods are your favorite. And craving the wrong foods will be a thing of your past.

Call or email me today and I’ll get you started on a fitness program that will change your life and your body forever!

This is a True Story (Cautionary Tale)

This is a True Story (Cautionary Tale)

A woman sits at a restaurant studying the menu with furrowed brow. She has begun an exercise routine and knows that her frequent meals out could slow her weight loss results if she wasn’t careful.

When the waiter comes she is still deep in thought over what to order. “What can I get for you?” he asks with a smile. She looks up and frowns, no closer to arriving at a decision. On a whim she blurts out, “I’m trying to eat healthy but I have no idea what to order. What do you think I should eat?”

The young waiter looks startled but quickly rattles off his idea of a healthy meal. “The eggplant and roasted pepper pasta is filled with vegetables. You could get that with a salad.”

The woman smiles. Yes, vegetables do sound healthy. So she orders the veggie pasta with a side salad and a diet soda, then sits back to enjoy a few slices of bread.

That’s a true story. Not surprisingly the woman was unable to lose weight even though she was exercising regularly.iStock_000000996371_ExtraSmall

It is said that 80% of your weight loss results are derived from diet, and the remaining 20% from exercise—so you can see how important it is for you to stick with a healthy eating plan.

Use the following tips as your guide to eating out right:


Appetizers are a great way to start out a leisurely meal, but can also derail your good intentions with a quickness.

Don’t Order:
Anything fried. Fried foods are a favorite, but will do damage that even the most intense workout won’t undo.
Creamy dips. These are filled with fat and usually come with something fried to dip in it.
Bread. It comes smothered in cheese or seeped in butter, and even when it’s plain it fills you up with more carbohydrates than your body needs.
Do Order
Green salad. Ask for very light dressing and no croutons.
Antipasto. A plate of thinly sliced meats, olives and cheese will start you off with some protein.
Lettuce wraps. These are delicious, protein-filled and low in carbs.

Calories in drinks are sneaky because they don’t fill you up. This means that you end up taking in far more calories than you bargained for.

Don’t Order
Regular or diet soda. On one hand you’re drinking corn syrup through a straw, on the other you’re drinking chemicals that cause you to crave sweets. It’s a no win situation.
Sweet cocktails. Many restaurants are advertising sweet cocktails –resist the urge. Sugar plus alcohol equals loads of unneeded calories.
Sweetened tea. You may feel righteous for ordering iced tea, but if it’s sweetened then you may as well be drinking fully loaded soda.
Do Order
Water. Don’t laugh! Water is the best beverage of all.
Unsweetened iced tea. Don’t ruin it by adding that packet of sugar. Learn to enjoy the natural sweetness to the tea.
Red wine. Stick to one glass, and drink responsibly.

This is where the real damage is done. When you order something carb-loaded you leave the restaurant feeling heavy and lethargic—you may not even realize this until you start eating better and experience the light, energetic way you’ll feel after eating a healthy meal.

Don’t Order
Pasta. I don’t care if it comes with red sauce or white sauce, meat or veggies. If you’re trying to lose weight and maintain a lean body then never, ever order a plate of pasta.
Pizza. Another dish that has far more carbohydrates than you need. If you’re craving the pizza toppings then simply order those over a salad.
Burgers. If you really want a burger then ditch the bun and the fries, and have your patty wrapped in lettuce.
Do Order
Lean meat with vegetables. Fish, steak, chicken, take your pick and pair it with green vegetables.
Salad with protein. Ask for very light dressing and make sure you have a nice piece of protein on it.
Soup and salad. Stick with broth based soups that contain protein and pass on the breadsticks.
If you want to expedite your results then consider working with me on a fitness plan that will turn you into a fat burning machine.

Call or email today—I look forward to hearing from you.

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