
Why Is Physical Activity So Important?

Why Is Physical Activity So Important?

One reason I went into the area of fitness is because I knew that physical activity was a key factor to good health and extremely important. My aim was to provide the knowledge that could help people become their best. There are three four types of physical fitness, aerobic, strength, flexibility and balance. A healthy program focuses on all four, since each plays a role in your overall good health.

You’ll get immediate benefits from participating in physical activity.

As you exercise, you’ll burn off the hormones of stress and increase circulation. Immediately following a moderate-to vigorous workout, you’ll experience other benefits, such as improved cognitive skills and thinking. It reduces the feeling of anxiety and sharpens your skills and judgement. Physical activity makes learning and remembering things easier.

Exercise is heart healthy and can help control diabetes.

Studies show that getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise can lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of coronary disease. Getting more than 150 minutes is even better. Exercise also helps For people with metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes, it’s even more important. It lowers the risk of complications and if you lose weight as you exercise, can even help reduce the medication necessary. Studies show that obese people with diabetes can reduce their insulin resistance by up to 57% by losing as little as 7% of bodyweight.

Strength training can help prevent osteoporosis.

When you do weight bearing exercise, you’re not only building your muscle strength, you’re building the strength of your bones. Around age 30, bone mass peaks and then starts to decline, unless you exercise regularly. People who don’t exercise or get little weight bearing or strength building exercise lose the most bone mass.When the muscle tugs on the bone, the bone strengthens itself by becoming denser. Studies show that regular strength building and weight-bearing exercise can slow the decline and in some cases, increase bone mass.

  • Exercise can help you lose weight in two ways. It burns additional calories to create a greater calorie deficit and can boost your metabolism, since muscle mass requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does.
  • The older you get, the more important exercise becomes. It helps stabilize you and improves balance to prevent falls that can break bones and alter your life forever.
  • Regular exercise can help relieve the pain. It helps prevent muscle pain in the back and can lubricate joints to prevent joint pain. It can help relieve the pain of arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic pain.
  • A program of regular exercise can help lift your spirits and prevent depression. Not only does it burn off stress hormones, it also increases hormones that make you feel good.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio

What Fasting Can Do For You

What Fasting Can Do For You

At Prime Fitness in Totowa, New Jersey, know that exercise is just one lifestyle change that can make you healthier. There are others, such as a healthy diet, plenty of sleep and adequate hydration. Recently, fasting has received a lot of attention as another way to improve your fitness level. There are several ways to fast, and they all provide a health benefit. Each type of fasting is different. There are full day fasts where you only drink water and some other liquids, intermittent fasting thats about timing your meals in a narrow window that’s between 5 and 8 hours or long term fasting that can be dry fasting, juice fasting or simply cutting calories dramatically for a short time.

Intermittent fasting—IE—has been found to have some health benefits.

IE lowers the insulin levels in blood, may increase the amount of fat the body burns and allows the body to start repair on the cellular level. Studies on IE have been done for over 50 years, but most have been animal studies. Some studies show that the genes that control longevity underwent a beneficial change. Other studies showed it increased the body’s HGH—human growth hormone. More HGH means a potential to burn more fat and increase muscle.

Fasts of all types help rid your body of toxins and gives your digestive system a rest.

Fasts can also help improve blood sugar control, according to some studies, but that’s primarily for people using IE. One study showed that IE, whether timed or on alternate-day fasts, helped reduce insulin resistance. That can help your body use sugar more effectively and aid in blood sugar control. Studies also showed that fasting affected women differently than it did men.

Fasting can help prevent inflammation.

Inflammation has a purpose. If you get a cut, it helps prevent infection by fighting off the bacteria. However, chronic inflammation, may lead to more serious conditions. Some studies indicate inflammation may be part of the cause of diseases like Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Some studies have shown that fasting may help lower the levels of chronic inflammation. Studies showed that just one month of IE reduced inflammatory markers significantly. Animal studies showed the same effect and even identified that it was helpful in the treatment of MS—multiple sclerosis, an inflammatory disease.

  • Animal studies on fasting show it may increase nerve cell synthesis, improve brain function and even provide protection from neurodegenerative diseases and conditions, such as Parkinson’s.
  • Fasting can aid in weight loss, particularly IE. By limiting the time to eat, subjects in a study ate less than their control group counterparts who could eat any time they chose.
  • Fasting may increase levels of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter. Norepinephrine could increase weight loss by boosting metabolism.
  • More recent studies on Alzheimer’s showed that shorter term fasts may have a significant effect and improve their condition. In 80 % of the cases, there was significant improvement.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio

Best Sugar Replacements

Best Sugar Replacements

The American diet is laden with sugar. In fact, the average American eats approximately 152 pounds of sugar every year. When you compare that with the amount of sugar Americans ate just 200 years ago, which was approximately two pounds a year, the change is significant. It’s one reason diabetes is on the rise and why so many people look for alternatives. Most people think of those little pink, blue or yellow packets when they hear the words, sugar replacements, which are saccharin, aspartame and sucralose. Each of these come with the potential for negative side effects when used too frequently.

Natural sugar substitutes include Stevia.

Stevia comes from the Stevia rebaudiana bush from South America. It’s the leaves of the plant that are used and have a sweetness that’s 200 times that of table sugar, but with no calories. It does come with several health benefits, such as the ability to aid in lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome. However, the body also recognizes it doesn’t provide energy and animal studies show that when fed stevia, they consumed more calories and gained more weight from other food than those fed food flavored with glucose, which may counteract their benefit for those who want to lose weight.

A new option to the market that’s been used hundreds of years is monk fruit.

Monk fruit is between 150 and 300 times sweeter than sugar and it doesn’t have any calories or affect blood glucose levels. Other names for monk fruit include Luo Han Guo, Buddha fruit and longevity fruit. Those names came from the fact that Buddhist monks picked the fruit and used it for medicine.Like stevia, it has an aftertaste and even a when eating it, a taste that isn’t pleasing to everyone. It’s high in vitamin C, so can boost the immune system, is good for reducing the respiratory distress of allergies and can improve heart health, while reducing inflammation. People with pumpkin allergies or problems with their pancreas shouldn’t use it.

Opt for fresh fruit and fruit paste instead of sugar.

There are many ways to use fresh fruit and fruit paste in cooking to substitute for sugar. Date paste, for instance, is exceptionally good in sweetening baked goods and has a low glycemic index—GI rating. You can use unsweetened applesauce as a substitute for some of the sugar and oils in baked goods too. If you want a fruit and yogurt mix, don’t buy the ready made type; it has added sugar. Instead, get plain yogurt and add frozen fruit. Put it in a blender for a substitute for ice cream.

  • Honey has slightly fewer calories than sugar, but does provide many health benefits and nutrients. It has antioxidants, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, riboflavin and niacin to name a few, but with a low GI rating.
  • The root of the yacon plant looks like a sweet potato and when eaten raw tastes like a combination of watermelon, apple and celery. When boiled down, it creates a sugar substitute that lowers blood sugar levels.
  • While coconut sugar does have calories, it contains far less than sugar. It also has nutrients like polyphenols, iron, antioxidants and potassium. It’s good to use when baking.
  • Some of the original substitutes for sugar, like xylitol and other sugar alcohols also have fewer calories and some health benefits, such as reducing the risk of tooth decay and antioxidants. However, they also can cause diarrhea and gas.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio

How To Start Your Fitness Journey Immediately

How To Start Your Fitness Journey Immediately

When is the best time to start a fitness regimen? You can start your fitness journey immediately. In fact, it’s the best way to do it. While I believe that at Prime Fitness in Totowa, New Jersey, can provide you with exceptional guidance that can help you get fit faster, you don’t have to wait until you come in to start. You can begin in small ways right now.

Fitness is all about lifestyle.

Let’s discuss what getting fit isn’t about. It isn’t eating a salad one day and junk food the next. It isn’t about shooting hoops with the guys on weekends and living a sedentary lifestyle the rest of the week. It’s about making decisions, large and small, that lead you to a healthier lifestyle. There’s no magic pill or perfect workout, but consistent effort to eat healthier, get more exercise and make the lifestyle changes for a healthier you.

Start by cutting out added sugar.

If you want to eat healthier, just making two changes can be significant, such as cutting out foods with added sugar and eliminating highly processed food, such as food made with refined flour or processed meat. For some people, that wipes out their entire diet. Find a way to substitute whole foods for junk foods with extra sugar. It can be as simple as eating an apple instead of a candy bar. Read labels and opt for those with fewer ingredients, such as choosing natural peanut butter that contains only peanuts over one that has added sugar and a list of ingredients that could be in a chemistry lab.

Move more.

You don’t have to start with a formal program of exercise immediately, just move more. If you have a desk job, get up and walk around for five minutes every hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Do jumping jacks during television commercials or stretches. You can even save money by subscribing to streaming options that include commercials, so you can binge watch and still get exercise.

  • Getting adequate sleep is important to your health. Get seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. Make sure the bedroom is dark and you don’t have electronic devises like TVs to disturb it.
  • Stretch every morning before you get out of bed. Stretch every inch of your body and when your feet hit the floor, reach for the sky and then bend over gradually bending as far as you can.
  • Make sure you get adequate hydration. While the amount of water you need varies by temperature, body weight and activity level, it’s approximately eight 8-oz servings a day. Keep a bottle of water with you and sip on it throughout the day.
  • Make the time to start a formal program of exercise. At Prime Fitness we can help you achieve your goals faster and in a safer manner. You’ll look better and feel years younger quicker with our professional help.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio

Health Benefits Of Journaling

Health Benefits Of Journaling

Why would anyone have a food journal? One big reason is the health benefits of journaling and it’s relatively simple. It helps you learn more about your eating habits, without focusing every second of the day on them. Simply write in your journal when you eat and go on about your business, reviewing the journal at the end of the day or week. If you can’t figure out why you’re gaining weight, since you don’t eat much, you may be surprised at how many nibbles you take throughout the day.

A food journal must include everything you eat, but it doesn’t mean you have to write a book.

You don’t actually have a book and write everything down, unless you like old school. You can track what you eat via smartphone. If you’d like, later transcribe it to a book when you add the calorie or carb values into the information. There are a variety of apps you can use that are offered free online. Some of them do the calorie calculation for you. Since you normally carry your phone with you, it’s one of the best ways to ensure you log every bite.

Include other information in your food journal.

Tracking calories is just one use of the food journal. You can note your mood when you eat. You may notice a pattern. When you’re angry do you choose chips and crunchy food? When you’re sad is comfort food your first go-to? People who feel stress often opt for sweets. How does that information help? You can opt for an apple and get the benefit of having a crunchy food that also helps you eliminate anger. Journaling tells you more about yourself and helps you learn ways to cope more effectively.

Do you have issues with your health?

If the doctors are stymied, maybe the problem is in your diet. While an elimination diet is often best if the problems are severe, for those less pressing, use a food journal. Instead of noting your mood every time you eat, add symptoms that occur afterward, when they occur. If you see a consistent pattern, such as stomach pain every time you consume milk or a headache when you eat peanuts, you may find the food that triggers the symptoms and avoid constant doctor’s visits or chronic discomfort.

  • When you food journal, don’t forget to record what you drink, too. Soft drinks, fruit juice and even fancy coffee drinks contain tons of calories and a lot of additives that can affect your health.
  • Before you start your food journal, learn more about portion size and how to record it. Use descriptive terms like a fist-size portion or card deck sized one. Portion size is extremely important if weight loss is your goal.
  • You can track sugar intake, micro, such as vitamins and minerals, and macronutrient, protein, carbs and fat, intake when you food journal. That helps you learn whether your diet is healthy or not.
  • One study followed non-dieting people who food journaled for three months compared to those who didn’t. Those who journaled lost weight during that time, while those not journaling didn’t.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio

Is Dairy Good For You?

Is Dairy Good For You?

Clients that workout at Prime Performance in Totowa, New Jersey, know I recommend a pre and post workout snack. Many use protein smoothies, made with milk solids, cottage cheese and applesauce, Greek yogurt and fruit or cheese and fruit slices. These are good options, but they all contain dairy products. There’s a lot of discussion whether dairy is good for you or not. If you’re lactose intolerant, some types of dairy isn’t an option, but for the rest of us, what’s the answer?

Not all dairy is equal.

A tall glass of pasteurized milk from grass-fed cows contains higher amounts of linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids than other types of dairy found on the shelf. Fermented dairy like yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese are also more digestible by those with lactose intolerance. That’s because it’s traditionally low in lactose, unlike whole milk. If you’re trying to lose weight, you may think that low fat milk is a good option. That’s not true. In order to make it palatable, manufacturers add sugar.

There are many nutrients in milk and milk products.

Drinking milk does offer benefits. Milk contains many of the 22 essential nutrients. It has more calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium and protein than most food. It also contains vitamins A, B-12, B-6, E, K, folate, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, iron and selenium. Benefits of milk include improving blood sugar levels and may also include bone health and stronger teeth, but there is some contradictory evidence to the latter two. The Nurses Health Study, a huge study that lasted years, showed that those who drank milk actually had a 50% increased risk of fracture. Studies show that countries that had the lowest consumption of milk also had the lowest risk of osteoporosis.

Whole milk and milk products may actually help you lose weight.

Milk and milk products contain both fat and protein. Consuming both can keep you feeling full for far longer than consuming carbohydrates. Contrary to the Nurses Study, other studies showed that drinking milk helped young people build stronger bones and improved their dental health. In older adults, milk also helped reduce plaque on teeth.

  • Most people know they can’t tolerate dairy because of excess gas, diarrhea and cramping after consumption. That sensitivity varies by individual. Sometimes skin rashes can occur and thicker mucus and more frequent colds.
  • Several studies show that milk can cause eczema and acne-like skin conditions. This tended to occur most often in people who drank low-fat or skim milk, rather than whole milk.
  • Most studies reveal that children benefit more from milk than adults do. However, milk products, like yogurt and kefir provide other benefits, without many of the negatives that occur with whole or lower fat milk.
  • If you drink milk or choose milk products, try to use organic, hormone and antibiotic-free options. Even using butter made from the milk of grass fed cows has heart healthy benefits.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio

Stay Hydrated This Summer

Stay Hydrated This Summer

You probably have heard me encouraging everyone to drink more water and stay hydrated while they workout and may even get a little tired of hearing it. I say it a lot because it’s important no matter what the termperature, but expecially during summer. During the hot summer months, you sweat more outside and then start your workout at a deficit of fluid. That can affect your performance and the benefits you get from the workout. Sipping your water throughout the workout—-not guzzling it all at once—-can give you the boost of energy you need to burn more calories and succeed!

You don’t need sports drinks, plain water will do.

I see people bringing in bottles of sports drinks and congratulating themselves on all the electrolytes they’re replacing. The truth is, unless you’re running a marathon or working out at top intensity for over an hour, you probably don’t need a sports drink and plain water will do. Not only will it save you money, you’ll save calories, too, since most sports drinks contain sugar. A light snack before you workout and a post workout snack, with plain water between should keep you hydrated and provide all the electrolytes you require.

Hate plain water?

If you hate water, here’s a great alternative that won’t pack on the pounds and tastes great. Make some infused water. It’s easy. Just add your favorite fruits and vegetables sliced up in water and let it sit in the refrigerator until the water picks up the flavor of the fruits or vegetables—between 30 minutes to 24 hours, depending on how strong you want the flavor. The more fruit and vegetables added, the shorter the infusion time. Blend fruits, like lemon and berry or pinapple and

How much water should you drink?

While conventional wisdom says 8- eight ounce glasses a day—64 ounces, that’s just a generalization. You’re not the same weight as everyone else, nor do you have the same needs. Newer estimates of how much water you need are more personalized. Take the number of pounds you weigh, cut it in half and drink that many ounces of water a day. If you weigh 120 pounds, you’d need 60 ounces. Someone who weighs 200 pounds would need 100 ounces or about 12 ½ glasses a day. Older people need to drink more water and people trying to lose weight should also increase

Sometimes thirst disguises itself as hunger, so drinking water can save calories. If you want to lose weight, drink a tall glass of ice cold water before eating. It will fill you up and since it’s cold, the water cause your body to burn extra calories.

  • If you need an afternoon pick-me-up, grab a glass of water. Sometimes, even mild dehydration can make you tired and give you brain fog. Hydrating increases mental alertness, improves mood and can help ease a headache, too!
  • Avoid a hangover by drinking water between drinks and at the end of the evening. The hangover from drinking comes from the dehydration caused by the alcohol. Drinking water between drinks can help you wake up feeling great.
  • Save tons of calories and hydrate better with plain ole’ water. Soft drinks have tons of calories and actually can cause dehydration because of the caffeine in it. The same is true of coffee. The caffeine acts like a diuretic.
  • If you’re buying the most expensive facial creams and still not satisfied, drink more water and buy a spray bottle to spritz it on your face before applying your moisturizer and throughout the day. The water moisturizes and the moisturizing cream seals it into the skin.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio

What Is Considered "Obese"?

What Is Considered “Obese”?

At Prime Performance in Totowa, New Jersey, we work with people who want to be healthier and achieve their fitness goals. Some people want to build muscles, while others want to lose weight. While there are many different goals, there are also different levels within those goals. For instance, we have athletes that want to improve their already muscular physic and people who have never lifted anything heavier than a remote, both have a goal of building muscles, but are at different levels. Many people want to lose weight. Some may be barely overweight, just wanting to shed five or ten pounds, while others are obese and not only want to shed weight, but need to lose it to be healthy.

What is obesity and who is obese?

Obesity is a way of indicating the accumulation of 20% or more body fat than they should have. The way that is determined is often by the person’s BMI—body mass index. BMI uses height to weight ratio and then translates that to a number. If it’s 30 or higher, it enters the classification of obese. Waistline measurements can indicate abdominal obesity. Measurements of 35-inches or more in women and 40-inches or more in men indicates abdominal obesity.

Not all BMI measurements are relevant.

Since muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue does, an extremely muscular person can get a BMI number that correlates to overweight or obesity, when in reality, they have very little body fat, but a whole lot of muscle. The reverse can be true as well. A person that’s very out of shape with almost no muscle may have lots of fat, but their BMI indicates they don’t have a weight problem. Waist size and comparing waist-to-height ratio not only can help define obesity better, but also identify people more at risk for serious repercussions from their weight. People with excess belly fat are far more at risk than those with excess fat in the hip area.

The dangers of obesity, particularly those with a large waist circumference.

Not only is obesity dangerous to your health, it’s self-perpetuating. It can change your metabolism and make it even harder to lose weight. Obesity increases inflammation and puts you at risk for other serious conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Obesity can increase the risk of complications of pregnancy and restrict airways when sleeping causing sleep apnea.

  • Obese people have a higher incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease that causes scar tissue—cirrhosis. It can lead to liver failure and has no symptoms to alert you to the problem.
  • A higher risk of developing gall stones is also a problem for obese people. It can cause an imbalance of cholesterol in the bile and that causes gallstones.
  • Another problem faced by obese people when trying to shed extra pounds includes joint problems and osteoarthritis. Excess weight on the joints and cartilage cause more wear and tear, making exercise even more difficult.
  • Eating healthy and getting exercise can go a long way in helping weight loss. We create programs designed for your fitness level, so you can succeed.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Performance

Are There Foods To Lower Blood Pressure?

Are There Foods To Lower Blood Pressure?

If you found your blood pressure is slightly elevated or even high, there are foods to lower blood pressure that might save you from having to use medication. Of course, always check with your doctor first before changing your diet and never go off blood pressure medication until your health care professional gives you the okay. There’s a good reason to believe that avoiding foods that raise blood pressure and focusing on those that lower it can bring those numbers down naturally. In other words, your dinner table becomes your pharmacy.

Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet.

Salmon, tuna and other fatty fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Cod liver oil and caviar are also high in it. If you aren’t fond of fish or cod liver oil, and caviar is not in your budget, flaxseed, chia seed, walnuts and soybean also contain it. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and decrease levels of oxylipins that constrict blood vessels, which can cause blood pressure levels to drop. Studies show that increasing this fatty acid can significantly reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

Add some swiss chard to your salad, add it to your soup or as a side dish.

If you want your blood pressure regulated you need potassium in your diet and swiss chard is loaded with potassium. One cup provides 17% of your daily need for potassium, plus has 30% of your daily required amount of magnesium. Magnesium naturally blocks calcium movement into the heart and the arteries, which lets them relax and lowers your blood pressure. Beans also provide both magnesium and potassium, plus contain high amounts of fiber and protein.

Beets are considered a superfood.

Beets and beet greens are quite popular today because of all the health benefits they provide. They contain nitrates and nitrates relax the blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure. Several studies show that eating beets or drinking beet juice can lower blood pressure, but the effects don’t last that long. However, the nutrients are plentiful in beets and make it a food you should add to your diet.

  • Anthocyanin is found in blue, deep red and purple fruits and vegetables and especially in berries. Anthocyanin boosts the amount of nitric oxide in your body.
  • Pistachios not only are nutritious, studies show they lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure numbers. They contain potassium and other nutrients that are heart healthy. New studies show that walnuts help lower your blood pressure, too.
  • Use Greek yogurt to lower your blood pressure. It contains both calcium and potassium. Consuming 3 servings of dairy every day can reduce your risk for high blood pressure by 13%. For a treat that’s super healthy, combine berries, Greek yogurt, bananas and pistachios or walnuts in a parfait.
  • Snack on celery and a Greek yogurt dip. Celery contains phthalides that lower blood pressure by helping vessels relax. Just like carrots, cooked celery also significantly reduces blood pressure. Add it to soup.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio

High Fiber Foods You Should Keep In Your Diet

High Fiber Foods You Should Keep In Your Diet

While exercise is important, and we focus on that at Prime Performance in Totowa, New Jersey, eating healthy is just as important. Eating high fiber foods is part of a healthy diet and you they are foods you should emphasize and keep in your diet/ Dietary fiber is a complex carb and is hard to digest. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel that feeds the good bacteria, while also slowing digestion to keep you feeling full longer. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your diet but doesn’t dissolve. You need both types.

You’ll increase your energy level when you eat fiber.

Sweet potatoes are highly underrated. They’re high in fiber and keep your energy level at its peak. The fiber slows the digestions of the carbs, so it helps you maintain a consisten blood sugar level throughout the day. Another high fiber food is apples. Not only do apples contain fiber, they’re high in antioxidants and a boost to weight loss.

Beans are a highly underrated source of protein and fiber.

If you’re having problems fitting fiber in your diet, have a meatless Monday and make navy beans part of your meal. They’re inexpensive and versatile, so it’s easy to do. One serving, a half cup cooked, provides 34 percent of your daily need for fiber. You can store dried beans on the shelf for a long time and make a number of dishes once you rehydrate them. They’re high in folate and thiamin that can benefit brain health. They can benefit heart health, provide cancer and diabetes prevention, improve digestion and blood circulation, plus aid in the growth and repair of cells. Black beans, split pea, chick peas, lentils, and black beans are also high in fiber.

Fresh fruit is high in fiber.

Bananas, apples, oranges, pears and avocado (yes, avocado is a fruit) are high in fiber. Apples contain a nutrient that help curb your appetite and are one of the healthiest fruits for women. Eat the skins of the apples and the pears to get the most nutritional value. When eating oranges, the white pithy stuff under the peel is the healthiest. Oranges are high in vitamin C also and avocados are high in healthy fat.

  • Almost all vegetables are high in fiber, but parsnips, butternut squash, green peas, acorn squash and collard greens are good examples of vegetables that are high in fiber. If you eat potatoes, leave the skins on to maximize the nutrients you receive.
  • Berries are also high in fiber and provide antioxidants for the body. The red and purple colors of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries comes from the antioxidant anthocyanin.
  • Steel cut oats, whole grains and products made with these grains are higher in fiber. Oatmeal in particular, slows the absorption of sugar and digests slowly so you’ll feel full longer.
  • When you eat a diet that is devoid of most highly processed foods and high in whole foods, you’ll get the fiber you need. Cutting back on meat and using plant based protein sources also improves the fiber content.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio