
Get Vitamin D Without Excessive Sun

Get Vitamin D Without Excessive Sun

If you’ve heard that you need vitamin D to help boost your immune system, you heard right. Not only do you need vitamin D, studies show about half of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. The body produces its own vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun. In areas like Louisville, it’s impossible to get adequate sun to produce vitamin D in the winter. That means you have to find alternatives get vitamin D another way,

What is vitamin D?

While vitamin D is essential to a healthy body, it’s not really structured like a vitamin and isn’t an essential nutrient. The nutritional definition of essential means the body needs it, but can’t produce it so it must come from food. Our bodies actually make it from sunlight reacting with cholesterol. Unlike vitamins, its chemical structure is more like a steroid hormone—-such as sex or adrenal hormones. Like hormones, it affects the functions of the body and binds to receptors, which triggers specific reactions. Hormones are messengers. All cells of the body react from vitamin D.

Start with the easiest method of boosting your vitamin D, safe sunning.

Safe sunning means getting about 12 minutes of body exposure to the sun at midday in the summer, when the sun is highest in the sky. Do this three times a week if you’re at a latitude above 33 degrees (the same latitude as Atlanta, GA). The further north you are, the more sun you need. If you’re fair skinned, start with less time and for those darker skinned do more, since melanin blocks the sun. The further north you are, the more sun time you need.

Consume food with vitamin D.

Organ meat like liver, contain higher amounts of vitamin D. If you have the opportunity to choose between farmed and wild salmon or other fatty fish, choose wild for it’s higher vitamin D content. The same is true of choosing meat from grass-fed or free-range over factory farm meat and animal products. They also contain higher sources of other nutrients, such as vitamin A, CLA and omega-3 fatty acids. Fortified products like milk, cereal and orange juice are good sources of vitamin D, as are fish roe, eel, cod liver oil and eggs.

  • Vitamin D not only boosts your immune system, it protects the brain, helps maintain a healthy insulin level and is necessary to absorb calcium properly. It’s important for healthy lungs and heart.
  • A study of 216 covid patients showed that 80% were vitamin D deficient. Another study showed that people who had dark skin and those who were obese had the largest population deficient in vitamin D. They were also more susceptible to complications of covid.
  • Safe sunning does not mean completely eliminating sunscreen. It simply means exposing as much skin as possible to the sun for a short time before applying it. The color of your skin and location determines the amount of exposure time.
  • As you age, your need for vitamin D increases. If you’re under 70, you need 600 IU a day. For those over 70 the amount increases to 800 IU a day.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

The Link Between Sleep And Weight Loss

The Link Between Sleep And Weight Loss

It’s almost a badge of honor to say you’re getting too little sleep. It’s as though you’re working harder, but that’s not always true. In fact, lack of sleep, can affect your productivity at work or at school. It also can make weight loss harder. You burn calories as you sleep and getting adequate sleep can help you burn even more calories.

Too little sleep can cause an imbalance of hunger/satiety hormones.

When you don’t get enough sleep, your body starts producing less of the satiety hormone, leptin, which makes you feel full. It also boosts the production of ghrelin, the hormone that makes you hungry. It’s pretty hard to control your appetite when your hormones that are sending messages to your body are out of whack. Too little sleep can also cause a craving for sugar and sugary treats, to give you a boost of energy.

You’ll slow your metabolism when you don’t get enough sleep.

Your metabolism helps burn the calories you consume, even when you’re not working out or simply sleeping. That can cause weight loss to be even more difficult. One mega study that reviewed a large group of studies showed that those who lacked adequate sleep increased their potential to be obese by 55% if they were an adult and by 89% if they were a child.

What you eat at bedtime may make a difference, too.

Sometimes, it’s hard to sleep and you need a little snack to sleep better. It’s built into our DNA from early man, who kept hunting until he ate. If insomnia that’s keeping you awake, try eating a high protein food, such as cottage cheese. Cottage cheese contains casein protein, which also increases the number of calories you burn as you slumber. You’ve probably heard about drinking a glass of warm milk before bedtime, it’s based on the same principle. It also takes about seven hours to digest, so your digestion will be working throughout the night, while providing protein during the night for muscle repair.

  • Room temperature can make a difference. A cooler room helps you sleep better, but also help you burn more belly fat. Studies show a room temperature of 66 degrees is ideal for shedding visceral fat.
  • If you sleep well at night and get enough sleep, you’ll have more energy throughout the day. That can help you stay more active and burn more calories.
  • There are several degrees of sleep, with deep sleep being the time when you burn the most calories. Creating a sleep schedule and sticking with it, even on weekends, can boost your deep sleep time.
  • Avoid hitting the snooze button if you want the best type of sleep. When the alarm goes off, get up. You’ll get more uninterrupted sleep that way.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

What Foods Boost Your Immunity?

What Foods Boost Your Immunity?

Whether your goal is just to build your immunity to stay fit or ward exposure to an exposure to a virus or bacterial infection, clients at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, ask for help finding foods that build immunity.

It takes more than just exercise to be healthy, you need to eat healthy, too. It’s why we offer nutritional advice and help at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. If you want to provide the nutrients you need for immunity, you need to eat the foods that provide it. Whether you’re worried about catching the latest variant of Covid-19 or simply want to boost your immunity to stay healthier and avoid the common cold, eating healthier and focusing on immune building foods can help.

Food that contain vitamin D can be a big benefit to your overall immunity.

Studies on patients hospitalized with covid deduced a large percentage had vitamin D deficiencies. Safe sunning is one suggestion, but you can also eat food higher in vitamin D. Milk products and juices are often fortified. Egg yolk, salmon, red meat and organ meat like liver are also higher in vitamin D. Since Louisville is above the 33 degree latitude line, you can’t get adequate vitamin D from the sun year around. Older people, the obese and those with darker skin can also have a problem getting it from the sun.

Fresh fruits and vegetables can provide most the phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals you need.

Eating citrus fruit can provide vitamin C, which is an immune booster. If citrus fruit upsets your stomach, red bell peppers are also high in vitamin C. Foods with bioflavonoids, like anthocyanin, the substance that make purple and deep red fruits and vegetables that color, like blueberries, grapes, blue/purple corn and eggplant are examples. Other foods that help boost immunity provide vitamin A and include cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts, carrots and strawberries.

Sometimes, what you don’t eat is just as important.

Start by cutting out highly processed food and sugary treats. Not only are they absent of nutrients, they contain ingredients that can cause inflammation. Inflammation is the cause of many serious conditions and have few or no antioxidants that can fight free radicals, which can lower your immunity. Conditions caused by chronic inflammation include Alzheimer’s, cancer and heart disease. Sugar and highly processed foods also can destroy your body’s microbiome. Having adequate beneficial microbes actually boosts your immunity.

  • Add soluble fiber to your diet to increase the healthy microbes that aid in digestion and boost your immunity. Apples, black beans, avocados, broccoli and pears are high in soluble fiber.
  • Zinc can boost your immune system. Foods that contain zinc include crab, whole grain foods, lobster, red meat, dairy and oysters.
  • Spicing up your diet with herbs and spices like cinnamon, garlic, cayenne pepper, black pepper, saffron, turmeric and ginger. Turmeric, for instance, contains curcumin to boost immunity and garlic contains allicin.
  • You can improve your gut bacteria with probiotic foods like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut and kim chi. Be careful when you choose yogurt. Make sure it doesn’t contain added sugar.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Are There Specific Diets For Each Skin Type?

Are There Specific Diets For Each Skin Type?

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we help you become your healthiest. That includes both your diet and an exercise program. Both of these are personalized just for you. Making adjustments in diets for each skin type further personalizes the meals. Diets can help you lose weight and build muscle. They can improve your overall health to make your body operate perfectly. Your skin is your biggest organ, so feeding it properly is important.

Learn what type of skin you have.

Slathering on the creams and apply magic lotions won’t help if you’re not healthy from within. That’s why the right diet is important. You need a clean face to identify your skin type. Wash it thoroughly and don’t follow up with any product. Wait for an hour or two. If it’s red, tight with flaky patches, it’s dry skin. If there’s oil in the T-zone, around the nose and above the brow, but dry everywhere else, it’s a combination. If you can place a tissue on your face anywhere it collects oil, with visible pores, then you have oily skin.

Hydrate dry skin by drinking more water.

While it’s not just dehydration or the lack of water causing dry skin, it’s one of the causes. Increasing the amount of juicy fruit in your diet, like oranges, grapes and water melon can also help by increasing the fluid and adding vitamin A and/or C. Add healthy oil to your diet with foods like avocado or salmon. Red bell peppers, broccoli and spinach also increase vitamin A and C. Avoid alcohol, sine it dries the skin and cut out caffeine.

Oily skin doesn’t mean you have to eliminate oils.

Oil isn’t always the cause of oily skin. Healthy oil can actually provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Good choices are nuts, avocado, salmon and flaxseed. Cut out refined carbs, replacing them with whole grains. Cut out food with added sugar and keep fried food to a minimum or eliminate them completely. Red meat can be the enemy if you have oily skin, so reduce it significantly in your diet.

  • People with combination skin face the problems of both dry and oily skin. Eating healthy options from both types of diets can be beneficial, such as including healthy fats like salmon and nuts. Avoiding process carbs that cause inflammation is important.
  • Acne prone skin can be different from oily skin. It’s caused by inflammation and bacteria. Ensuring you have enough vitamin C and zinc in your diet is important. Citrus fruit is a source of C and pumpkin seeds can provide zinc.
  • As with all skin types, eliminating added sugar and unhealthy fat can be beneficial for the acne prone. So can eliminating most dairy, although Greek yogurt may actually help. Experiment, since everyone is different.
  • Dull skin can be caused by oxidation, so boosting antioxidants like lycopene helps. It’s found in tomatoes. Foods rich in collagen can help prevent wrinkles and you’ll get that from bone broth.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked?

Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked?

Is raw food healthier than its cooked counterpart? There is no yes or no answer. Things are a bit more complicated. Let’s start with raw fish and meat. Why do you cook them? It kills parasites and bacteria that can make you sick. However, with some raw meat, egg and fish dishes, like sushi and steak tartare, using only the best meat or fish and preparing it in a highly sanitized area can remove the risk. Some recipes for tartare may contain some vodka, which also can cut the amount bacteria. Raw fish can contain more nutrition, like omega-3 fatty acids.

Some vegetables are toxic if eaten raw in large amounts.

With some vegetables, like eggplant or green beans, eating them raw can be dangerous. Eggplant contains solanine that’s bitter and toxic if you eat too much, but cooking destroys it. Green beans contain lectins that are anti-nutrients and destroyed by cooking. Raw red kidney beans are toxic, so are Lima beans and the green part on raw potatoes.

Some vegetable taste better cooked and have more nutrition, while others are delicious raw.

Raw veggies are definitely healthy, but so are many cooked ones. Some taste better cooked, such as eggplant. Some cooked vegetables actually contain more of certain nutrients than their raw counterparts do. Tomatoes, for instance, increase in the amount of lycopene per spoonful as it cooks down, but the cooking also destroys the vitamin C. Most people love raw celery with dip, but don’t love eating a bowl of celery, while cooked asparagus is yummy, raw asparagus isn’t and may even be hazardous.

It also is a matter of absorption of nutrients.

You can consume all the vitamins you want in food, but absorbing and using them is another matter. In a large study of women that contained three groups, one group ate the average American diet, the second ate one on dietary recommendations including both raw and cooked vegetables and the third ate a raw food diet. While those that ate the raw food diet consumed more nutrients, such as vitamin C or beta-carotene, the group that ate the healthy diet of both cooked and raw vegetables absorbed more nutrients. Cooking the veggies made the nutrients more bioavailable.

  • Eating raw fish may expose you to parasites, food poisoning and higher amounts of mercury, PCBs or other contaminants. Most studies find that raw meat or fish provide no nutritional benefit.
  • If you love to snack on fresh veggies and dip, try a boiled and chilled asparagus with seasoned lemon vinaigrette. Boil for 2-3 minutes, chill on ice, drain and dry. Toss with vinaigrette and keep in the refrigerator for snacks.
  • How you cook the food makes a huge difference. Fried food is not healthy and shouldn’t be used, especially deep fried. Steaming, grilling, broiling and boiling are good cooking options.
  • You can eat crucifers like kale, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts both cooked and raw. If you choose raw, introduce them slowly into your diet or you may suffer from gas or upset stomach.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Best Ab Exercises For Women

Best Ab Exercises For Women

If you’re female and want a curvy look that includes a narrower waist and flat stomach, you want to focus on ab exercises for women. Abs include transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, internal obliques and external obliques. If you want a flatter stomach, you need to strengthen those muscles, plus work on other core muscle groups. If you want a flat stomach and a sculpted outline, you also need to get rid of the fat that covers them. You can’t spot exercise to get rid of the fat. You have to lose weight all over. Eating healthy should be the start of your quest to get strong ab muscles and a great looking appearance.

One of the easiest ab exercises to learn is the plank, but it’s the hardest to do.

The plank might look simple, but it’s tough to do. It works your entire core, including the abs. You can do it anywhere you have privacy and it doesn’t require equipment. Tired of watching commercials, waiting for your program to come back, do a plank. Lay with your stomach on the floor and toes touching. Your arms should be directly under your shoulders with the forearm on the floor. Lift your body until it’s a straight line with upper arm vertical and the weight on your toes and forearm. Hold for a minute or as long as you can. Increase the holding time as you build strength.

Try a yoga pose called Navasana.

Sit on the floor with your legs in front and knees slightly bent. Lean back slightly as you bring your feet toward you to form a V with your legs. Stretch your arms in front of you parallel to the floor and level with each other with palms facing. Hold. Tighten your abs to help maintain that position and steady your balance. Hold the position for as long as you can and increase the length of time as you get stronger.

Modify those sit-ups.

Do regular sit-ups with two changes. Your feet should be in butterfly position with legs bent and feet touching is the first change. The second change is requires a rolled-up towel, placed behind your lower back to keep your spine supported and force the abs to do the work. Lay back on the towel and then lift your upper body, exhaling as you rise. Inhale as you lower your body.

  • Include a bicycle crunch to get fast results. Lay on the floor with hands behind your head, lift your head slightly off the floor keeping your hands behind your head. You’ll lift your legs off the floor one at a time as though you’re riding a bike and touch the opposite elbow to your knees, as you do.
  • You’ll be amazed at how much belly fat can disappear when you do strength training and focus on cutting out added sugar and extra caffeine.
  • It may sound simple, but jumping rope can be an excellent way to take off belly fat. It builds the abdominal muscles as it burn calories and gives a great aerobic workout.
  • Improve your posture and try a daily suction exercise. Stand as tall as you can and attempt to pull your stomach in until your belly button hits your spine. You can make it easier by bending and blowing out all the air out of your lungs, pulling in your stomach and then standing straight and holding.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Why Can't I Lose Weight?

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

When people come to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, they often feel they simply can’t lose weight and that their body isn’t capable of it. That’s simply not true. While there are conditions that make weight loss more difficult, there are also ways to improve the condition and help you on the road to normalcy. Hormonal imbalance, chronic stress, inflammation and many other conditions respond favorably to a change of diet and a program of regular exercise. No two people are exactly alike, which is why we focus on your needs and problems.

Change your diet and reduce inflammation, calories and additives.

Diet makes the biggest difference in weight loss. Most people who want to lose weight first try dieting. Actually, diets don’t work, at least not in the long run. What does work is healthy eating. Eliminating processed foods, cutting out foods with added sugar and processed flour goes a long way to aiding in weight loss. Those types of food often trigger inflammation, which interferes with the normal weight loss process. More whole foods and fewer processed foods often results in lower calories and a reduction of insulin resistance, which also helps weight loss.

Of course, exercise should be part of the program.

While you can’t out exercise a bad diet, you still need to get more active if you want to lose weight. Exercise helps burn more calories. It also helps burn off the hormones of stress. One of those hormones is cortisol, which is linked to belly fat. Stress can cause weight gain and make it harder to lose weight. Exercise and a healthy diet can help get your hormones back on track and aid in normal weight loss. Not only will you lose weight, you’ll feel fabulous.

Are you eating more than you realize or emotionally eating.

Sometimes people eat a snack on the go. Maybe it’s grabbing a quick candy from the candy bowl as you pass a cohort’s desk, or you “clean the bowl” after dinner, eating those last few spoonfuls rather than store them. Emotional eating is also a problem. Do you crave crunchy things when you’re angry or sugary treats when you’re sad? Keep a food journal and log in everything you ate. If you had an emotional experience right before eating, list that as well. You’ll learn a lot about yourself and your eating habits.

Do you understand portion control? Too often we overestimate what one serving looks like and consume several portions at once. Snacks are particularly notorious for this, since their serving size is often far smaller and you eat more.

Depression can actually cause weight gain. Luckily, a healthy diet and regular exercise are good for both weight loss and depression

Maybe you don’t get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can cause an imbalance of the ghrelin—hunger—hormones and leptin—satiety—hormones. Get more sleep and you’ll feel less hungry naturally.

Are you drinking enough water. Studies show that people who increase their water intake to at least eight glasses a day can increase their ability to lose weight.

What Is BMI?

What Is BMI?

BMI stands for body mass index. It’s one measure of your overall health, but not the final one. BMI uses a chart to calculate a number that shows whether you’re underweight, healthy, overweight, obese or extremely obese. It’s reached in a simple manner. Just find the patient’s height at the side of the chart and weight at the top. Where the two intersect, it’s their BMI. There are charts specifically for men, women and children. If you’re a 5’8″ woman and weighed 140-pounds you’d be listed as healthy, but if you gain twenty pounds, you’d be listed as overweight.

The height-to-weight ratio is important, but there are still flaws.

One problem with using the BMI number, which ranges from 9 to over 30, as an indicator of health is that everyone is different. Someone who has a big bone structure will weigh more than someone who has a smaller frame and that’s not accounted for using BMI. People with more muscle mass may weigh more and be healthier than someone with the same measurements, but lots of fat. Muscle weighs more than fat tissue does.

It’s not perfect, but it helps.

If you’ve been going to the same health care professional for quite a time and suddenly he or she sees your BMI change, with the number moving either way, up or down, it’s time for your health care professional to take a second look and ask some question. What did you change? If you are losing weight, were you trying to lose it? Did you start an exercise program? Is there something wrong that’s causing you to lose weight? If you’re BMI is constantly increasing, it’s time to take action and do something about the weight gain.

Tracking your BMI compares your weight and height to options considered healthier.

It may not be the perfect measure of good health, but it’s an easy way to start. People with a high BMI have a bigger risk of developing conditions like arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, high cholesterol, liver disease, colon, breast or prostate cancer or sleep apnea. Combined with other medical information, it can help the health care professional identify problems earlier and more precisely.

  • A new technique called RFM—relative fat mass index—includes waist measurement replacing weight as part of the calculation and is far more accurate, while also being just as easy to calculate.
  • Other alternatives to BMI, besides RFM, are far harder to do and more expensive. They include MRI scans and underwater weighing, which calculates body volume and density.
  • In most cases, BMI is a quick go to, since it identifies problems with weight in 80% of the cases. If someone is fit and muscular, most doctors can see that immediately. Insurance physicals and places where the person isn’t seen, but where just the BMI number is shown is often the problem.
  • Taking waist circumference in addition to BMI is important. Your BMI may show you’re not overweight, but your waist circumference, an indicator of diabetes and other diseases, might say differently. A 40.2 inch waist for men or a 34.6 inch waist for women increases the chance of diabetes.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Make Healthy Eating Easier

Make Healthy Eating Easier

If you thought healthy eating was simply too hard to do, there are ways to make it far easier. It may start by simply cutting out food with added sugar. While that sounds easy and makes sense, people often struggle because they’re addicted to sugar. It triggers the same receptors as opioids and creates a bit of a withdrawal. It’s also in most the processed products on the grocery shelves. To complicate the matter, manufacturers use several names for sugar. If you see high fructose corn syrup on the list, put down the product and quickly walk away.

If reading labels is more than you can tolerate after a long day at work, choose a different option.

Switch to more whole foods. These are foods that are less processed and have no additives. Spend your time at the produce section and shop for lean cuts of meat and poultry. Include fresh fish in your diet once a week, but don’t fry it. If you choose peanut butter, find one that has only peanuts in it and nothing else. When choosing fresh fruits and vegetables, include a rainbow of colors. Each phytochemical that creates the color provides a different benefit for the body.

Focus on what you drink, too.

You may be drinking tons of calories and artificial additives that make your body less healthy, plus pack on the pounds. Don’t be fooled by zero calorie or diet drinks, either. Studies show that people who drink diet drinks often have a larger mid-section circumference. Stick with drinks naturally low in calories, such as herbal or green tea and especially water.

Make it super easy.

Choose one of our nutrition plans and use the menus and shopping list provided. You can even save money, since the recipes are designed to use ingredients several ways throughout the week. Cook all the food on the weekend and then just heat and serve throughout the week. It takes the guesswork out of menus and what to eat, while teaching you new recipes and techniques to eat healthier.

  • Always have healthy snacks available. Cube a melon and have it ready in the refrigerator or slice up the celery and have dip ready. When you have healthy snacks ready, you’ll be more likely to eat them.
  • Don’t be fooled by products labeled low fat. It doesn’t mean it’s necessarily healthy. Manufacturers often add sugar to make low fat products more palatable. You also need to eat healthy fat to burn fat.
  • Learning to eat healthier is all about making smarter decisions. For instance, you can substitute brown rice for white rice and save calories. Using Greek yogurt instead of sour cream for potatoes is another calorie savings.
  • Focus on how you cook, too. Steaming, broiling and grilling food is far healthier than frying it. Wipe out all deep-fried foods from your diet. Not only do they pack on the pounds, they’re unhealthy.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

How To Beat The Soda Habit

How To Beat The Soda Habit

It’s a hot day and you want a refreshing drink. What is the first thing you want? If you said water, then good for you. If you said sweet tea or soda, you probably haven’t started working on healthy dietary habits yet. Too much sugar in your diet is harmful to your overall health and soft drinks not only are high in sugar, they’re high in phosphoric acid, which is also unhealthy. Phosphoric acid can lead to poor bone density and osteoporosis. If your soda is a cola or any other high caffeine drink, you’re increasing the potential. It’s time to beat the soda habit and improve your health and lower your caloric intake.

Track your intake.

You might not think you drink that much soda, but you’ll be surprised if you track how much you drink and even when you drink it. Don’t forget to write down the caloric intake each time. Just making yourself more aware of a problem or situation, can often help you control it. You’ll be amazed at how many extra calories you drank. Will you save enough calories to lose an extra half pound a week? That’s 26 pounds over a year’s time.

If you’re having a problem, don’t try to do it all at once.

The sugar in the soft drink is addictive. If you’re drinking cola or other drinks with caffeine, it’s also addictive. Anyone who has given up caffeine can attest to their headache. Unfortunately, many over the counter headache remedies also contain caffeine, so they can’t be used to stop it. Take it slowly and start by cutting your consumption in half. If you started out drinking four cans of pop a day, cut down to two and supplement with water for the other half. Then cut it down to one can a day and keep reducing the amount until you don’t drink any.

Find alternatives to soft drinks.

Do you hate water? Some people do. Why not drink infused water. It’s made by cutting up fruit and/or vegetables putting the pieces in water and allowing it to sit in the refrigerator for a few hours until the flavor is released. Look for a healthy alternative to sweetened drinks. Ice tea with no sugar is an acquired taste. Try it with green tea. It’s healthy and you really can’t drink too much.

  • Keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Sip on it throughout the day, especially when you’re going to be some place where soft drinks are readily available.
  • Ask for a slice of lemon in your water when you go out to eat. You’ll find it quite refreshing and it has many health benefits, especially for diabetics. It has antioxidants that help fight disease and improves your heart health.
  • Don’t give up the sugary soft drinks just to go to low calorie ones. A recent study showed that drinking diet soft drinks can cause your waistline to expand and fat to settle around your mid-section.
  • Give yourself a choice. Giving up soft drinks is a bit like quitting smoking for some people. A friend of mine who quit says she never quit. She keeps a pack of cigarettes available in case she wants one. The pack is three years old and still unopened.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training