
Get Vitamin D Without Excessive Sun

Get Vitamin D Without Excessive Sun

If you’ve heard that you need vitamin D to help boost your immune system, you heard right. Not only do you need vitamin D, studies show about half of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. The body produces its own vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun. In areas like Louisville, it’s […]

The Link Between Sleep And Weight Loss

The Link Between Sleep And Weight Loss

It’s almost a badge of honor to say you’re getting too little sleep. It’s as though you’re working harder, but that’s not always true. In fact, lack of sleep, can affect your productivity at work or at school. It also can make weight loss harder. You burn calories as you sleep and getting adequate sleep […]

What Foods Boost Your Immunity?

What Foods Boost Your Immunity?

Whether your goal is just to build your immunity to stay fit or ward exposure to an exposure to a virus or bacterial infection, clients at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, ask for help finding foods that build immunity. It takes more than just exercise to be healthy, you need to eat healthy, too. It’s […]

Are There Specific Diets For Each Skin Type?

Are There Specific Diets For Each Skin Type?

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we help you become your healthiest. That includes both your diet and an exercise program. Both of these are personalized just for you. Making adjustments in diets for each skin type further personalizes the meals. Diets can help you lose weight and build muscle. They can improve your overall […]

Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked?

Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked?

Is raw food healthier than its cooked counterpart? There is no yes or no answer. Things are a bit more complicated. Let’s start with raw fish and meat. Why do you cook them? It kills parasites and bacteria that can make you sick. However, with some raw meat, egg and fish dishes, like sushi and […]

Best Ab Exercises For Women

Best Ab Exercises For Women

If you’re female and want a curvy look that includes a narrower waist and flat stomach, you want to focus on ab exercises for women. Abs include transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, internal obliques and external obliques. If you want a flatter stomach, you need to strengthen those muscles, plus work on other core muscle groups. […]

Why Can't I Lose Weight?

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

When people come to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, they often feel they simply can’t lose weight and that their body isn’t capable of it. That’s simply not true. While there are conditions that make weight loss more difficult, there are also ways to improve the condition and help you on the road to normalcy. […]

What Is BMI?

What Is BMI?

BMI stands for body mass index. It’s one measure of your overall health, but not the final one. BMI uses a chart to calculate a number that shows whether you’re underweight, healthy, overweight, obese or extremely obese. It’s reached in a simple manner. Just find the patient’s height at the side of the chart and […]

Make Healthy Eating Easier

Make Healthy Eating Easier

If you thought healthy eating was simply too hard to do, there are ways to make it far easier. It may start by simply cutting out food with added sugar. While that sounds easy and makes sense, people often struggle because they’re addicted to sugar. It triggers the same receptors as opioids and creates a […]

How To Beat The Soda Habit

How To Beat The Soda Habit

It’s a hot day and you want a refreshing drink. What is the first thing you want? If you said water, then good for you. If you said sweet tea or soda, you probably haven’t started working on healthy dietary habits yet. Too much sugar in your diet is harmful to your overall health and […]