
Can I Do an Ab Workout Standing Up?

Can I Do an Ab Workout Standing Up?

AT Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we help you achieve your goals. Getting great looking abs is usually one of those on everyone’s list. Not only do we provide an ab workout you can do standing up, we actually recommend part of your training be on those types of ab exercises. After all, it’s how […]

Should Your Nutrition Change As You Age?

Should Your Nutrition Change As You Age?

Your nutritional needs often change as you age, we know that at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. It’s why we create individualized eating plans. No two people are alike and you may not be like your younger self, either. Even though you need all the building blocks you needed in your youth, your body may […]

Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?

Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?

Intermittent fasting—IF—is one of the most popular modified ways of eating that can also help you lose weight. It’s not about what you eat, although you should eat a healthy diet, but about when you eat. While there are all types of intermittent fasting, from eating very light on certain days of the week and […]

Favorite Indoor Exercises

Favorite Indoor Exercises

When you workout at the gym, you’re doing indoor exercises that can also be done outside the gym. However, most people don’t have the gym equipment in their home. That’s why bodyweight exercises are often one of the most popular at home/in home ones to do. Bodyweight exercises include everything from push-ups to squats. As […]

Balancing Work And Health

Balancing Work And Health

America is a nation of workers and many take pride in how hard they work. However, balancing work and health is important. Some people think it’s selfish to take care of themselves. It’s not. In fact, it’s selfish not to take care of yourself. If your job is taking over your life and you don’t […]

What's Your Motivation To Stay Healthy?

What’s Your Motivation To Stay Healthy?

If you’re like many people, simply deciding you’re going to workout because someone said it was good for you isn’t going to help you stick with a fitness program. Somehow, eating a nutritious meal because it’s good for you, sounds like something mothers tell their children and if you are like most people, it didn’t […]

Is It Bad To Run In The Cold Air?

Is It Bad To Run In The Cold Air?

If you’re living in Louisville, KY, or other area where it can get really cold, you may wonder whether it’s healthy to run in the cold. In most cases, the answer is yes, depending on how you dress and how extreme the cold weather is. However, cold weather may make your heart work harder. It […]

What Are The Benefits Of Celery?

What Are The Benefits Of Celery?

When you think of the benefits of celery, you immediately think of it as a low calorie food that’s good for dieters. Celery is a member of the parsley family. In fact, it’s name came from the Italian word, seleri and the French word, celeri that’s derived from the Greek word selinon that means parsley. […]

Are Bananas Good To Eat After A Workout?

Are Bananas Good To Eat After A Workout?

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, helping people look and feel better is our major goal. We strive to help you find ways to get better results in less time by using scientifically based workouts and healthy eating habits. One question that often is asked is whether it makes a difference what or when you […]