
Get A Good Night's Rest

Get A Good Night’s Rest

There are times when you absolutely are up against the wall and have to work late into the night, but those times shouldn’t be every week. You’re either trying to do too much or have poor planning. You need a good night’s rest to get the maximum accomplished in the hours you’re awake and unfortunately, […]

Overcoming Your Fear Of Working Out

Overcoming Your Fear Of Working Out

FOWO—fear of working out—might sound silly to those who don’t face it, but it’s real. There are various aspects to this, with one being fear of the gym. However, other situations, such as a after a serious condition, like a heart attack, can cause fear of overdoing or serious injury. For situations like that, making […]

Strength Training Is Important

Strength Training Is Important

When you come to Iron Fit here in San Antonio, expect to do strength training. Whether you’re a man or a woman, there are huge benefits that aids a healthier lifestyle. If you’re working out to shed weight, it’s the top type of exercise for results. However, even people that don’t need to shed a […]

The Key To Fitness Is Consistency

The Key To Fitness Is Consistency

At one time or another, everyone has set up a workout program, going into it with fury, only to abandon it a few weeks later. Sometimes, life got in the way. Sometimes, the program was far too ambitious for the level of fitness. Working out for a few days may help a bit, but won’t […]

Ways To Make Fitness Easier

Ways To Make Fitness Easier

If you’re trying to get fit, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by all the changes you need to make. Don’t be caught in that trap! You can make fitness easier by following a few easy rules and just modifying the things you do everyday a bit. Of course, eating healthy is part of the […]

Got The Blues? Maybe It's What You Eat

Got The Blues? Maybe It’s What You Eat

You probably already know that working out can make you feel better emotionally. It burns off stress hormones and can lift your spirits. What you eat also makes a big difference in your mood. Some foods promote feeling good and others can sabotage that good feeling. Sugar, for example, can get you feeling energized by […]

Make Moving A Habit

Make Moving A Habit

One of the biggest causes of preventable deaths in the United States is obesity. It affects all parts of the body and has surpassed smoking as the leading cause of preventable illness and death. However, too often we fail to look at another problem faced by many and that’s a sedentary lifestyle. Even if you […]

Time To Look Great For The New Year

Time To Look Great For The New Year

If you haven’t noticed, fall is upon us. With the coming of fall, comes the thoughts of the holidays at the year’s end. Rather than wait to make a New Year’s resolution, it’s time to start now and get what you want this year instead of focusing on what you want for the next year. […]