Fitness & Wellness

How To Reduce Bloating

How To Reduce Bloating

If you wake up one morning and find you can’t zip your jeans because your tummy is protruding like a basketball, you’re experiencing one of the problems of bloating. How do you eliminate or reduce bloating? The answer isn’t simple, but the ways to solve the problem certainly are. Bloating can occur almost immediately after eating, later in the day or overnight. It makes you feel uncomfortable and stuffed. The overnight type is usually water retention, while immediate bloating includes gas, liquids and solids in the digestive system. Bloating normally isn’t a serious condition, but it can be, so see your health care professional if you worry it is. Most of the time, diet and food intolerance is to blame.

Start by eating slower.

When you eat fast, you often eat too much because your body doesn’t have time to tell your brain that you’re full. Slowing down your pace will help in another way. It can be a way to avoid swallowing air while you eat. Gas in the digestive system occurs because of gut bacteria, but also because of swallowed air. That can occur when you eat to fast or drink carbonated drinks. Drinking through a straw can cause gas bubbles, just as chewing gum can. If you talk while you eat, you’re also adding to bloating.

Food allergies and food intolerance can cause bloating.

Food intolerance comes from eating food that you can’t digest because you lack the enzyme to do it or an allergy. Lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance are probably two of the most common types, but fructose intolerance can also be a problem. Lactose intolerance means you should avoid dairy, while gluten means avoiding grains, like wheat. Fructose is a sugar found in fruit like apples and grapes, but also in natural sugars like honey, molasses and sorghum. Avoid foods with high-fructose corn syrup. Egg allergies often cause bloating, too.

High fiber foods are healthy, but don’t try to jump in all at once.

If you’ve recently switched to a high fiber diet or only eat fiber occasionally, it might be what’s causing your bloating. If your body isn’t used to high fiber, it almost rebels when you eat a lot and produces massive amounts of gas. Easing into it allows the healthy bacteria to increase so you don’t have the problem. Sometimes, no matter what your previous diet, some high fiber foods will cause gas. Beans are well-known for that.

  • Fatty foods can also cause gas by slowing the digestion, which means your stomach will empty slower. That can contribute to bloating in some people.
  • Keep a food diary noting not only what you eat but also how you feel after eating the food. It will help you identify food allergies and intolerance, while also give you more information that can help you lose weight.
  • Sugar alcohols can cause digestive issues, including bloating. While the least irritating sugar alcohol is erythritol, it still can cause digestive issues just as xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol does. If you’re chewing sugarless gum or candy, it could be the culprit.
  • The most prevalent bacteria in the gut can determine whether you have bloating or not. Changing the number of beneficial bacteria by eating probiotic foods can help. Kifir, sauerkraut and other fermented foods are probiotics.

For more information, contact us today at IronFit San Antonio

Best Foods For Gut Health

Best Foods For Gut Health

We focus on fitness at Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas. Studies show working out can help increase healthy bacteria that aids digestion. However, if you’re eating the same sugar laden diet that’s common for many Americans, you won’t get the relief you need. You need to focus on consuming foods for gut health and avoiding those that exacerbate an already compromised gut. If antacids are your go to after meal snack, change your diet to get relief.

Probiotics help maintain beneficial microbes.

The road to a healthy gut starts with healthy, beneficial bacteria. They keep harmful ones at bay and make your gut and body healthier. There are two types of fiber, both are good for digestion, but to heal your gut, opt for ones that contain soluble fiber which are considered prebiotics. Soluble fiber is the food of choice for these bacteria, increasing food with soluble fiber increases the beneficial microbes, which help heal your gut. These include legumes, like beans and split peas. Berries, broccoli, apples, oats, pears and other fruits and vegetables are also high in soluble fiber.

Increase the number of healthy bacteria by eating probiotic foods.

Fermented foods are probiotic and immediately help improve your gut with beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria not only help the gut, it can aid in controlling blood sugar levels, heart health and getting rid of mutated and damaged cells that cause disease. When you consider that there are more microbes in your body than human cells, you can see why increasing the beneficial ones is important. Opt for foods like kifir, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha

Your gut needs collagen.

Collagen is a protein that heals all parts of your body, which includes the gut. In fact, a third of all protein in the body is collagen. It helps regulate stomach acid and prevents excess that can cause heartburn and other problems. The primary amino acids in collagen, glycine and proline, may help heal the stomach lining and ulcers. It attracts water and acid, which helps digestion. It can also help repair the intestines and stomach lining if there’s damage from inflammation. Collagen is important for healing leaky gut and IBS. Consuming bone broth can act like a collagen supplement. For the body to produce collagen it needs ingredients. Cabbage, asparagus, chicken skin or gelatin, combined with vitamin C foods like citrus foods and bell peppers are a start. Foods high in zinc are necessary, such as beans, cheese and nuts. Copper can come from cashews, organ meats or cocoa powder.

  • Apples also contain pectin, which feed good bacteria. It’s good for the gut, plus has the extra benefits improving acid reflux, aiding in weight loss, improve hair and skin and prevent both constipation and diarrhea.
  • An imbalance of gut bacteria can cause weight gain, so healing the gut is important. Eating healthy is the best way to not only heal the gut, but also lose weight.
  • Herbs and seasonings can help heal the gut. Garlic contains FOS and inulin that feeds good microbes. Other healthy herbs are licorice root and slippery elm.
  • What you don’t eat can help the gut, too. If your diet is heavy in sugar and processed white flour, you’ll probably have problems with your gut. Those both feed the malevolent bacteria.

For more information, contact us today at IronFit San Antonio

Why Am I Constipated??

Why Am I Constipated??

The foods you eat, your activity level and how much you drink are factors that may make you constipated, so modifying those can also help you go. Let’s start with exercise, which plays a big role. Exercise increases circulation and helps your digestion. The more you move your feet, the less you’ll have to sit on the seat….the toilet. Staying active is one key to avoiding constipation. If you’re living a sedentary lifestyle, make some changes. Take a walk. Do exercises for the back or stomach to get things moving or do squats and lunges to get out excess gas. A program of regular exercise will keep your body regular, too.

What you eat can determine whether you’re constipated or not.

Foods that are high in fiber can help relieve constipation. Fiber comes in two varieties, soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber doesn’t digest but gives your stool bulk. Soluble fiber turns to a gel to soften your stool and make it easier to flush out of your body. Foods high insoluble fiber includes fresh fruits, rolled oats and vegetables. Not only will eating those help relieve constipation, they provide valuable nutrients for your body.

Stay hydrated.

Whether you walk around with water or drink some herbal tea, staying hydrated is important. Dehydration can cause your stool to be hard and difficult to pass. You could drink more water or opt for an enema, which also hydrates your waste and makes it easy to pass, but most people opt for drinking more water. Eight glasses of water a day or one ounce for every two pounds of weight is the recommended amount of fluid. Fennel tea, green tea and fruit teas are good for constipation.

Your problem may start with what you eat, more than what you don’t eat.

Foods high in sugar and processed flour contribute to constipation. Foods that contain gluten can also cause constipation. It affects people with celiac disease, NCGS, or IBS the most. Drinking alcohol can dry you out, including your intestines, which causes constipation. Milk products for people that are lactose intolerant can either constipate you or cause diarrhea. If red meat, fried or fast foods are part of your diet, expect a bout of constipation.

  • Check your diet for foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, flaxseed or krill oil. Cod liver oil is also high and probably why it’s good for constipation. It lubricates the stool to help you go.
  • If you’re constipated, you’ll try everything, especially if its painful. Be careful when introducing fiber in your diet. Too much at one time can make you gassy and when constipated make it more uncomfortable. If you increase fiber, increase water intake as well.
  • Try a plum or two. Plums are prunes that haven’t been dried. Not only are they high in fiber, they contain a natural laxative called dihydroxyphenylisatin and magnesium. Both act as natural laxatives.
  • Fiber can be flavorful. Berries, such as blackberries and raspberries are both high in fiber. Combining them with live culture Greek yogurt—a probiotic that helps–and nuts can make a parfait that will get your sytsem moving.

For more information, contact us today at IronFit San Antonio

How Much Muscle Mass Do We Lose As We Age?

How Much Muscle Mass Do We Lose As We Age?

We help you keep your muscle mass at San Antonio, Texas, no matter what your age. Sarcopenia is an age-related condition that causes you to lose muscle mass and a natural part of the process. That doesn’t mean you have to accept it or that it must be as dramatic as it is. Most people start losing approximately 3% to 5% of their muscle mass each decade after the age of 30 and for men it means about 30% of their muscle mass is lost during their life. That can create problems as people become older with less and less muscle mass to help them be mobile and live independently.

With sarcopenia comes osteoporosis.

Sarcopenia and the amount of muscle mass you have directly affects your bone density. Your muscles tug at the bone when you walk or do other weight bearing exercises. That causes the bones to intake minerals to maintain strength and density. As your muscles are wasting away, your bones are becoming weaker and more brittle. So while your body is losing muscle, making you more at risk for falls, your bones are becoming more vulnerable.

What causes sarcopenia?

Scientists are exactly sure what causes sarcopenia, but have several theories. One is that hormone levels begin to drop, particularly testosterone. That might explain it for men, but what about women? Women have testosterone, too, just not as much, but other indications point to reduced protein intake or inefficient processing of protein, lack of physical activity and an increase in oxidative stress.

All is not lost, strength-building workouts can be effective.

It’s hard to rebuild muscle tissue, no matter what your age, but it’s worth it. This is one sign of aging over which you have some control. Strength training can help you save the muscle tissue you have and even build more. The muscle loss is reversible and according to many studies, strength building workouts can also help stop osteoporosis and maybe even reverse it. In fact, some studies show that exercise is more effective than some medications and the only side effects are looking great and feeling fabulous.

  • HIIT—high intensity interval training workouts can get results faster. HIIT isn’t a type of exercise but a way of doing any exercise. When you do it, you switch back and forth between high intensity and recovery pace.
  • Not only will you help maintain muscle mass, every movement will be easier, particularly things like walking. You’ll be able to walk faster and longer. Exercise also builds your endurance and can improve longevity.
  • You need all types of training, not just strength training, no matter what your age. In order to avoid injury, you need flexibility training and endurance training allows you to work longer without taking breaks.
  • If you miss those days when you could dance through the night and get up in the morning refreshed, it’s time to start a fitness program today.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit

You Can Exercise Anywhere!

You Can Exercise Anywhere!

If you’re always on the go and traveling, you might think you don’t have time to exercise. You’d be wrong. Everyone has a few minutes here and a few minutes there, all they need is the workout. You can exercise anywhere and at any time, but you have to remember to do it. Just standing in line, you can burn calories and work your legs with a calf raise by going up on your toes and slowly dropping back down with both heals and toes on the floor.

Choose to walk or ride a bike when you go for lunch or go to the store.

Some of the simplest things are the easiest to blend into your day. You can walk almost anywhere. Are you waiting for a plane? Take 15 minutes of that half hour wait to walk the length of the concourse. You can walk briskly and won’t stand out from others who are trying to make their flight. Slip out of the ordinary when it’s your break at work and go up and down the stairs as many times as you can. Make it a challenge to beat your record. Get a basket for your bike and make it your form of transportation, whether it’s a short jaunt to the store or to visit a friend.

Do some isometric exercises.

Isometric exercises are really subtle. It’s a matter of tightening your muscles and holding. Try one for your abs by tightening your tummy as you blow all the air out of your lungs and hold. Pinch your buttocks cheeks together, tightening them as much as you can and hold. Keegle exercises are great for the pelvic floor and especially if you’re having problems with incontinence. People won’t see the difference, but you won’t worry about sneezing and coughing with a full bladder after a few months of doing them.

Lower your blood pressure and boost your nitric oxide with this short four minute workout.

Dr. Zack Bush created a four part workout that’s quick and you can do it anywhere called the nitric oxide dump. It helps boost the nitric oxide in your body that has many health benefits, such as causing blood vessels to widen and blood pressure to lower or stimulate the increase of HGH—human growth hormone. Each set has: ten deep squats, ten 90 degree arm swings, ten jumping jacks without the leg movement and ten overhead military presses. Do four sets and repeat three times throughout the day with at least two hours in between.

  • You can break your workouts up to ten minute sessions and spread them throughout the day. It’s perfect when you have a crowded schedule and want to de-stress when you have a few minutes of time.
  • Make even those walks during lunch more beneficial by changing it to a HIIT workout—high intensity interval training. All you do is modify the exercise by going at top speed/intensity for a while and then back down to a recovery pace or an equal amount of time.
  • Stretches promote flexibility and you can do them at your desk, riding in a car and even waiting at the doctor’s office. Bend your head side-to-side, and forward to backward. Reach toward the sky palms facing upward. Roll your shoulders. There’s any number of stretches you can do.
  • Have you been sitting two long? Get up and move around and do a walking lunge as you do. It might look funny, but you’ll feel the stretch and renew yourself. Our trainers will show you more exercises you can do anywhere.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit

Get Rid Of Bra and Back Fat Fast

Get Rid Of Bra and Back Fat Fast

While everyone has folds, lumps and bumps that comes from fat accumulation, women tend to be the only ones that suffer from bra and back fat outline. You know, those distinct lines where the fat on your back rolls over and under your bra, creating the perfect outline. While there’s no such thing as spot reducing, by losing weight and toning certain muscles, you can make those lines either disappear or be less noticeable.

You start working out, but also need to begin a program of healthy eating.

There are two reasons that the flesh forms around the bra on the back. One is that you’re overweight and it’s legitimately fat. The second one is that you’re out of shape. For most people, it’s a combination, so you have to make some changes in your dietary habits, too. You have to lose weight to get rid of excess fat, as you tone the muscles of the back and under arms.

You have three types of back muscles, upper, mid and lower back.

All three areas need toning to get the best results. You’ll be working erector spinae—lower back, the lattissimus dorsi, lower trapezius and rhomboids—mid back, and the trapezoids and deltoids in the upper back. Strength training not only builds muscles, it burns fat, too. Lifting weights can be combined to create a circuit or do a HIIT—high intensity interval workout, which gets results fast.

Exercises that involve pushing and pulling work the back muscles.

If you have a cable machine available, an upright standing row and a seated close-grip are good, so are pull-ups. If you take the kids to the playground, get on the monkey bars to build your back muscles. One of the simplest exercises, which doesn’t mean it’s the easiest, is the plank, either the full extension plank or the forearm plank. You can do the plank when you’re watching TV and don’t have to wait to go to the gym. Side twists can tone the muscles down your sides and help to tone the back muscles. Upright rows can also help tone the back.

  • To get the most out of your exercise time, use compound exercises that focus on several joints and muscle groups. They literally torch calories and get you results faster.
  • If you’re focusing on losing weight, don’t forget about what you drink. Soft drinks can have as 150 calories each. Don’t even think about drinking diet drinks. Studies show they’re associated with packing on the pounds around your middle.
  • Any exercise where you raise your arms, whether with or without weights, or put them behind your back and lift, can help tone back muscles.
  • Check out your posture. Sometimes, just improving your posture can make a huge difference in the appearance of fat around the bra and on the back. If posture is part of your problem, you’ll see results quickly.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit

Do You Have Any Vitamin Deficiency?

Do You Have Any Vitamin Deficiency?

What you eat can make a huge difference in your health and well-being. Lack of healthy food can cause many nutritional problems, which include vitamin deficiency, lack of adequate minerals and even an imbalance of macronutrients. In fact, it’s not about how much you eat, since there are many obese people that are malnourished. It’s about the quality of food you eat and how well you process it. Even people who eat healthy, based on the recommended daily allowance of nutrients, can be deficient in important nutrients because they don’t process or absorb that nutrient well. Here are some signs that might alert you to vitamin deficiency.

Check for cracks in the corners of your mouth.

If you have a painful cut-like lesion in the corner of your mouth or canker sores, it could be an indication you need vitamin B or iron. Studies show that patients with these ulcers in the mouth or at the corners were often deficit in both. Specifically, one study showed that riboflavin—-B2— deficiency was a leading cause, but thiamine—B1, and pyridoxine—vitamin B6, were other suspects. Bleeding gums may be a lack of vitamin C.

Is your night vision a problem or do you have small white growths on the white’s of your eyes?

Vision problems occur more frequently as you age. Your nutrition can play a role, since diabetes and high blood pressure can be the cause. Night blindness can also occur and can lead to xerophthalmia, which damages the cornea and leads to blindness. It also has another symptom, which is soft foamy spots on the white part of the eyes called Bitot’s spots. These growths disappear completely when people are given vitamin A treatment. Increasing the vitamin A rich foods in your diet can help prevent it. Since vitamin A is fat soluble and can cause problems if you take too many supplements, avoid supplementing unless your doctor suggests it.

Is your hair dry and brittle and do your nails break easily? Maybe you need vitamin B7.

Vitamin B7 is biotin. It’s necessary to convert food into energy for the body. While you can get it from a number of sources both plant and animal, so it’s rare, it still can occur. Besides thinning hair, split ends and brittle nails, biotin deficiency can cause other problems. It can cause chronic fatigue, cramps, tingling of the hands and feet, as well as muscle pain. If you smoke, are pregnant, drink heavily or have digestive issues like Crohn’s you may require more Biotin. Eating raw egg whites, which has a substance that blocks biotin’s absorption and long term use of antibiotics can cause it.

  • Dandruff and scaly patches can come from a vitamin deficiency. It can occur from lack of vitamin B3—niacin, vitamin B2—riboflavin, vitamin B6—pyridoxine and lack of zinc.
  • Hair loss is a huge problem faced by individuals. It can come from lack of B3—niacin or B7—biotin. Other nutritional deficiencies that can cause it are iron and linoleic acid—LA, alpha-linolenic acid—ALA.
  • Little white or red bumps on the skin that look like goosebumps and ingrown hairs can be caused by lack of vitamin A and vitamin C.
  • If you get dizzy spells or heart palpitations, it could be a sign of a vitamin B deficiency. Always check with your doctor for a complete diagnosis.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit

Good Stretches To Do Before Bed

Good Stretches To Do Before Bed

While you’re getting your body into shape at Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas, you can also make other life changes to improve your overall fitness. One of those is getting better sleep. It’s been shown that improved sleep can bring a better quality of life, while also aiding your overall good health. There are several ways to increase your potential for a better night’s sleep. Drinking relaxing natural tea, like chamomile, eating a banana before bed and practice deep breathing exercises. There are also stretches to do before bed that will prevent achy muscles and relax you.

You’ll stretch out your muscles, relaxing them and turning away stressors with neck stretches.

Your neck and shoulder muscles often hold in your tension. You can dissipate that problem with simple movements. Sit in a chair, put your left hand over your head touching the right ear. Gently pull the head as you bring the left ear toward the left shoulder, breathing deeply as you do. Hold that position for six breaths and then do the other side. Finish your session by looking over the left shoulder, as you keep your shoulders straight. Hold that position for six breaths and repeat on the other side. Finish by relaxing and dropping your head toward your chest, holding six breaths and then drop it backward, also holding six breaths.

Relax your back and shoulders with a stretch that uses a chair.

Kneel in front of a chair, coffee table or couch. Just make sure there’s room to extend your arms. Your knees should be directly under your hips as you put your forearms on the surface in front, lengthening your spine, while hinging at the hips when you fold forward. Hold that position and return to upright, then repeat the position.

Use low lunges to relax the legs, thighs, groin as you open your chest and relax your shoulders.

Make sure you don’t use this lunge to push yourself, but to relax yourself. Start in a low lunge position with your left leg bent, foot directly below the knee and the right leg extended behind you, knee on the floor. Put your hands on the floor directly below the shoulders and hold the position breathing deeply. Switch sides and extend the left leg. If you want to stretch your upper body by putting your hands toward the ceiling, do it. Just make sure it feels good when you do.

  • Many yoga poses are good stretches before bed. The child’s pose is one that’s excellent. It can help reduce tension in the back and bring relief from back pain.
  • Sit on the floor with legs extended in front and lean forward, with arms outstretched as though your reaching for your toes. Go as far as you can and hold. Don’t push it. Stay comfortable as you stretch.
  • Use the wall to help you relax. Lay next to the wall and lift your legs, resting them against the wall, at a right angle to your body. Hold the position until your muscles relax.
  • Relax your back and hips by laying on the floor with your knees in the air, forming an inverted V with your legs. Lay your legs gently to one side. Pause breathing slowly five to six breaths and then lift to the starting position and drop your knees to the other side.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit

The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners

The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners

Most people are aware that sugar isn’t good for you, so they use artificial sweeteners as a substitute. There are studies also showing that artificial sweeteners may actually be just as harmful as sugar. In fact, one found that drinking diet soft drinks containing artificial sweeteners could contribute to visceral fat—belly fat—which is linked with metabolic disease, heart disease, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, asthma and even knee arthritis.

Some other side effects of artificial sweeteners are seen immediately.

If you’ve ever consumed a lot of candy with sorbitol, maltitol and mannitol, you might have experienced gas and explosive diarrhea. It’s certainly not fun, especially if you’re out in public. Artificial sweeteners can also cause rashes. Other diseases linked to the consumption of artificial sweeteners include chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, Parkinson’s, systemic lupus, MS and even cancer.

Not all alternative sweeteners have the same effect.

A naturally sweet leaf from a plant called Stevia rebaudiana is being marketed under the name of Stevia. It comes from South America and used for sweetening for years and now used as medicine, since it has properties that lower blood pressure, blood sugar and is anti-bacterial. It’s said to be 100 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar, so a very little goes a long way. Recent medicinal uses show it helps lower blood pressure by as much as 14%. Perhaps it’s because Stevia is actually natural, and not a sweetener made in a lab. It’s been used for hundreds of years and has a proven track record. Unfortunately, the FDA doesn’t allow the leaves themselves to be used, so they’re highly processed, which can include altering them with enzymes, making changes that haven’t been investigated.

Why do some artificial sweeteners cause more weight problems than regular sugar?

The study that showed people who drank more diet soft drinks had far bigger waist circumference than those who didn’t, indicating visceral fat, made some hypothesis on why that occurred. They suggested it might increase the potential for glucose intolerance, while also interfering with metabolic functions. Another study showed that it was more than just calories that created the problem with belly fat. The artificial sweetener can trick the brain and cause inflammation throughout the body.

  • Aspartame breaks down to phenylalanine–which can cross the blood brain barrier and make negative changes to neurotransmitters—aspartic acid—also crossing the barrier causing neuron death and methanol—which metabolizes in the liver to formaldehyde. Methanol toxicity can lead to blindness.
  • Sucralose—Splenda—has been shown to cause brain damage in rats. It occurs in the hippocampus where memories are formed. It decreases healthy gut bacteria, which affects the immune system.
  • Be aware that artificial sweeteners are in everything, which include products directed at children, such as chewable vitamins, cough syrup and even toothpaste.
  • While xylitol and erythritol, alcohol sugar from fruit, do cause some digestive problems in humans, xylitol is extremely lethal for dogs. If Rover tends to sneak cookies from your plate, for his health, avoid xylitol.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit

Is Running In Place A Good Workout?

Is Running In Place A Good Workout?

There’s no doubt about it, exercise does help you look great, stay fit and be healthier, but what if you can’t get to a gym or have enough time to get changed and do a full workout? Could running in place be a good temporary fix or could it be a good substitute for a program of exercise? Just like any program of exercise, you need more than one type of exercise, so just running in place isn’t a good substitute continually for a complete program, but you can use it periodically for those days you can’t do a full workout.

You can even modify it by adjusting the height you lift your knees.

Adding jump squats and butt kicks are also ways to make it more effective. You can run in place using lunges and also swinging your arms as you run. You won’t be working the same muscles as normal running outside or on a treadmill, but you’ll still get aerobic benefits. In fact, it’s a great way to break up long periods of sitting. You need to move around every hour or so for at least five minutes to stay your healthiest, so getting up and running in place could provide that opportunity.

You’ll work different muscles than you would if you were running outside or on a treadmill.

Your stride is different when you run in place, which means you’ll be using different muscles or the same muscles in different ways. That doesn’t mean it’s not good for your cardiovascular system. It is. You can get your heart pumping and improve your circulation by just a ten-minute session. In fact, if you run in place for ten-minutes three times a day, it provides a half hour workout when you can’t workout any other way.

You’ll build different muscles by running in place, but that can be a good thing.

Since you’re constantly contracting muscles and expanding them, it gives those muscles quite a workout. It may feel tired quickly and uncomfortable to run in place very long, since you are using muscles you don’t use in normal running, which propel you forward as you put one foot in front of the other. Also, how you land on your foot is often very different from regular running. You tend to land on the balls of your feet more. It builds lower leg and ankle strength, but also jars your knees and hips.

  • Just like any type of exercise that makes you move more, running in place burns extra calories. It can be something to do when you have a few extra minutes that can increase your potential for weight loss.
  • When you’re running in place, in order to protect your leg, ankle and hip joints, make sure you do it on a softer surface. A carpet is far better for running in place than a concrete floor.
  • Always check with your health care professional first before undertaking any type of exercise. While people that have knee pain tend to improve when they run in place, it’s important to check with your physician first.
  • Get your whole body engaged when you run in place to get the most from each minute. Tuck in your tummy and squeeze as you run. Make sure your posture is good. You can even modify your run to make it a HIIT workout.

For more information, contact us today at IronFit San Antonio