    Testimonial Picture of Krissy L. (1)
    Testimonial Picture of Krissy L. (2)
    “I was able to lose 14 lbs. in 12 weeks”

    I could not be happier!!! I have worked with Erik for almost 2 years. Erik is a true inspiration. He believes in giving you the tools to help you succeed and motivates every single person in his class. It does not matter if you are working out for the first time or been dedicated for years. Erik customizes a workout for all by increasing weights for some and decreasing it for other. When I started at Iron Fit, I could not get rid of my last 10lbs of baby weight and my son was 2 years old. With Erik giving me the nutritional tools I needed and really showed me how to get the most out of my workouts I was able to lose 14 lbs. in 12 weeks. As long as I live in San Antonio, I will never go to another gym. I am Iron Fit for life.

    Krissy L.