If you’re like most women, you’ve had your fair share of “dieting attempts”…
And we totally understand, because almost all of our new clients here at the SCULPTAFIT Studio, have been on and off the diet roller-coaster… Always ending up where they started, or even worse – a few pounds heavier.
Which takes us to today’s topic:
The #1 Diet Women MUST Avoid
The #1 diet you must avoid is whatever “diet” you’re planning on trying next. It doesn’t matter which one it might be. The key is to avoid another “diet”. Because…
1 – “Dieting” does not work. It’s inherently dysfunctional.
2 – It sets you up for internal conflict, and struggle, right from Day #1….
3 – Once the self-deprivation starts, you begin craving all the things you’re not supposed to be eating. You start getting edgy and moody, and it only gets worse from there.
4 – It sets you up for *multiple points* of eminent failure (parties, vacation, friends visiting, dining out on the weekend, binging on your secret stash when nobody else is looking, etc…)
5 – And it sets you up for another frustrating setback that leaves you even heavier than before you started the “diet”.
And that’s getting off safely. See, there are many “diets” that can cause damage to the delicate female physiological environment… especially when you start factoring in injections, heavy supplementation or appetite suppression aids…
And once you start messing with the hormonal system – further destruction and damage are just around the corner. You may even have a friend or two who suffered this fate.
Diets Are a Band-Aid, Not a Permanent Solution
Most “dieters” are missing a few critical elements in their quest. Hence the repetition of the “roller coaster ups and downs” of yo-yo dieting.
Truth is, the dieting industry THRIVES on the roller-coaster nature of human behavior. People want quick fixes, and will keep buying and trying them “THINKING” that eventually something “might” work… (NOT going to happen). Hence the multitude of “new” diet books and weight loss products that hit the market EVERY YEAR.
This image represents just a sliver of the current mass of diet books on the market. Crazy, really.

Too Many Diets and Not Enough Permanent Solutions
Behavior Change WITHOUT Mindset Adjustment Sets the Stage for Repeated FAILURE
Yes, there are some great “diet” books that are really just wise nutritional meal plans, compiled into a book and given a cool name or title.
HOWEVER… most women, even if fortunate enough to stumble across one of these good ones, still lacks a critical element needed to make the jump from “serial dieter” to “women who is living a healthy lifestyle”.
That critical element is MINDSET
So, the revelation here is this: The FOCUS cannot be on a “diet” for the sake of weight-loss…
The FOCUS must be on total health for optimal living NOW and far into the future (quality of life and longevity). When that is the FOCUS, your lifestyle becomes defined by your habits which support your personal GOALS and VALUES…
You are not trying to lose weight to improve your health, but rather; you take steps to improve your health and wellness and the weight-loss happens as a natural by-product. <<= Read that one more time.
The “weight-loss” happens naturally because of your bigger picture “life vision”, which is all tied to your MINDSET.
Weight-Loss Without Being on a “Diet”?
Listen, I’m not trying to paint a grim and hopeless picture for you…
On the contrary; I’m here to show you that your healthy weight loss and wellness can be a complete reality and you can achieve a weight and fitness level that turns you into THE BEST version of yourself REGARDLESS of your age (40’s, 50’s, 60’s, etc…)
But it’s not going to be from “another stab at the next diet craze”. But rather, it’s going to be from:
A – a simple, but powerful, shift in your mindset
B – gentle, but effective (and FUN) exercise, specifically for the female body and mind
C – subtle changes in your choices and habits, so they are in line with your goals and values.
Those are the 3 Critical Keys to Fitness Enhancement and Weight Reduction that we guide women through, here in the SCULPTAFIT Studio.
The women who are coming here “have seen the light”…. They KNOW “diets” do NOT work, because many of our ladies, before discovering us, have tried time and time again, only to keep hitting the wall of failure… And then they realize – there has to be a better way, a healthier way…
Weight-Loss comes as a pleasant “side-effect” of healthy habits of female-focused fitness and sensible, well-rounded nutrition.
We are “The Way”… we are helping dozens and dozens of women RIGHT NOW, as you read this article – and we want to HELP YOU TOO…
Do YOU Want to Get OFF the Yo-Yo Diet Roller-Coaster?
You have to want the best you, the healthiest and MOST youthful you, the YOU who is the master of your own mind, body, spirit – and YOUR DESTINY…
We take you OFF the roller-coaster of failed dieting and we gently coach you to that healthy & youthful destination. We’re at your side through the journey – along with this amazing group of supportive and positive women who make up our SCULPTAFIT Community…
Together we reduce all the negative forces and influences on your life – and we replace them with empowering and nurturing forces that lift you higher and higher, by making you stronger and more energetic… Physically, mentally and spiritually.
You Become a Vibrant Force of Nature (As Intended) and No Longer a Withering Shadow of Years Past.
Get off the diet “roller-coaster” ASAP… and come meet us to see where your “answer” is waiting for you. YOU owe it to YOURSELF and you deserve it. Your life is a DIVINE gift and it’s up to YOU to take the BEST care of it.
Call (or Text) Nikki right now (904-891-3680) to See What Your Next Step Is
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