
SCULPTAFIT End of Session Mantra

SCULPTAFIT Reviews and Recommendations on Facebook and NextDoor

The first SCULPTAFIT Studio is about 6 months into “Existence” here in Saint Johns & Mandarin area…

And we are seeing LOTS of success from the women
who’ve decided to make this “their place for fitness & wellness”…

Today we share a little bit of this positive and inspiring feedback with you – with words directly from some of our clients.

“We share in hopes that their success shows you that you can find healthy success too… And it’s NEVER TOO LATE…”

As you read these reviews, be sure to keep in mind the “5 Laws of Fitness for Mature Women” (this is our specialty):

1 – Gentle (LOW-Intensity)
2 – Safe
3 – Fun
4 – Enjoyable
5 – Effective

Here are some Reviews and Recommendations from our SCULPTAFIT Facebook Page and our NextDoor page:




Debbie SD on SCULPTAFIT review on facebook

To See All SCULPTAFIT Reviews on Facebook Go Here:

To See All SCULPTAFIT Recommendations on NextDoor Go Here:

Do You Know Why We Share The Feedback From Our Clients With You?

Because we know we can help you in ways that NOBODY else can.
We’ve been given something very special and powerful to bring to the women of the world… to women just like you.

It’s quite possible you’re interested in exploring our Method to see all the ways it can benefit your life, improve your health & fitness and reverse pre-mature aging; so here are your next options:

1 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”

2 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method:
this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”

With these 2 powerful options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP with any questions you might have, and she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:

A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:

…She’ll reserve your Complimentary Sample Session spot so you can try The Method for FREE, and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

SCULPTAFIT Pre-session Focus-Stretch

5 Keys to Get Fit and Healthy DURING the Holidays

“Today’s article is based on the outline from our October “E-5″ Seminar. These are monthly seminars we host in the SCULPTAFIT Studio for our clients, to help with nutrition guidance, mindset empowerment, and specific Q & A sessions. Enjoy and please do share this with your friends who can benefit from it…”

Getting heavier and more unhealthy during the Holiday Season doesn’t happen by accident…

And it doesn’t happen by some weird, mysterious forces that we can’t control…

It happens because people CHOOSE to let it happen.

People make detrimental choices during the months of November and December (some start as early as Halloween), that lead to weight gain and deteriorating health (physical, mental and emotional).

These choices usually fall into 2 primary categories:

A – choosing to NOT exercise
(even though their doctor says they “need to”.. and they themselves know they should)
B – choosing health-punishing foods that cause weight-gain, high-cholesterol, and a list of other damaging effects

This is all done with the dysfunctional mindset that has a mental message floating around that says; “I’ll get myself in gear and on track once January 1st hits…”

And just like all the years past
– January 1st comes around, all intentions are good, you have some sort of “plan”… and by mid February, you’ve totally fallen off your great plan of healthy habits and fitness improvements…

And you’re back in that destructive annual cycle
that will have you in even worse shape when the next new year rolls around in 12 months…

However, that life-killing cycle can be broken and REVERSED.
Other women have proven this time and time again. And here is how many of them do it…

5 Keys to Get Fit and Healthy DURING the Holidays

Key #1 – Kick Things Up NOW

DON’T Wait Until January.
Because you know how that panned out in the previous years.

A – Create a simple weekly fitness activity schedule and stay faithful to it. (Our clients at SCULPTAFIT make their sessions here in the Studio the main focus of their fitness schedule.) IF you don’t have a current program you can consider the free 7-Day Slim & Tone at Home Program that we offer (free link provided at end of this article).

Make this a top priority for YOURSELF, by basing it on your REASONS WHY. (Why do you want to be in shape and healthy? How does better wellness and fitness impact your life?)

B – Write down/schedule your D.I.B.S. (Days In Between Sessions) activities into your calendar/planner: You are far more likely to follow through on things that you actually write/type into your schedule so that it becomes visible and tangible. (this is such a simple, but POWERFUL strategy – JUST DO IT).

D.I.B.S. are what our clients are encouraged to do on the days they are not in the Studio for a SCULPTAFIT Session.

SCULPTAFIT Pre-session Focus-Stretch

SCULPTAFIT Pre-session Focus-Stretch

D.I.B.S. activities can range from a simple power-walk with a friend to one of the home/travel exercise videos in your private-client video library. You have LOTS of fun options for D.I.B.S. – but you have to โ€˜placeโ€™ them on your schedule.

C – Start being mindful of the party invites and the food consumption that goes along with those parties.
By being mindful of these future situations, you can be in a better state of mind to avoid overindulgence and the yucky feelings that result in the unneeded excess calories.

Key #2 – Pre-Plan Your Overall โ€œHoliday Strategyโ€

Pre-determine your mindset,
based on your values and the goals you have in mind for YOURSELF.

Donโ€™t default to how others โ€œexpect you to behaveโ€ during the holidays.



QUESTION TO PONDER: Why should you mimic the self-destructive behavior of others, just because you are spending time with them?

You have the awareness and the power to choose what you’ll eat and drink and how much you’ll eat and drink.

[ACTION TIP 1] Take a picture, or print out a copy of your calendar/schedule for the next 3 months and make notes of events/gatherings.

[ACTION TIP 2] Use a highlighter or colored pen
to highlight where potential food/beverage issues may present themselves. By doing this you can premeditate your approach to these parties and meals with your โ€œJanuary Goalsโ€ in mind.

Just โ€œseeingโ€ your upcoming schedule, and referring to it as a reminder, can strengthen your motivation to stick to your path, REGARDLESS of how other people behave at these events and parties.

Key #3 – Focus On Your HEALTH (not only your โ€œweightโ€)

A – Make healthy dishes if youโ€™re serving at your house, or if youโ€™re bringing a dish to a party.

B – Be mindful and reasonable on YOUR portion sizes when eating.

C – Choose veggies and salads FIRST

D – Drink teas and sparkling waters (AVOID artificial sweeteners; aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame-K, acesulfame potassium)

Key #4 – Use Future Visioning

Think back to years past: What state of mind were you in every time January rolled around?

Were you upset with yourself? Were you depressed?

Were you in a state of despair?

Did you repeat the โ€œnew year resolutionโ€ gig? Only to fall off in a few weeks?

If so, you want to use that โ€œfuture visionโ€ of the scenario you want to replace with a much better future vision. A positive one that has you ALREADY in gear making positive progress and improvements.

Vow not to be a โ€œserial resolutionistโ€ – but rather, vow to be โ€œAlready On Trackโ€

Key #5 – Set Your January 2017 Goals NOW

Donโ€™t wait until January 1st or 2nd to start thinking of your personal goals for 2017. Start NOW, by getting a sheet of paper and write at the top: โ€œMy Personal Goals for 2017โ€

SCULPTAFIT End of Session Mantra

SCULPTAFIT End of Session Mantra

Then put the numbers 1, 2, 3 on the sheet
– and take just a few minutes to write down 3 reasonable but meaningful goals. (these may already be in your FIT-Q, but be sure to restate them on this new sheet as well).

Keep in mind you will be able to update your sheet with new goals (for Spring and then Summer, etc…) as you get close to, and reach, your initial goals.

For example, some goals might look like this:

A – Improve body composition by 2% by February 1st (this would mean going from 34% body-fat down to 32%)

B – Lose 9 LBS of unhealthy weight

C – Improve balance and strength, so I can do more activities with my family/friends. (more travel, trail walks, etcโ€ฆ)

D – Feel a noticeable increase in self-esteem and self-confidence, so other areas of my life are enhanced.

WRITE these goals down and post them where you can SEE THEM DAILY.

This is simple, but also SUPER-POWERFUL. Please donโ€™t underestimate this step. This is a simple strategy for success.

What we put front and center is kept โ€œtop of mindโ€ and we exponentially increase our ability to reach our goals in our desired time-frames.

Those are your “5 Keys to Get Fit and Healthy DURING the Holidays”…

…now if you’re thinking you need guidance and the right people to help you, in order for you to know you’re on the right path and to be connected to like-minded women who are supportive, encouraging and empowering, then get in touch with us.

We know we can help you in ways that NOBODY else can.
We’ve been given something very special and powerful to bring to the women of the world. Women just like you.

It’s quite possible you’re interested in exploring our Method to see all the ways it can benefit your life, improve your health & fitness and reverse pre-mature aging; so here are your next options:

1 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”

2 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method:
this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”

With these 2 powerful options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP with any questions you might have, and she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:

A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:

…She’ll reserve your Complimentary Sample Session spot so you can try The Method for FREE, and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

Joey and SCULPTAFIT Client Debbie

SCULPTAFIT Client Case Study Debbie Will Inspire Many Women

As you might already know, our mission and specialty is to inspire women to overcome their past battles and challenges of being out of shape and unhealthy, leading them to youthful fitness and energetic vibrancy…

Today’s golden example of inspiration comes in the form of Debbie Dorr’s 3 month update (you may remember her 1 month update we shared a few months ago) as a client at SCULPTAFIT in Saint Johns/Mandarin (you’ll be able to apply her principles to your life STARTING TODAY)…

So you can put a face with the name, here is a photo of Debbie and Joey after a sunrise beach-walk a few weeks ago at Mickler’s Landing in Ponte Vedra (we do fun activities like this, around the area, as a free, value-added bonus for all our clients of the SCULPTAFIT Studio)

Joey and SCULPTAFIT Client Debbie

Joey and SCULPTAFIT Client Debbie

Here is Debbie’s Powerful 3-Month Update:

A – 11 pounds down
B – 2 inches off the hips
C – 4 inches off the waist
D – Energy is WAY up
E – Attitude toward life is AWESOME…

SCULPTAFIT Client Case Study Debbie

Debbie’s Key Points of Inspiration:

1 – She attends 2-3 SCULPTAFIT sessions per week

2 – She does ‘D.I.B.S.’ on the other days (this stands for “Days In Between Sessions” and we provide all our clients with access to a private library of simple coaching videos to follow)

3 – She doesn’t “diet”, but rather is now making smarter eating choices based on her goals and the value she places on her health and longevity

4 – She follows the SCULPTAFIT philosophy of life. (this is a subtle shift in mindset and a new group of positive people in your life who support your goals, and help motivate you to get out of the self-destructive habits you’ve been following for the last bunch of years)

Debbie’s story is actually a bit deeper and more powerful than shown above. She overcame a battle with cancer before finding us, and we’ll be sharing that story in due time as well.

How to Fuel Your Motivation to Reach YOUR Goals

For now, here are the key points that you can use to fuel your own motivation
to take back control of your life, your body, your health and your future (if you don’t do this – everything just keeps getting worse and worse – and no medication can save you the way a proper healthy lifestyle can)

1 – Find a program that is SUITABLE to YOU and your needs.
(the wrong program can set you back badly, so choose carefully here) One thing you can do right now (For FREE) is get started at home with our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” program on this page

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

2 – Find supportive activities that you can do on the other days. You must do some physical activity on your “sedentary” days in order to reverse the evil effects of aging.

3 – STOP yo-yo dieting.
…And just create a sensible plan of eating that can be followed all year round no matter where you are and what you’re doing.

4 – Follow, or create your own, “philosophy” of life, and the habits that support that philosophy. This becomes your “GPS” for your daily, weekly and monthly actions. Simple but so effective…

It’s quite possible to do those on your own – BUT very unlikely as you might already be thinking. And that’s why we are here… to create the right scenario for YOU to follow the right steps, easily and naturally – for life.

If you’re unsure or still uncertain, just reach out to Nikki (904-891-3680) to set up a time to talk so you can get everything you need to know in order for you to start taking the positive steps for yourself.

If you’re a little unsure or insecure, no worries, because we totally understand
– and we’d be happy to have you visit for a relaxed Studio Tour, so you can really get a feel for what we are all about and how we can help you turn your health and fitness around.

Nobody else can do this for you. You are the captain of your personal ship…. Don’t let that ship sink. WE CAN HELP YOU…

In health and wellness,

– The SCULPTAFIT Team; Melanie, Nikki, Kaci, Joey

PS – call or text Nikki right now (904-891-3680) so you can try one our gentle Signature SCULPTAFIT Sample Sessions (at NO CHARGE, totally free, 100% “On the House”!).. or maybe you just want to visit for a Studio Tour to see what we have here for you, before you try a Sample Session.

PS – even if you just have some questions about it, give her a call, so you can see if this is actually something that would be a great fit for your personal needs. Maybe you just want to come on for a relaxed Studio Tour as a first “baby step”, and then maybe try a Sample Session after that… Just let her know.

PPS – here is Debbie’s 1-month progress update that I mentioned at the top of this page: