So, it’s almost that time of year (it’s going to be here REALLY FAST)
That span of a “joyous” few months where there are plenty of parties, family gatherings, office celebrations, short get-togethers, and the all-day food and booze fests on the big holiday days…

Gaining or Losing Weight During the Holidays Is Usually a Choice
While some people find it easy to ‘maintain control’ during the holiday season – many people find it a time of year where several factors converge to create a rocky time of year that triggers far more caloric intake, resulting in more weight gain…
And we all know the superficial cycle:
1 – You quietly promise yourself once this holiday season is over, you’re “going to get serious” about losing weight and getting healthy (how has that been working the last bunch of years?)
2 – You start the “warm-up” on Halloween, when all that extra candy and chocolate is around. One bite here, a chocolate there, and handful of these other things in between… and the destruction has begun (yep, the Holiday weight gain season all really starts around Halloween)
3 – Thanksgiving comes and because of your multi-family situation (or maybe you have lots of close friends) you end up doing 2 or 3 Thanksgiving meals over the course of a few weeks… And of course we have the leftovers that can’t go to waste, right?
4 – Christmas and Hanukkah roll around and so do the big feasts – LOTS of them… Also another multi-family and friend type of scenario where you find yourself celebrating several times and therefore eating (and maybe drinking) for every get-together…
5 – And we finally make it to New Year’s Eve… This is the night most people top it all off, “knowing” that January 1st “they are going to get serious about getting fit and trim once and for all”…
6 – January 1st kicks in and you “have a plan…”
Maybe it’s Weight Watchers…
– or you’re going to start “walking” or maybe even “train for a marathon”…
– or P90X, Zumba, or “INSANITY”…
– or The Atkins Diet, or Paleo Diet, or the Blood -Profile Diet, or the ________ Diet…
– maybe NutriSystem…
– or maybe you’re going to dust off all that awesome exercise equipment you have under the boxes in the garage…
– Oooh, or maybe you’ve saved up $10,000 for some kind of “surgery”…
– of maybe you’ve hired a personal trainer at the local gym…
– or maybe you bought a “tech device” to wear on your wrist or arm that is going to be the answer…
– or maybe you’re going to do some toxin cleanse and shake mix combo that your “multi-level marketing” neighbor sold you on…
– or maybe it’s something else…
But we know where this all ends right?
A few weeks in – maybe even a few months… ALL IS DONE. Your annual “resolution” is a distant memory and you’ll just wait until the Spring to get yourself “back on track”.. or maybe even just wait until 2018 – so you can do it all over again…
Deep down, you’re upset with yourself… You’re frustrated… Maybe even angry – because you REALLY DO want to reach the goals you have floating around in your head, BUT you honestly just haven’t found something that you can REALISTICALLY keep doing WITHOUT giving up and quitting…
But That’s About To Change Right Now
The #1 Trick to Lose Weight DURING the Holiday Eating Season
Here’s the deal:
It’s a 2-Step Mind-Trick
Here’s Step-1:
Even the “failure sequence” I listed above is a mind-trick. See, subconsciously you’ve set yourself up for failure even before you started whatever it is you’re going to do, because you’ve only made a superficial “commitment” to get the results you think you want…
“THE PROBLEM is you haven’t made a true and deep mind-shift that gives your intention and desired goals SUBSTANCE.”
You’ve been operating in a matrix.
A matrix that keeps you on the same cycle of repetitive failure. But now you’re going to “wake up” and rise out of that dysfunctional matrix. Because it’s the ONLY WAY you’re going to achieve your true goals.
And Here’s How You’ll Do It:
You haven’t “had a serious talk with yourself” about WHY you have this excess weight you want to lose…
See, losing weight for the sake of being skinny and not feeling self-conscious IS WEAK. It does you no justice… it puts no foundation of strength under your intentions. Your desired goals are not supported by deeper, more meaningful personal values…
Your “reasons” for change have to be based on what the weight loss means to you…
– how it increases longevity
– how it improves your quality of life
– how the weight loss positively impacts your health
– how you want to be around for your loved ones and NOT be a burden on them
– how it enhances all the experiences you want to have in your lifetime (intimacy, ability to travel and enjoy yourself, etc…
Here’s Step 2:
You Have to Get Yourself Into a Suitable and Effective Program NOW
You CANNOT wait until “January 1st” to start another new year resolution… because the same repetitive cycle will bring you right back to where you started – just like the last bunch of years have done…
You need to be honest with yourself. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself the clear truth. Have you been putting yourself first and taking proper care of yourself? Have you been tending to your body, mind and spirit?
The answer is most likely “No, I haven’t.” and that’s understandable, because modern day society makes it VERY hard for us to focus on ourselves the way we should be.
There is constant distraction after distraction pulling us in every direction, making us feel like our life is no longer our own and it’s so out of control…
Well – NONE OF THAT IS TRUE… Because…
Your life is yours to manage and yours to spend how you see fit.
BUT, you have to rise out of the chaotic mix that everyone operates in and start making your weekly plans THAT PUT YOU FIRST and allow you to take care of yourself the WAY YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO.
It’s really that simple. Once you decide, then the rest is easy. You make your plan and the world will shape itself around YOU.
“We are here to help you not only implement this “shift” in your mindset – but give you the support, the community, the camaraderie, and the gentle, calming and super-effective Method here in the SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women, that you need in order to stay out of the Holiday Fat Trap this year – and EVERY YEAR after…”
Here are your 3 options to get you out of the annual cycle self-destruction and pre-mature aging:
1 – SCULPTAFIT Personal Training: this is exclusive and private, but some women have asked for it and it is now an option here.
2 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”
3 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method: this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”
With these 3 amazing options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP, so she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:
A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:
…So she can reserve your free Sample Session spot and get you in here, to try The Method for FREE and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…
Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:
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