If you’re unsure about what the acronym HIIT means… It actually stands for:
“Help I‘m In Trouble”
I know – I know… for most people who’ve already heard of it, HIIT is the acronym for ‘High-Intensity Interval Training’, BUT today – I’m redefining it…
Allow me to explain…
HIIT workouts for women have been getting lots of publicity of the last few years – and with that comes a lot of controversy and confusion – especially with the widespread popularity of Crossfit, P90x,Tabata, Boot Camps and other HIIT styled fitness programs.
The fact that you’re reading this indicates you’re a smart woman. A woman of above average intelligence – and because of that – this article will make a lot of sense to you.
First, let me clarify what I mean by “women”…
For the purposes of this specific article, I’m referring to women in the 30-65-ish y.o. range, who have lives filled with responsibilities, such as family, children, community, career, etc…
The average woman values every minute of her day – and must be mindful in how she chooses to spend her time. What she invests her time in MUST give her something valuable back in return.
With that in mind – let’s get into the 5 Reasons Women Should NOT Do HIIT for Fitness
Reason # 1 – HIIT Is Extremely Unpleasant and Uncomfortable
If something is unpleasant and uncomfortable – then you dread doing it. You don’t want to do it. You avoid it at all costs. Right?
This sets the stage for quitting your fitness program. And putting yourself back at square one; which is ‘still looking for your solution’ to lifelong health and fitness.
Reason #2 – HIIT Increases Risk of Injury
This is one of the key elements of all the controversy that surrounds HIIT based exercise programs. It goes with the territory. Simple.

No Pain, No Gain??
When a woman is injured, not only does it severely impact her daily existence – but injury can be a trigger that leads to depression.
The risk of injury and its implications are not worth it.
Reason #3 – HIIT Actually Prevents the Specific Results You Desire
If anyone can do HIIT for a long enough period of time – there will be changes. There will be early stage improvements in fitness and body composition, generally speaking…
However – the average, middle-aged woman has VERY SPECIFIC improvements in mind. She has defined changes she needs to see and wants to achieve.
For example;
Overall firming and slimming – with increased strength are fine and dandy – BUT most women want MORE… they want targeted results such as:
A – tightening and smoothing of the thighs
B – lifting and shaping of the butt (oh yeah, you can have a ‘nice’ one again, trust me 🙂
C – shrinking the belly and removing muffin-top (yes, this can be done without surgery)
D – firming and sculpting of the legs and arms
E – toning the upper body and getting things “in proportion”
Those are just a few of the things she wants…
Every wise woman also wants the internal benefits as well – ranging from optimal health profile to enhanced libido to high self-esteem. And as you can see those are “specific” enhancements, as opposed to just general fitness improvements. Two VERY different things.
When those specific results are being experienced, and injury & unpleasantness are not part of the equation – she naturally wants to stick with this healthy lifestyle habit that is allowing her to be the woman she truly wants to be.
Reason #4 – HIIT Is Not Sustainable

I’ve Had ENOUGH!!
Anything grueling and ‘torturous’ is something humans naturally want to avoid. What more is there to explain?
Yeah, I know there’s a certain percentage of the population that “loves that type of approach”… But you are not one of them (and neither are we).
That reason touches on the mental aspect. Yes – HIIT and its variations are also psychological enemies of ours.
Reason #5 – HIIT Is Totally Unnecessary
This one is the “wise” reason. Like the sage answer from the Grand Master…
“Why try to smash something with a sledgehammer – when all you need to do is give it a loving nudge.”
There is no reason to take unneeded risk, expose yourself to painful workouts or push yourself in a way that negatively impacts your emotional state – when, instead, the results you desire and deserve can be achieved in an pleasurable, gentle and enjoyable fashion. (…and I’m not talking about yoga, pilates, or barre… None of that stuff here.)
Because if you don’t enjoy it and can’t stick with it for life – then it’s obviously not going to work for you.
There are plenty of sources I could reference and/or quote to add more credibility to my article. But for the women I’m writing this for – NONE of that extra material would matter, because they know exactly what I’m getting at with my message today…
They agree – simply because they’ve tried a HIIT based program, or they’ve heard enough about it to want to avoid it – and find “another way” to achieve and maintain optimal wellness and fitness.
Again, as we consider those 5 reasons – we want to keep in mind who this is for. And that’s middle-aged women; most likely YOU. So, then the question arises:
“If I should avoid doing HIIT for fitness, what should I do that will give me the results I want, and still be something I’ll enjoy doing for life?”
L.I.I.T. is the way…
The answer to that is; “A program based on LIIT – aka Low-Intensity Interval Training.”
LIIT is essentially the opposite of HIIT, and it’s the foundation of The SCULPTAFIT Method.
LIIT takes into account all the things women don’t like about exercise & working-out and renders those elements non-factors – by replacing them with principles that stimulate desired improvements with less strain, less pain, less self-punishment and less time.
You can seek out endless research studies and expert opinions – but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is whether or not your choice of fitness method is something you enjoy doing and want to do it for life.
That’s what brings the results – and allows you to keep them for good. THIS is the key to vibrant longevity… Living With Strength.
THE GOOD NEWS IS: You Don’t Need It

SCULPTAFIT End of Session Mantra
…Because there’s a better way, a pleasant way, a way you can follow forever and keep enjoying it along with all the benefits and results you get with it…
If that article resonates with you, then stay tuned because you’re going to see LOTS more like it on this blog… Yep – we’re going to be busting myths, exposing the fallacies and shining the light on all the “not so good” areas of the fitness industry… For the simple reason that YOU, and the other women just like you, deserve to know.
You deserve to know what others aren’t willing (or able) to write about.
And also consider, you might be a perfect fit in the SCULPTAFIT community. So, please get in touch as we’d love to help you reach your best self, both inside and out.
If you live locally (Saint Johns, Mandarin, Fleming Island), you have 2 sweet options to choose from:
1 – You can start with our Free 7-Day “Tone at Home” Primer Program (click link for access)
2 – Or you can request a Complimentary “SCULPTAFIT Studio Sample Session”. We only offer 4 of these per month and they go VERY FAST. But if you get one, you’ll be GLAD you did 🙂 To see if we have any left this month, you can call or text Nikki directly at: 904-891-3680
Thanks for reading – and PLEASE DO share this article with any other local women you know who will benefit from reading it.
Have any thoughts, questions, comments, virtual hugs you want to share? Just post below – that space is for YOU 🙂

SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team: Nikki, Kaci, Corinne, Austin, Alexa, Joey, MaryAnne
We hope to see you soon,
– MaryAnne, Corinne, Nikki, Kaci, Austin, Joey – The SCULPTAFIT Team
Andrea February 12, 2016 at 11:33 pm | Permalink |
Hi Joey, would you include the Metabolic Aftershock (you sent a link to this a little while ago) workouts in this HIIT category?
SCULPTAFIT February 13, 2016 at 9:06 am | Permalink |
Hi Andrea, Good question.. Metabolic Aftershock is actually a pretty good add-on to my programs… (I don’t consider it HIIT, because he doesn’t take things to extremes and doesn’t include risky exercises) Dr Teta, created a “gentler” program than most others out there and that’s why I recommend it as something for people who are already doing my programs who want to bring in more variety, while keeping things safe and “doable”.
Nonkululeko February 13, 2016 at 2:59 am | Permalink |
Wow Joey you just hit the spot…. Been trying to loose baby weight using HITT method, after 3 weeks I don’t any changes because its just too hard to keep to the schedule…. I have since stoped due to sore knees which started after i started HIIT….
SCULPTAFIT February 13, 2016 at 9:07 am | Permalink |
Thanks for sharing that… If you were local you’d love joining The SCULPTAFIT Studio here… But you do have access to my online programs and DVDs – so if you’re not using them yet – move away from the HIIT programs and take the ‘wise’ path 🙂
Katheleen Waters February 13, 2016 at 7:11 am | Permalink |
on your workout videos there is not a warm up work out before doing the exercise, warming up muscles before doing the exercise prevents injuries, why is a warm up not included in your program?
SCULPTAFIT February 13, 2016 at 9:10 am | Permalink |
Hi Kathleen, This is a subjective topic, debated both ways… It really depends on the intensity of the program/workout you’re going to do… A gentle/short stretch and maybe 5 minutes of jump/rope or step up&downs are really all you need if you want to include a warm up… Some of my longer programs do have this. Which program do you have?
Fundi February 13, 2016 at 7:21 am | Permalink |
Goodstuff for women. Thanks Joey.
SCULPTAFIT February 13, 2016 at 9:10 am | Permalink |
RAFAELA WULF February 13, 2016 at 7:40 am | Permalink |
I would like to learn this alternative exercise method. I’m glad there’s something for us older women- 70+.
SCULPTAFIT February 13, 2016 at 9:12 am | Permalink |
Hi Rafaela, Great to hear from you. Our ideal clients are in the 30-60 years young range. Not to say we’d rule out anyone outside that range, because I sure know some women in their young 70’s that can bring the energy… Are you in the Saint Johns/Mandarin Florida area? If so, we’ll be opening in April.. If not – you can get the foundations of the SCULPTAFIT Method through my DVDs and online programs. Do you have any of them yet?
jenn February 13, 2016 at 10:25 am | Permalink |
I think this is a very weak argument against it. It just is not specific enough. I am 45 years old and do on average2 HIT wkts a week pepered in with strength seccions and yoga and allot of hiking. Yes it’s a bitter pill but we should be proud as women to strive for keeping ourselves in the shape to do it first off. I’t not for the unfit or very overweight but it’s fitness country if you so choose. Good form and specific attention to details and no injuries usually. I’m in cause I know I need to be doing more than liit.
SCULPTAFIT February 13, 2016 at 10:37 am | Permalink |
Hi Jenn! – and thanks for posting your thoughts…
First – I love that your lifestyle is a healthy and varied one – AWESOME 🙂
Second – You are correct; It is not for the unfit or the very overweight. BUT to add to that, (very important) it is also NOT for every woman, regardless of fitness level – or her weight.
For every woman like you – there are many, MANY MULTIPLES of women, not like you, who should not being doing HIIT – and can get all the results (and then some) by doing a program based on LIIT. It is THOSE women who my methods are for – and it is those women who the SCULPTAFIT Studios are being created for.
Those women will NOT do cross-fit, p90x, orange theory, body-blast, HIITcamps, etc…. It just doesn’t ‘fit’ for them.
SCULPTAFIT is for THOSE women 🙂
Tara February 13, 2016 at 10:30 am | Permalink |
Hi Joey! You give us this awesome information and now what? I have my workout today and now I don’t want to go but have to. If I knew what to do, I could change it up today.
SCULPTAFIT February 13, 2016 at 11:02 am | Permalink |
Hi Tara! Don’t you have any of my DVDs or online programs???
Debbie February 13, 2016 at 11:16 am | Permalink |
I’ve been getting your emails, but don’t have your dvd’s. How do I get them?
SCULPTAFIT February 13, 2016 at 11:41 am | Permalink |
Hi Debbie! I’d start with one of these:
1 – Naked Beauty/SYMULAST – this is a shorter/less intense lower-body focused program.. Good if you’re just starting off on your journey – or “getting back into it”
2 – ULBHTM – this is slightly more advanced than NB/SYMULAST… Lots of women start with NB program and then step up to this one about 6 months later – and then use both – to keep variety, etc..
Any questions – let me know 🙂
Melissa February 14, 2016 at 9:31 pm | Permalink |
This blog/post or whatever it is, is simply ridiculous. I am 43 years old and have been doing Beachbody/HIIT videos for years. I started with Insanity then went to P90x, P90x2, Asylumn 1 & 2, Les Mills Pump and finally Hammer and Chisel. I’m 5’3, 110 lbs and workout to these videos 4-6 days a week and absolutely love them because they’re challenging. So unless someone has a physical problem such as chronic spinal issues, then I cannot understand why you would NOT try some of these workouts! However if you are simply lazy and want something that doesn’t hurt, doesn’t challenge and doesn’t make you sweat then definitely do another workout…or just sit on the couch and you’ll get the same results.
SCULPTAFIT February 14, 2016 at 10:32 pm | Permalink |
Thanks for your thoughts, Melissa! See my reply to Jenn – basically same reply applies here 🙂