FAIR WARNING: If you’re a traditional fitness instructor or personal trainer, this article is probably going to make you mad…
And that’s ok, because I’m NOT writing this for you. I’m writing it for the women who’ve tried these exercises and wonder why they are brutal, uncomfortable and do NOT “feel right” to them…
The following “traditional” exercises are responsible for an array of injuries, ranging from hernias to hemorrhoids – and may things in between (you may be nodding your head in agreement right now…).
And even with the dangers they present – there is, and will always be a devout, crowd who “will never give these up” – until the injuries are so severe that they have no choice of course. (then it’s time to face reality and consider ‘change’ – or evolution rather).
But for today, the key is to let you know what to avoid – AND more importantly, what direction you should venture into, in order to still honor, develop and maintain a level of fitness that helps improve your life, INSTEAD OF making more problems for you…
On that note. Here… We… GO:
Worst Exercise #1: The Painful Smith-Machine Squat

Painful Smith Machine Squats
Yep, the one with the bar across the back of the upper shoulders, and the bar goes up and down the guideposts. Talk about unnatural positions and movements…
There are women reading this right now saying; “I knew that was a crazy exercise when that trainer made me try it!! UGH!”
If Little Miss Gym Chickie wants to “get her squat on” – there are plenty of gyms where she can do that. Eventually though, when her neck is wrenched and her back is jacked, she’ll be looking for something a little more sane, sensible and effective. And we’ll be happy to show her some awesome alternatives to get the life-enhancing results, without grinding her body into mush.
The point here is for you to now know that you don’t need to break your back and damage your knees in order to get the fitness results you desire and deserve. Which takes us to #2…
Worst Exercise #2: The Stiff-Leg Dead-Lift

Stiff Leg Dead Lift: Asking for Injury
First – any exercise with the word “dead” in it should be a clue…
Second – take a look at sweetie pie model girl in the photo. How natural does that position look?
Right… Not too natural.
But here are the big “no no’s” women must be aware of. Her legs are almost straight and she’s leaning over with weights in her hands. Aren’t we supposed to lift things from the ground with knees bent, so we protect the back and use the body properly? (and people wonder where these gym injuries come from…)
…And even though she’s leaning all the way over (torso horizontal to ground) – she’s looking forward with her neck in a 90 degree angle (head vertical to ground)! What for!!??
Third, now here’s the kicker. She’s holding dumbbells in her hands, and even though they are light – they are placing a risky stress-force on her spine and discs.
Want to know how many women (and men) have been injured by this “popular” gym exercise? The answer is: “A LOT” …and then when you consider the idea of people using heavier weights and barbells – you see why chiropractors & physical therapists LOVE people who are into “weight-lifting”.
On to #3 we go…
Worst Exercise #3: Brutal Sit-ups
It’s mind-bending to think the old-school sit-up hasn’t been banned from elementary school fitness tests yet. Just nuts…
Seriously, just going to a timed plank will save many young backs and also be a better ‘test’ of core/abdominal strength & stamina.

Brutal Sit-ups: Bad for the Neck & Back
Listen, for those select few who’ve been genetically gifted with an athletic type body, and have trained their way to ‘Sit-upVille’, then have at it if you love them. BUT, truth be told sit-ups are NOT for the average woman. And I don’t say ‘average’ in a belittling way, on the contrary – the ‘average’ woman is a Goddess. Enough said there.
A woman’s mid-section and core can benefit from tremendously from exercises that do not involve the risky and uncomfortable “sit-up”. For example; modified basic planks, pelvic floor lifts, Hi-Lo band turns, etc… those are foundational moves we teach here in the SCULPTAFIT Studio… and our Ladies LOVE them 🙂
Worst Exercise #4: Isolation Bicep Curl
See the look on this woman’s face? That’s called “confused and not really sure what the hell I’m doing…”

Isolation Bicep Curl: ULTIMATE TIME-WASTER
She may have read a magazine article, or had her trainer friend write up a gym routine for her… But there she is, sitting on a gym bench, one dumbbell in her lap, the other in her hand and she’s doing her “Ultimate Time-Waster Curls”
She does 12 each arm, all the while wondering; “Is this even doing anything for me?” She does a few more sets as per the tips and guidance she got from other sources – and before she knows it, 15 minutes are gone from her life and now she’s going to take a stab at what other “isolation” moves she should do to “get into shape”…
A few weeks later she throws in the towel and “gives up” because she was spending so much time in the gym and not seeing the results she was expecting. (Sound Familiar??)
Life is too short to be spending 90 minutes in the gym, 5 or 6 days a week. For most women, that is just flat-out unrealistic and not happening. For women who are clients at the Studio here, they are in and out in about 45 minutes, 3 times per week doing “the Method” – and the results are enough to make all the other ladies they know ‘envious’.
Worst Exercise #5: Kettlebell Swing
Ok, so now we venture into something a bit more “hardcore”.. Kettlebell workouts.
Again – if kettlebells are YOUR thing, and you have the physical ability to handle them, and the willingness to risk unnecessary injury. Then have at it…

Kettlebell Swing: AVOID IT
But let’s also be honest and let women know they don’t have to make these part of their fitness routine in order to get into amazing and healthy shape.
The move featured here, the ketllebell swing, is responsible for plenty of injuries (both male and female). Shoulders, wrists, upper-back, lower-back, and even “the privates” are all susceptible to some kind of damage. Even face-plants can result from a simple loss of balance on the downward drop. Anyway – whichever way you cut it these are just downright stupid…
See, the big question when venturing into any type of specific exercise or workout routine is; “WHY?” …Why am I selecting ___________ ? What are my goals? What are MY ABILITIES? And is the ‘thing’ I’m choosing 100% percent in line with MY NEEDS?
So, there you have it.
But stay tuned for more, because there are MANY more exercises, in addition to the 5 above, to add into the “Worst” category. And we’ll bring those to you very soon. In the meantime, please do share this article with your friends who can use the candid insight and helpful info we create here for the women who need it the most.
You deserve to know what others aren’t willing (or able) to write about.
And if that article totally hits home with you, then consider that you might be a perfect fit in the SCULPTAFIT community. So, please get in touch as we’d love to help you reach your best self, both inside and out.
If you live locally (St Johns/South Mandarin), you have 2 sweet options to choose from:
1 – You can start with our Free 7-Day “Tone at Home” Primer Program (click link for access)
2 – Or you can request a FREE “SCULPTAFIT Studio Sample Session”. We only offer 4 of these per month and they go VERY FAST. But if you get one, you’ll be GLAD you did! So just click here and request a Studio Sample Session on the form, and Nikki will be in touch with you..
Thanks for reading – and PLEASE DO share this article with any other local women you know who will benefit from reading it.
Have any thoughts, questions, comments, virtual hugs you want to share? Just post below – that space is for YOU 🙂
We hope to see you soon,
– Joey, Melanie, Nikki – The SCULPTAFIT Team