Hello and welcome 🙂
The purpose of today’s post is to introduce you to one of our newest Compassionate SCULPTAFIT Coaches, Corinne.
She’s a wife & mother of 2 who knows that health and wellness CANNOT be ignored… She has traveled her own journey and after finding sustainable fitness success – now has the burning passion to help other women achieve the same success.

SCULPTAFIT Coach Corinne
To give you an idea about the type of coach Corinne is – here is something helpful…
After reading our “unique and remarkable” position posting – here is what Corinne sent us as a cover letter back in November:
[November 18, 2016]
Wow! Never have I read a position posting that got me so fired up with excitement!
SCULPTAFIT is exactly the place I’ve been looking for to pursue my career goals and continue to grow into the best possible version of myself, by helping other women find health and fitness success.
I know the traditional fitness offerings are not what the average woman needs. And it sounds like you have created the EXACT method and environment that women do need, in order to get their health on track and achieve realistic fitness for a high quality of life, for years to come.
Through my lived experiences I have learned how capable I am of achieving any goal I set for myself. My journey with health and fitness has leaded me to successful weight loss and has been life changing.
I know other women need the same outcome in their own life and I want to be the person who leads them to their best self.
I want to help empower other women to discover their own, amazing potential. My empathetic nature gives me the ability to connect with others and in a more intimate setting, like SCULPTAFIT, I would have that opportunity.
I am a genuinely optimistic and upbeat person. I live my life with a kind heart and believe in lifting others up. I am looking forward to being surrounded by like-minded individuals who inspire others and will provide a supportive environment to thrive in.
I am eager to upgrade my dream career in the fitness industry and to learn more about SCULPTAFIT’s unique method for women. It sounds like the perfect place for lots of good and positive outcomes for all involved.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I am confident I could be “the one” you are looking for.
– Corinne Dean, CPT, WMS
Lots of hints and insight in Corinne’s cover letter that should help you understand what makes us so different and how we can help YOU… And as it turns out – she IS now part of the loving and caring team here at the SCULPTAFIT Studio (soon you’ll meet Coaches MaryAnne, Julie, Austin)
Here’s an “action” shot of Coach Corinne demonstrating one of our Signature “slow-tempo” trouble-zones moves (in this photo are 5 Patents Pending, because what we’ve created here has NEVER existed before.)

Coach Corinne Demonstrates Gentle Trouble-Zone Toning Moves
We Help Women Reach Their Most Desired Goals of Fitness, Wellness and Anti-Aging…
The truth is, it isn’t all about superficial vanity. While that counts as part of the equation – there are other elements of optimum living that are far more important and valuable…
A – Improved Quality of Life and Enjoyment
B – Increased Productivity, Creativity and Awareness
C – Enhanced Abilities of All Activities, Old and New Ones
D – Elevated Moods, Happiness and a Sense of Life-Control
E – Smaller Clothes Fit Better, Fun to Shop Now, Can Wear Cuter Outfits
F – Reverse Certain Signs Symptoms & Causes of Premature Aging and Early Disease
Are You Ready to Take Care of You – The RIGHT Way? We Will Help You…
Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “SIGNATURE Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (FREE if you call/text now)

SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team: Nikki, Kaci, Corinne, Austin, Alexa, Joey, MaryAnne
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