After 16 quick months, Nicole is ready to share the powerful and inspiring details of…
“How I Lost Over 98 Pounds With a Mindshift After Many Failed Attempts”
“How I Lost Over 98 Pounds With a Mindshift After Many Failed Attempts”
Click play and be ready to take a few important notes that will change how you think and the actions you take from here forward…
As you listen to this “real world” story of proof, and you’re thinking to yourself; “This is what I should do too, I need this…” ***Then call or text Nikki right now at 904-891-3680 *** to see if we have any Free Sample Session spots open this week, or next. ( let her know “I’m watching Nicole’s video…” )

Nicole before losing 100 lbs of body fat
That is EXACTLY the first step that Nicole took. And… The rest is HISTORY.
As a bonus here is the partial summary thought reflection of what Nicole, Christine, Myself and some of the SCULPTAFIT Clients shared in the Seminar video above:
Powerful Reflections of Our January E5 Seminar
I write this in reflection of our January E5 seminar, which featured one of our “leading by example” clients, Nicole Crouch, and our partner health coach, Christine Popovic…
There were a few gems that were shared during that seminar, which can and should be repeated over and over and over… These could actually be personal mantras that are carried through a lifetime. You’ll see why when you read them…
1 – I looked in the mirror and said; “I shouldn’t look and feel like this. I’m not even 50 years old and I still have too much to live for. It’s time to do something significant.”
2 – If you only had one car to last you a lifetime, would you take much better care of it than you do now? So, why don’t we treat our body the same way. We only have one body to last an entire lifetime. Think about that.”
3 – If you’re not willing to put yourself first, there will be no boundaries for others to respect your needs and you will always put yourself “later” in terms of self-love and self-care. That doesn’t end well.
4 – My focus was no longer about losing weight, like it was in the past. I decided I’m going to focus on my overall health and wellness. The improvements would all come as a result of that proper focus. My “why” had to become the catalyst.
5 – Finding the right program and the right community to guide you, support you and lead you makes all the difference in the world.
6 – When you understand that modern society and culture is one of endless abundance and overindulgence, you can then realize that you must shift your mental paradigm that takes you out of that common behavioral matrix.
Common habits are mostly due to default programming – this is how the majority of our population is suffering from health decay and medical complications. It’s up to us to know the choices and behaviors that are beneficial to us – and then to act on that knowledge. True self-awareness is the key here. And all it takes is a values-based mindset shift.
All of the above mixes together to give us a framework that we can use to move forward in a positive direction on a healthy journey of life.
No matter what stage or “level” we are at – we are ALL works in positive progress.
Perfection is not what we need…
Simply making slow and steady progress is perfect.
– Joey Atlas
Founder of The SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women’s Wellness
Inventor of The SCULPTAFIT Home-Fitness System for Families
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