A SCULPTAFIT review in a “Regular” Woman’s Story of AWESOME Inspiration…
We use the word “regular” here in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way; because today we show you just how amazing a “regular” women can be when she makes the decision.
If you’re 100% happy with your health, your body and your state of mind… then don’t bother reading this, because you won’t need the simple, but the powerful inspiration that Brenda Jewell shares with you here…
You should read it if you’ve been struggling to find a gentle, realistic, enjoyable and effective method of fitness that is appropriate for YOU… Because Brenda story will inspire you in ways you may not expect.

Brenda Donating Big Clothes: Now Shops for Smaller Sizes
This is Brenda’s submission for our annual (2017) “Best Me Ever” Initiative we hold here at the SCULPTAFIT Studio (it’s optional, of course). We have several other AMAZING stories that we’ll be sharing over the next few weeks. For today though, here is Brenda’s:
My “Journey”
When first hearing of this Initiative in the Studio, I thought it would be easy. Not, the “getting in shape and healthy” part… but, how hard could it be to write how I feel??
Well… VERY!! Because, growing up, I’ve always had low self-esteem…
The only area I had confidence was with my horses. I did not have issues with being heavy, but I did have body image issues. When I was younger I was too thin. I was even accused of being bulimic.
I also had glow-in- the dark, white skin and was called Casper. I had bad acne, greasy hair, and was not good in sports. I was not popular and always blended into the “misfit” group.
With my horses, it was different. I worked hard, had some natural skill, and the horse didn’t judge me. I felt safe, comfortable, and confident. I also took a LOT of pride in the accomplishments I made.
My parents were not rich, but they did the best they could for me. While some of the other kids’ parents bought them very expensive horses, fancy outfits, and saddles with enough silver to blind the judge… I had a backyard horse, a homemade outfit, and saddle from Sears and Roebuck.
My mom later apologized to me, wishing they could have afforded better. I told her I was glad they couldn’t. I earned and appreciated everything I received. Me and my little backyard horses worked as a team and would give our all for each other.
We didn’t always win, but we had fun and we were recognized as competition.
Recently I was talking to my son about self-pride. I used the example above and I used my experience of progress at SCULPTAFIT. I’ve had a lot of people ask me why I’m trying to lose weight and exercising on a regular basis. Or why I’m still doing it, now that I’ve lost some weight.
My answer is easy… It’s for ME! I’ve made a commitment to myself, not just to lose some excess weight, but to be a better me.
This is physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. And I don’t mind putting in the effort for that commitment, because I see what happens to people who neglect themselves, and I don’t want to turn out like that.
Why suffer, when I can take care of myself? It’s an easy choice.
I’ve always been very hard on myself, and used a lot of negative self talk. That is all changing since joining SCULPTAFIT. Yes, I still have those negative thoughts, but I am noticing them and correcting them now, because they are wrong…
I hear shallow, cheesy commercials, and co-workers talking daily about this new gimmick and that “quick fix”. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in them.
If you want something worthwhile and lasting, you have to earn it through wise action and good habits. Today, I am just as proud of the accomplishments I made with my backyard pony as the day I earned them (over 30 years ago).
And I’m on track to feeling the same about SCULPTAFIT and the other improvements I am making for ME.
I’ll be honest. When I first joined SCULPTAFIT, it was meant to be short lived. I just wanted to get back in shape, healthy, and get out. Our finances are very tight, and I don’t like to splurge on “extras” – especially when I can theoretically “do it at home or the gym at work for free”.

Brenda’s Amazing Anti-Aging & Wellness Progress Photos
I am glad to say I was WRONG. There is no way I could not get the same thing elsewhere! That would be impossible.
The family feel, support, instruction, praise, and yes – occasional, GENTLE kick in the butt, are part of what makes SCULPTAFIT so effective.
Mind you, I’ve had additional challenges since joining. I injured my knee (not related to the SCULPTAFIT Method) and my husband has had some serious health issues. But SCULPTAFIT was there for me…
If I wasn’t enrolled here, I would have easily quit working on me and focused on the others – letting myself down. Here, at SCULPTAFIT, I did not. The support is amazing and the coaches are able to adjust exercises so I could still do the method and not aggravate my knee.
Yes there are times, here and there, that I have to miss a session. But with access to SCULPTAFIT’s private-client home & travel videos, I’m able to get sessions in even If I can’t get to the Studio because of schedule snafus. No other place offers anything close to this kind of support and instruction.
Because of all this, I enjoy going to my sessions at the Studio. I enjoy feeling stronger, healthier, more in control of my life. I enjoy the positive and supportive environment.
And most of all, I enjoy the better ME more
We are all here to heal, and we are each on our own individual journey. Each of us has a different background, different life responsibilities and a different future. But we all share a very strong common thread – we want to improve ourselves, for very good reasons.
I appreciate this Initiative… This “reflection and writing” part was much harder than I expected, as I’m sure was the plan. But I also realized something else.
Winning one of the prizes would be amazing and greatly appreciated… but the reward of a healthier and happier me is priceless!!
Thank you for making a profound difference in my life!!
My horse thanks you …and my family & I thank you!
~ Brenda Jewell
As you can see, Brenda’s story is VERY similar to that of many women…
Maybe even very similar to yours or someone you know… And if so, we’d love to invite you in to try a free week, no strings attached.
At minimum, you’ll walk away KNOWING exactly what a proper fitness program is supposed to look and feel like for a woman like you.
And, hey – you may LOVE it so much here that you also want to become a client (we have several great programs to fit your schedule and budget.)
1 cigarette takes off 11 minutes from a smoker’s life.
And do you know how much time every extra 5 pounds of body-fat takes off a life? The number hasn’t been quite nailed down yet, but the numbers are quite scary when you factor in all the diseases, complications and problems…

Nikki Holding 5 Pounds of Excess, Health-Killing Body-Fat
It’s time to take care of YOU, just like Brenda is doing…
And We Will Help You…