3 Deadly Myths of Fitness for Women
This article started as “3 Deadly Myths of Fitness for Women”… But there were 2 more myths that I felt needed to be added, based on previous questions from our clients here in the SCULPTAFIT Studio – so it is now…
5 Deadly Myths of Fitness for Women
No need for a drawn out introduction or preview paragraph… So, we’ll get right into them:
Myth #1 – “You Must Lift Weights to Prevent Osteoporosis”
Lots of people (including trainers/fitness instructors) don’t realize that “weight-bearing exercise” is not the same as “weight-lifting”. Unfortunately these 2 terms are mistakenly taken to mean the same thing – and because of that, women are mislead into thinking the only way to prevent, or reverse osteoporosis is through “lifting weights”. Which is a false.
“Weight-bearing” is simply a force (direct force, shear force, etc…) that the bones are subjected to. This “force” does NOT have to be induced by weights (barbells, dumbbells, stack-machines).
The force required to stimulate increased bone-density can be derived from:
A – the body working against gravity
B – the body working against resistance bands
C – the body working isometrically
These gentler forms of exercise provide all the benefits of preventing, or reversing, osteoporosis, while removing the dangers and discomfort of “weight-lifting” based exercise programs.
Myth #2 – “You Need Progressive Overload to Keep Getting Results”
“Progressive Overload” is basically the concept that states; “in order to keep making fitness progress, you have to keep pushing your body’s limits by increasing the amounts of weight you lift and/or the intensity at which you exercise…”
Now, while that might be fine and dandy for the average, younger male or female; it IS NOT suitable for the average woman (middle-aged, busy mom, etc..). In fact it can be downright hazardous.
MANY people (male and female), have been badly injured by way of this “Progressive Overload” myth. There are other, MUCH safer, ways to guide the body to an optimal state of wellness & fitness, WITHOUT subjecting it to risky and painful protocols. Muscle stimulation can also come from other variables and factors, no just from overload alone.
Myth #3 – “You Have to Shock Your Body and Cause Muscle Confusion”
This one is a joke. I cringe when I hear people talking about this one because the truth is:
A – You CANNOT “shock your body” in a positive way, through intense exercise
B – You CANNOT “confuse your muscles” with odd workout approaches
And if you try – then the consequences are not good ones. Chiropractors and physical therapists have LOTS of patients who tried this approach, and they’ll be the first to advise that this is NOT A WISE APPROACH to fitness.
Myth #4 – “Yoga or Pilates Is All You Need”
Some women have tried yoga or pilates, and some have not…
There are a wide range of choices in these two types of alternative exercise options. Some are very gentle and low-risk, while others are very extreme and high-risk. Inside of that, you have a wide array of instructors, which presents a whole other layer of complexity to these choices.
But all that aside, here’s the bottom line: Yoga or Pilates CANNOT give the average woman everything she needs in order to reach her ideal health & fitness goals.
We have many women who come to get started at SCULPTAFIT and they openly share; “Yes, I’ve been doing yoga 3 times per week, and I feel good with it, but it’s obvious that I need something else in order to really change my body the way I want to…”
While a good yoga or pilates program is fine to include as part of an overall approach to fitness and wellness, it might not provide the amounts of total-body stimulation required for:
A Gentle, Multi-Dimensional Approach Is Required For:
– body-fat reduction
– muscle-tone enhancement
– improved body composition
– improved balance & strength,
– health optimization, etc…
All those important needs, that elude most women in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s – are exactly what the SCULPTAFIT Method targets and addresses, in a gentle and fun way.
Myth #5 – “You Have to Do High Intensity Exercise to Get Results”
High Intensity Exercise is rising in popularity, especially among the younger crowds.
Unfortunately, this rise in popularity is also creating a whole new market for orthopedic surgery and/or injury rehabilitation (wrists, knees, neck, shoulders, back, etc…)
Even worse is that these various HIIT programs are being touted as the “fitness cure-all” for all age groups, and this is where the damage gets really bad.
See, a 28 year old man can usually recover from back, knee or shoulder surgery fairly well, BUT, the average middle-aged woman may be looking at a completely different scenario when it comes to injury ramifications and recovery issues.
Injuries can go far beyond the common joint-damaging incidents, and into areas that involve;
A – Hernias (inguinal, umbilical, hiatal, etc…)
B – Pelvic-Floor Damage
C – Hormonal Dysfunction
D – Depression Trigger
Truth is, HIIT workouts shouldn’t even be done by most men, let alone women. But, that’s an article for another day…
The key take-away for you, is that you now know 5 bad fitness myths that every middle-aged woman should know. And by knowing these, you’ll be able to not only avoid the dangers, but also have a much better vision of what your IDEAL fitness program should look and feel like.
With that in mind, please share this article with your female friends, so they can avoid possible injuries and setbacks – and also get more clarity on the exact kind of fitness approach they should be following – so they can:
1 – reshape and revitalize a frail & flabby body
2 – improve internal health and mental wellness
3 – regain physical abilities that have been deteriorating
4 – reverse the symptoms of rapid aging…
5 – And live a LONGER & STRONGER LIFE …Just like Brenda:

Brenda’s Anti-Aging Progress Photo at SCULPTAFIT
If You’re New Here – You Have 3 Sweet Options:
1 – Start Your FREE 7-Day “Slim-Down & Tone-Up at Home” Method on this page
2 – Call, or Text, Nikki (904-891-3680) to See if We Have Any Complimentary Sample Sessions available (we only offer 4 of these per month)
3 – Call, or Text, Nikki (904-891-3680) if you have any questions about your specific personal health & fitness needs and goals – and to see if you’d be a good fit for the SCULPTAFIT Method and Community…
“We Have A Very Special Culture That Is Growing By Attracting Amazing Women Who Are All Very Supportive, Positive and Non-Judgemental… This Is How MAGIC Happens…” – Joey Atlas; Founder, SCULPTAFIT

SCULPTAFIT Saint Johns Magazine Photo Shoot