
Fermented Foods That Boost Immunity

Fermented Foods That Boost Immunity

Grab some kimchi, sauerkraut or yogurt for a healthy immune system. Eat a pickle or two or enjoy some tempeh. Why? Because they’re all fermented foods that boost immunity. Your digestive system is a huge part of your immune system. In fact, a study of mice raised in a sterile environment found they had an […]

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

You may have heard of the health benefits of cinnamon. Some clients at Primer Performance in Totowa, New Jersey have and asked me about it. Adding herbs and spices to your cooking can definitely boost the benefits of the food without adding extra calories. Cinnamon is one of those, but not just any type of […]

Moderation Is The Key To Success

Moderation Is The Key To Success

I’ve watched too many people start their exercise program and go gung ho the first day, even before they mastered the proper form. I often didn’t see those same people exercising the next day or for weeks afterwards. Much of the time, they either injured themselves or had such muscle pain it took weeks to […]

Should I Cut Out ALL Processed Foods?

Should I Cut Out ALL Processed Foods?

If you’ve read my blogs, you know I encourage eating whole foods with as little processing as possible. That doesn’t mean you have to give up foods with any type of processing. You don’t have to cut out processed foods whose processing is washing, cutting and freezing or many of the can goods on the […]

Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked?

Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked?

There are a number of diets and ways of eating that all promise good health, but are they really healthy? The buzz around a raw food diet has spread to Totowa, New Jersey. While it’s supposed to be healthier than a diet of cooked food, but is it really? There are three types of raw […]

Easy Healthy Breakfasts

Easy Healthy Breakfasts

If you want to get the day started right, make sure you have a healthy breakfast. A Danish and coffee, or sugary cereals don’t fit that category. While we focus on fitness via exercise at Prime Fitness in Totowa, New Jersey, we also tell clients that eating healthy is just as important. What are some […]

Does Fasting Ruin My Metabolism?

Does Fasting Ruin My Metabolism?

Fasting has gained a lot of attention for it’s health benefits, but not all types of fasting are alike. Some types of fasting can actually improve your metabolism, while others slow it down. What’s the difference? How does it work? It’s a matter of how often you fast, how long and the amount of calorie […]