We promote any type of exercise that a client likes and will do consistently at Revolution Training in Stamford, CT. You should look forward to working out and getting healthy exercise. We often get questions on what the best type of exercises are and one that come up frequently is whether running is good for cardio. There’s a lot of evidence that running, or any type of physical activity, is good for the heart. It lowers blood pressure, helps regulate sugar, lowers the risk of blood clots in vessels and arteries, increases circulation and regulates cholesterol levels. It also helps burns calories and aids in weight loss. However, there are some negatives.
Some studies showed that running helped some people live longer, but not all people.
At a discussion at a meeting in 2012 of the ACSM— American College of Sports Medicine—based on 31 years of following 50,000 patients from Cooper Clinic in Texas from 1971 to 2002, the follow up showed that after 15 years, the 14,000 people at reported running, were shown to live 19 percent longer. However, when the runners were divided by distance run, only those that ran less than 20 miles a week got the benefits. Those that ran more than 20 miles a week had the same longevity as the non-runners.
Another study showed that running too long, too much and too far was bad, but soon refuted.
Later in 2012, a paper came out that said running should be no more than 30 to 50 minutes a day. The author of the study said that if you ran too fast for too long or too far, it might shorten your life. While all those that hated running loved this conclusion, but there’s more to it. Data now shows that even running longer can be beneficial. The problem with many of the studies is that they don’t identify all the risk factors the runners had previously. Some people take up running to help health conditions. The latest data shows that people who run 30 miles a week get benefits, but as little as five to ten minutes of running can provide benefits for heart health.
It’s all about doing what you love doing.
One of the factors that doctors now consider is whether you love running or are stressed every time you have to run. If you love it, do it. It helps reduce stress. It’s one of the reasons boxing is so good for your heart health. It gets the heart rate going, strengthens the heart, aids in blood pressure control and reduces the risk of both diabetes and heart disease. When you train to box, you do other cardio activities to prepare you, like jumping ropes, riding stationary bikes and yes, even running.
- Why is enjoying the exercise important? You’ll be more apt to do it. Finding a workout you enjoy will drive you to make other changes so you can do it better. It’s one reason boxing can make long term changes in your overall health.
- No matter what your age, boxing can strengthen your back, core muscles, legs, shoulders and arms. It boosts your endurance and aids in keeping you mentally and physically fit. It’s good for all types of fitness.
- Part of the reason that boxing is for everyone, no matter what your shape, sex or size, is that it’s a challenge you train to achieve. Not only is the boxing healthy, so is the training.
- No matter what your favorite form of fitness is, do it, but also get variety to encourage all types of fitness, cardio, strength, flexibility and balance. We support all types of exercise and encourage healthy eating.
For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training