We provide nutritional information at Revolution Fitness, because you need both a program of exercise and a nutritious diet to have a healthy lifestyle. While everyone seems to agree on whether greens and veggies are good for your health, there’s a lot of controversy over whether dairy is. One problem is digestive issues, which leads to the question whether dairy is good for your gut. A healthy microbiome, the bacteria of the gut, is important to your overall health.
Dairy comes in many forms.
When discussing dairy, it all depends on the type of dairy you’re discussing. There is raw milk, pasteurized milk, fermented dairy and low fat dairy. Some people are advocates of raw milk, which has shown to have some benefits. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as an increased risk for listeria, which has a high mortality rate and often found in raw milk. While you might think low fat milk is good, studies show that whole milk reduces the risk of heart disease, other studies show that reduced fat milk is healthier, but only if you don’t add sugar to improve the flavor of reduced fat.
Milk is a good source of nutrition.
You need adequate nutrition for a healthy gut. Vitamins B, C and D are important, as are magnesium, selenium and zinc. Milk contains all those nutrients. It has 18 of the 22 essential nutrients that are necessary for good health. Not only is it loaded with magnesium, selenium and zinc, it also has calcium, phosphorus and iron plus, vitamins A, B-12, B-6, E, K, niacin, riboflavin, folate and thiamin. It also h
Not everyone can enjoy milk and milk products.
If you get seriously gassy after drinking milk, get nauseous after eating ice cream or cramp up when consuming almost all milk products except yogurt, you might be lactose intolerant. Lactose is a sugar found in milk, which digests in the small intestine. If your body doesn’t create enough of the enzyme lactase, which triggers the digestion, it moves to the large intestine undigested and sits. Then it ferments, causing gas, cramping, diarrhea and nausea. Some people even get skin rashes or more frequent colds. The colds may come from acid reflux that’s caused by lactose intolerance.
- One milk product that will boost gut health is yogurt. Whether you choose Greek yogurt or regular, it’s the bacteria in the yogurt that helps gut health. Make sure you get yogurt with live bacteria and no sugar.
- While you might think of milk as a great source of calcium to boost bone health, the Nurses Health study showed that consumption might increase the potential for fracture by as much as 50%.
- While some studies show that countries with low milk consumption also have low rates of osteoporosis, other studies showed milk improved bone and dental health.
- When choosing milk and milk products, choose ones from grass fed cows. Studies show that cows that grazed gave milk that was higher in nutrients and healthy fat.
For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training