
Does Meal Planning Really Save You Money?

Does Meal Planning Really Save You Money?

If you’re already a member of Rising Fitness in Houston, Texas, you know that the right nutrition is important for a healthy body. That’s why eating healthy is important. One way to ensure a healthy diet is through meal planning. You may think it’s expensive and uses special food, but it’s actually pretty easy and […]

Tips For Dieting On A Budget

Tips For Dieting On A Budget

If you’re like many people, you dread dieting and think it has to cost a fortune. Here’s a news flash! It can be far cheaper than fast food, better for you and even more rewarding. In fact, dieting on a budget can save you a lot of money! How can that be? First, consider what […]

Workouts That Tone Legs Fast

Workouts That Tone Legs Fast

No matter what the weather, getting muscles toned is important for your overall health and safety. It can help functional fitness. It can help prevent falls and aid with getting up if you do, help with lifting things and reaching in high places. Here are workouts that can help you tone your legs quickly. You’ll […]

Best Arm Workouts

Best Arm Workouts

You don’t have to suffer wearing long sleeves in the summer heat of Houston, Texas, when you do arm workouts that make your arms look fabulous. Whether you have batwings, no muscle or just flabby arms, when you get into shape you don’t have to hide them. You can show them off in Do you […]

Tips to improve your fitness journey

Are you tired of putting in the effort at the gym and not seeing results? You’re not alone, many people have the drive, determination, and consistent effort, but don’t reach their fitness goals. If this sounds familiar, the next step is always to look for certified professionals in the Fitness area that could help you […]

Should I Become A Vegan?

Should I Become A Vegan?

If you use the nutritional services of Rising Fitness Gym in Houston, TX, you’ll get a diet that’s based on your needs and goals. It might be a vegan diet, vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian or omnivorous diet. What’s the difference? Vegan, vegetarian and semi-vegetarian diets focus on a plant based diet with vegetarians and semi-vegetarians including […]

Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work?

Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work?

One of the latest diet crazes isn’t really new and actually works. It’s intermittent fasting—IF. There are all types of IF. Some require you fast for a day or two and then eat normally. Other types, the more popular type, is eating all your meals in a specific 6-8 hour window and fast the other […]

How Alcohol Causes Weight Gain

How Alcohol Causes Weight Gain

A study shows that drinking a glass or two of wine may be heart healthy, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for weight loss. In fact, alcohol causes weight gain when too much is consumed too often. Every part of your diet, including what you drink, plays a role in whether you’ll shed those extra […]