
Peak State Performance in 2015

Going through the Way Of Life 21-Day Detox challenge this past round, I felt amazing!!! My energy levels were way up there, I felt in integrity with myself because I was eating all the right foods, and I lost about 7 lbs of belly flab so it felt good to be able to see my […]

7 Step formula to lose over 20 lbs and win a 6-week body transformation challenge

If you’ve ever wanted to get back into your skinny jeans in the shortest time possible, have a reason to get off the couch and into a focused training regimen, and see some major pounds drop on the scale, there’s really no better way than a body transformation contest. Here’s Peggy, a past contest winner. […]

The best and worst Hollywood fat loss secrets

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been attracted to, and at the same time repulsed by the superficiality of Hollywood and the actors and actresses that we allow into our lives through the boob-tube, tabloid magazines and the media at large. …and I think I might not be the only one who […]

Way Of Life Fat Loss Formula

Every great dish has a great recipe, and every great fat loss boot camp has a formula.  Here’s ours!! 1) Make it a group thang 2) Instructors who are knowledgable, who care, and can BRING IT! 3) Commitment – nothing happens without it 4) Nothing motivates like results – go with a proven system 5) […]