
Is Cardio Making You Fat?

Is Cardio Making You Fat?

There are many schools of thought when it comes to the best type of exercise to shed pounds. At one time, cardio was the exercise of choice to lose weight, now some are touting the belief that cardio actually adds pounds. Is cardio making you fat? There are some good reasons that cardio may not […]

Grains Are The Hardest To Digest

Grains Are The Hardest To Digest

It’s a known fact that grains are the hardest to digest. After all, they’re nothing more than seeds. Seeds are meant to be tough and durable. Seeds are often scattered by birds or animals in their excrement after they eat the fruit of the plant. If they can go through the digestive system of animals […]

Build Muscle And Lose Fat

Build Muscle And Lose Fat

Many people who want to lose weight, don’t want to lose muscle mass, or at least they shouldn’t want to lose it. That’s because the more muscle tissue you have, the easier it is to lose weight. Don’t worry, you can build muscle and lose fat while doing it. You can also shed those unwanted […]

What Is So Wrong With Grains

What Is So Wrong With Grains

Everyone has an opinion when it comes to food and what’s good for you. Luckily, most of those opinions match. However, with the Paleo diet becoming popular and gluten intolerance becoming better known, many people feel there’s something wrong with grains in your diet, while others say it’s one of the food groups necessary for […]

What Is Functional Fitness

What Is Functional Fitness

What is functional fitness? Functional fitness is what ensures you won’t be knocked out of commission from lifting a lightweight box or a small child. It’s being fit enough to do normal activities without worrying about injury or pulling muscles. It helps build balance and coordination with muscle groups, plus makes your muscles stronger. It […]

Are Hormones Affecting Your Weight Loss

Are Hormones Affecting Your Weight Loss

Are hormones affecting your weight loss? The answer is yes and no. It all depends on your body and all the factors contributing to weight gain or plateauing. That’s probably not the answer you wanted to read, but it’s honest. Sometimes hormones do interfere with shedding extra pounds. You’ll be amazed at which hormone does […]

Best Wintery Date Nights

Best Wintery Date Nights

While it’s way too cold to go on a moonlit boat ride in the winter, there are still a lot of opportunities for great date nights that don’t involve a movie or dinner. Some of the best wintery date nights are free and give a great opportunity to get to know one another better or […]

Whats Your Take On Winter White?

Whats Your Take On Winter White?

If you aren’t sure what Winter white is, think warm undertones of gold and brown, rather than the blue or gray undertones of cool summer white colors.winter whites are made of different types of materials, too. The fabric isn’t light and airy, but often heavy fabrics, such as wool knit or corduroy. It doesn’t have […]

Staying Healthy This Time Of Year

Staying Healthy This Time Of Year

With the winds of winter blowing, staying healthy is harder. There’s less sunlight that nourishes your body with vitamin D and everyone is indoors with the windows closed. That close proximity can help spread bugs quickly. One of the top ways to avoid it is to make sure you wash your hands frequently and use […]

Healthy Thanksgiving

Healthy Thanksgiving

A full spread can be good for you when you plan carefully. To create a healthy Thanksgiving meal, it doesn’t take a lot of effort. Thanksgiving is traditionally filled with healthy foods that the Plymouth colonists might have shared with the Wampanoag native Americans. There was no cheese in a can in those days, but […]