“WARNING: the exercises you’re about to see will never be witnessed at any run of the mill “gym”, bootcamp or personal training facility. These are 100% original, and carefully designed for “mature” women who know they shouldn’t be doing all the “conventional”, painful and dangerous workouts that are equal to torture…”
Some Important Notes About These Unique & Pleasant Exercises:
A – NONE of the movements we teach at SCULPTAFIT are done quickly. We focus only on controlled tempo of body motion so safety is multiplied many times and muscle stimulation is increased PROFOUNDLY (this is one of our secret ingredients). And women ranging from their 30’s to late 60’s are doing these exercises…
B – The exercises featured below are only a fraction of what “The SCULPTAFIT Method” offers… See, not only do we have about 6 variations of each move you see below, BUT, we also have 160 Signature Movements – a list that grows every 4 weeks as we create each new monthly circuit configuration.
C – Each exercise has variations that range from “pure beginner” to “advanced”, and our Coaches are right there to guide you on what to do, during sessions. So, there’s no guesswork, no worrying about “getting hurt” – just the right moves, getting you continuous results.
D – To help you put these photos into context; these have been pulled as sample still-shots from our most recent monthly orientation video that all private-clients get when we create a new SCULPTAFIT Sequence Configuration (we do this every 4 weeks so clients get maximum benefits, with highest safety, and sweetest results).
E – As these are instructional photos, you only see the coaches (Melanie and Kaci) in them, but a typical class usually has between 2 and 16 women in a session. As word continues to spread the classes are gradually growing. This “group” dynamic adds an element of support, camaraderie and accountability that is CRITICAL in motivating women to stick with their newfound healthy lifestyle, not only for the short term improvements, but also for the long term enhancements of health, mindset and quality of life…
Onward we go…
1 – Amazing Upper-Body Push-Off
Here you see Coach Melanie demonstrating the Amazing Upper Body Push-Off. This exercise is a modified version of the push-up that literally almost anyone can do.

Amazing Upper Body Push-Off (starting position)
The neat thing is, when done with proper form and slow-tempo, this move strengthens and tones many muscles of the upper body. For advanced clients there are “AV” handles closer to the floor that allow for more challenging version of the exercise, still with safety at top of mind.

Amazing Upper Body Push-Off (pause position)
2 – Trouble-Zone Toner: “The Knee See” Variation
We are masters at targeting and improving the “trouble-zones” that most women struggle with. And here you see Coach Kaci demonstrating one of 38 variations of Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh exercises we include in our programs. As you can see this is very different than the typical stack-machines and weight-plated bars you see in traditional health clubs and big gyms. This is “by design” as women are better served by steering away from the common, mass market offerings and “old ways” of fitness.

Trouble-Zone Toner: “The Knee See” (start position)
Some other important, but ‘not-so-obvious to the eye’, notes… Kaci is doing this move on the SCULPTAMAT (Patent Pending), which was specifically designed for these types of floor moves.
You might also notice a small cord going from one ankle to the other. This is another Patent Pending device NOT designed to add resistance to the movement, but rather to provide the element of proprioceptive feedback that clients can “feel”, which helps them know they are doing the moves properly and effectively.

Trouble-Zone Toner: “The Knee See” (pause position)
3 – The Cupid Shuffle
This is a total-body move, that not only tones the shoulders and arms, but also strengthens the posture muscles of the upper-back and improves balance by stimulating the legs and the core, in a gentle and natural way.

The Cupid Shuffle (start position)
The photo below is what we call the “pause position” of the exercise (most of our exercises include this). This is another unique element of our method that places emphasis on body-mind awareness and proper form & tempo – hence resulting in deeper neuro-muscular stimulation and better results, while greatly reducing risk of injury.

The Cupid Shuffle (pause position)
4 – Total-Body Toner; Single-Side Variation
Another total-body move that tones and shapes the midsection/core and also improves balance, coordination – while toning other areas of the arms and shoulders.

Total-Body Toner; Single-Side (start position)
This type of low-intensity, low-impact exercise stimulates many muscles that lay dormant for most middle-aged women. When these dormant muscles are re-awakened and stimulated in a safe and fun way, the body and metabolism start to change for the better and each month brings new improvements and results. (In the Studio, our clients call this “Aging In Reverse”.)

Total-Body Toner; Single-Side (pause position)
Here’s Where the Real Magic Comes From
While the 4 unique exercises featured above are each highly effective and “female-friendly”, the true magic comes from the SYNERGY of these gentle movements combined with the other 12 exercises in the Studio Configuration (we modify the Studio Config. every 4 weeks)…
“Women experience dropping of excess body-fat, enhanced muscle-tone and shape, clothes fitting better, elevated moods & higher energy levels, healthy weight-loss, and a bunch of other good things…”
Instead of painful and torturous workouts that are dangerously repetitive and sadly limited, we deliver a progressive method that stimulates all 640 muscles in your body, in a balanced and sustainable format… One that can be enjoyed for life.
If you’ve never “exercised” in your life and you find us as your first option to try, consider yourself fortunate, as you’ll avoid much pain and anguish of the common path of “trial and error” most women fall victim to.
Or, if you have been into fitness most of your life, even if “on and off” through the years – and you come to hear about us, you’ll want to come try this pleasantly progressive approach to female fitness and wellness.
Once you experience it yourself – the “Aha” moment will occur and you’ll want to know how you can make this a part of your life, so you can get the short-term improvements and long-term benefits – so you can live your life to the fullest.
REMEMBER: Our clients range from their 30’s into their late 60’s…
It’s quite possible you’re interested in exploring our Method to see all the ways it can benefit your life, improve your health & fitness and reverse pre-mature aging; so here are your next options:
1 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”
2 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method: this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”
With these 2 powerful options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP with any questions you might have, and she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:
A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her: Nikki@SCULPTAFIT.com
…She’ll reserve your Complimentary Sample Session spot so you can try The Method for FREE, and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…
Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:
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