Fitness & Wellness

SCULPTAFIT Saint Johns & South Mandarin: COMING SOON

SCULPTAFIT Saint Johns & South Mandarin: COMING SOON

Women of Saint Johns and South Mandarin will no longer have to wish for a fitness/wellness solution that is enjoyable, fun and effective…

Because that wish is about to be granted with the opening of the first SCULPTAFIT Studio at Bartram Oaks Walk…

We are aiming to be “Open for Business” by May 23rd, 2016 – yes, just in time for the time of year we all want to be in our absolute BEST shape…

And the women of Julington Creek Plantation, Mandarin, Switzerland, Fruit Cove, Durbin Crossing will soon have a fitness/wellness option that NEVER existed before – but has been desperately needed for far too long.

You’re probably wondering what it is and what makes it so different… And I’m excited to answer those questions for you 🙂

SCULPTAFIT is a method I’ve developed over many years in the fitness/wellness industry – by LISTENING to the complaints of many females who wanted a better way – but could never find it…

For many women, the first step in taking action for better health, a better body, a better mindset and a better life is very stressful.

  • She doesn’t know where to start
  • She doesn’t know what to look for
  • She wants to avoid mistakes of the past
  • And the more she “asks around”, the more confused she gets…

Eventually she either puts her “desires of self-improvement” on hold – or simply tries something for the sake of trying. Only to realize the thing she tried is not for her…

– Maybe it was too grueling…

– Maybe it was an “odd crowd”.

– Maybe she was injured.

– Maybe it was unrealistically demanding.

– Maybe it was just boring and flat-out ineffective…

Or maybe it was another reason, as there are many…

And this is totally understandable. Because the fitness industry still has lots of “evolving” to do. My main point here is that women still haven’t been able to find “their thing”…

But that is about to change – starting right here in Saint Johns, Florida.

I’ve been paying attention to what women hate about fitness and what women truly desire from a proper fitness program.

Yeh, I know what you’re thinking; “Wow, a man who actually listens?”

lol.. yes, not your typical guy here. And here’s what has evolved from hearing what has been missing and what is needed…

SCULPTAFIT is a proprietary method of stimulating the body, and mind, to spark enhancements, improvements and positive changes both on the inside – and of course on the outside.

No painful weights here – no uncomfortable machines… No “push harder” or “fight through the pain” stuff going on here…

But rather – we tap into the body’s natural triggers to gently guide it to its best potential.
Simple, natural movements on The SCULPTABOD Unit slow the effects of aging, reverse muscle-tone loss, strengthen the mind-body connection and put women back in touch with her “self”.

Many other desired and necessary improvements then follow, once the “switch is flipped”…

That’s just a short description of what it is. But if it resonates with you – that should tell you something… And let it be clear – we are the primary choice for women in the 30-60yo age range, who desire the best for themselves. I know this, because that is EXACTLY who I created this for. Simple.

Because of the local, specific nature of who we aim to serve – Private Client Spots are limited to a finite number, and once all charter client spots are taken – we will create a priority waiting list for clients who wish to be notified of spots becoming available – or of the next SCULPTAFIT Studio location #2 opening.

Being a “women only” method – the whole team here is female – except for me of course 🙂 After all, It’s only fair that I should have the privilege of meeting so many incredible women, for being the guy to bring this whole movement to life, right?

So, I may be stopping in here and there (especially in the early stages) to give a special seminar or group coaching session – but the amazing ladies of the SCULPTAFIT Team are going to be your guides, your experts, your coaches who provide that special, ongoing, personal attention to help you reach your most desired goals – and keep them FOR LIFE.

If you like what you’ve read and want to receive VIP early notice for pre-opening events & activities – then just enter your info below and we’ll be sure to keep you posted:

Also – after you’ve added yourself to the VIP early notice group – please take a look at some of the other pages on the site. A lot of time and effort have gone into sharing as many details as possible – so we attract the right clients and are able to serve the women who are needing this the most.

And please do share the website with any other woman you know, here in the Saint Johns/South Mandarin area, who may also be looking for this type of solution.

As we build a community of like-minded women, all striving to reach their best – we will be creating a movement with unstoppable momentum – the kind that makes a positive impact on the people closest to us – and on the entire world.

Me and the Sweet Team are looking forward to meeting you – and having you become part of the SCULPTAFIT Movement…

Kiss your painful Spanx undergarments goodbye… You won’t be needing them anymore 🙂

Joey Atlas
Chief Enhancement Orchestrator
Creator & Founder of SCULPTAFIT, The Method for Women (TM)

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