Personal Trainers are not all created equally. This is something that needs to be stated in order to help put this article into better context.
And this distinction is important because if you’re looking for a personal training program in Saint Johns or Mandarin area – you want to make sure you’re choosing one that not only has the top credentials, but also the deepest levels of experience for your needs and goals…
Not every personal trainer is as great, and experienced, as other, more developed and educated personal trainers. We’ll talk more about this in a future article, but for now – that differentiation should suffice.

Personal Trainer MasterCoach MaryAnne and Susan In Personal Training Session
Everyone is talking about high-intensity exercise and hardcore workouts as if they’re the holy grail.
And for some people, maybe there is truth to that notion. But this tougher approach is not for most people. In fact, it usually results in unwanted outcomes.
So, for “the rest of us” – there is another way. Another approach to being toned, strong, energetic and full of good health. And that other approach is built on several critical elements that need to be present in the proper fitness plan.
There are 3 key components that must be part of a gentle yet incredibly effective fitness program that can be followed for life.
Those 3 keys are:
1 – Low-Impact
High-impact workout are risky. It’s a fact. And with that risk come the higher likelihood of injury. So, ‘low-impact’ is necessary in order to reduce setbacks and possible surgeries.
2 – Natural Movements
Uncomfortable machines and heavy weights often cause the untrained to move in ways that place excessive stress on the joints. Aches and pains become prevalent, and lead to people avoiding their fitness program. Therefore, a program based on natural, bodyweight movements is critical for injury prevention and long-term enjoyment.
3 – Pleasant and Nurturing
Most common exercise programs employ elements of ‘pushing harder’ and ‘going through the pain’ – when in reality – most people need the exact opposite.
Moving smarter and training the body with a relaxed mental focus triggers mind-body enhancements that transcend the grueling types of workouts touted in the mainstream media and the ‘younger crowds’.
The #1 Reason Why Some Women Should Start with a Personal Trainer
And this is where the savvy personal trainer makes his or her mark – and stands out above the rest. Having the ability to create realistic, enjoyable and super-effective fitness training programs for clients is a crafty blend of art and science.
3 – 6 months with a great personal trainer will bring many many years of benefits and improvements that literally change the quality of your life and your ability to do everything you want to do with the highest energy and abilities.
Is having an excellent personal trainer cheap? Well, it all depends on your perspective and where your values are.
Most average American family spend several thousand dollars on a typical vacation – if not, even more than that. And when it’s done – the experience is gone forever, along with the money spent on that short-lived outing.
Taking that amount – and investing in yourself – even if it means skipping a vacation trip, by hiring a top-notch personal trainer will bring you physical improvements, health enhancement, and preventive changes that will give you the ability and confidence to not only take better vacations in the future – but to enjoy more of the things you choose to do and fight premature aging, early onset disease and poor overall quality of life as you journey forward.
Isn’t that all worth investing in yourself with the best personal trainer you can find? Aren’t you worth that much?
Of course you are.
So, if you’re ready for private, 1-on-1 personal training, or small-group semi-private personal training – then reach out to Nikki at 904-891-3680
Nikki will answer your questions and she will also set you up with a Complimentary “Walk Through” Personal Training Session, so you can see exactly what you’ll be doing, what makes our methods so unique and give you a chance to decide that this is right for you, before considering which program would be the best for your specific needs and goals
As for the article above…
There are a few more key elements necessary to include in a proper approach to balanced fitness – so we will cover those in a future article. Do you have any questions on this one?