It’s Friday, almost the end of the first Official Week in Operation of the brand new SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women here in Saint Johns/South Mandarin… And boy do we have a LOT to share with you.
We Jump Right In…
1 – Our first group of “eager and ready” women have set the tone for what SCULPTAFIT is all about and exactly “who” it is for.
Just click play on this video and be prepared to hear things you NEVER heard before:
If Lisa, Delcene, Tambra, Dionne and Terri don’t awaken your mind to a whole new world of possibilities for you – then maybe the other videos we’ll be posting next week will ๐
2 – New friendships are being made and horizons are expanding.
At the core of this whole endeavor lies a common thread:
Each woman joining us at the Studio (as different as some of them may appear on the surface) is at a place in life where they “KNOW THEY NEED THIS”… and they know if they don’t place priority on their health and wellness – then their life from here forward will continue to become a harder struggle… An uphill battle that just gets tougher and tougher as the months and years pass by…
They know the superficial aspects of being “out of shape” is a representation of what is brewing “inside”:
1 – Adult onset diabetes
2 – Risk of osteoporosis
3 – Risk of early heart disease
4 – Exacerbation of menopause symptoms
5 – And several others every middle-aged women already knows about…
These women coming together at SCULPTAFIT know “there is strength in numbers” and they know there is even more strength when everyone is moving in the same direction – supporting, inspiring and motivating each other in the process…

Official Opening: Day One at the 1st SCULPTAFIT Studio
3 – The Studio is taking on the feel of a “safe haven”…
…A place where each woman can relax, be herself and focus on what is most important to her, her health and well-being – fully KNOWING that everyone else in the room is not only there for herself – but also to support each other… Very powerful – and very special to see.

We opened the Studio with 2 mantras we developed over the last few months. One mantra is for the start of every session in the Studio and the 2nd mantra is for the end of every session. These mantras are quickly taking on meaning and becoming part of the ‘language’ we all share here…
We hope you at least give yourself the chance to experience what is happening here and maybe even become part of this positive, empowering and unique community of women who are living life to the fullest, on a solid foundation of optimal health and proper fitness.
>> Want to stop your downward spiral into poor health?
>> Want to get out of the personal “nowhere land” you feel you’re floating around in?
>> Want to achieve your best version of you – for yourself and your loved ones?
Then just call Nikki RIGHT NOW: 904-891-3680 so she can give you a tour of the Studio and further explain the Method, and how The SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team can guide you down the path of positive progress in a way that not only feels amazing, but is amazing in more ways than we can even put into words…
Oh – and one more thing! lol.. yes, even though I’m “a guy”, I’m still around the Studio at certain times, so I hope to meet you soon! But make it fast because the girls may not let me be around too much as things get busier and busier…
Crazy to think I might not be allowed in the place I created! LOL… Ah well – all good!!
Joey “Atlas” Gennusa
Chief Enhancement Orchestrator
SCULPTAFIT – The Method for Women
Janet June 10, 2016 at 12:36 pm | Permalink |
Congrats Joey! The studio looks great!
Sandra June 10, 2016 at 1:04 pm | Permalink |
Thank you for all the years of great information that you have provided me with. Your new studio looks awesome and here is wishing you every success. Thank you for all that you do.
Ronda June 10, 2016 at 2:40 pm | Permalink |
Very impressive Joey, I know there are going to be a lot of very happy ladies out their and even tho I don’t have your fitness equipment, I do have your dvd’s and use the often. Thank you so much for caring about women’s health. I think your sculptafit is going to be a success. A great place to meet friends and feel comfortable doing something positive for yourself without feeling awkward. โ
Joey Atlas June 10, 2016 at 7:32 pm | Permalink |
Thanks, Ronda!
All the best
Fundi June 10, 2016 at 4:07 pm | Permalink |
Thanks Joey for the good work which will benefit women healthwise. God bless the new Fitness Studio.
Joey Atlas June 10, 2016 at 7:32 pm | Permalink |
Thank you, Fundi! ๐
marcia June 10, 2016 at 4:09 pm | Permalink |
Fabulous…great job Joey. Missed your posts, but knew you were working hard! All the best.
Joey Atlas June 10, 2016 at 7:31 pm | Permalink |
Thanks Marcia! ๐
Darlene June 10, 2016 at 5:57 pm | Permalink |
It all looks and sounds great, but how can it help me? By the way I live in Philadelphia PA.
Joey Atlas June 10, 2016 at 7:31 pm | Permalink |
Maybe one in Philly some day ๐
Linda June 10, 2016 at 11:06 pm | Permalink |
Congratulations on the new studio, Joey! You’ve done a great job putting it together!
I’ve been working out with your DVDs since Jan. 2015, trying to exercise 3 times/wk. I can really tell a difference in my muscle tone, and I highly recommend your programs to anyone. Keep up the good work!
Joey Atlas June 11, 2016 at 10:15 am | Permalink |
Thank you, Linda!! Keep at it and keep me posted… and “spread the word”!!
Hugs to you ๐
Susan Ross June 11, 2016 at 12:20 pm | Permalink |
I sent an email and no one responded !! Not too happy about that !! What next on the work outs !’
Joey Atlas June 11, 2016 at 10:18 pm | Permalink |
Hi Susan. Can you please explain… put into context for me, please. I’ll be better able to help you.
Dianne June 23, 2016 at 9:18 am | Permalink |
Finally a place you can call home!
Joey Atlas June 23, 2016 at 4:31 pm | Permalink |
YES! ๐