Fitness & Wellness

Reach Your Potential This Year!

Reach Your Potential This Year!

I love working with each of you at Revolution Training in Stamford, CT, and helping you reach your potential. This is the first of the year and what better time is there to start changing habits and discover the new you that’s been inside all along? One thing I encourage is to take the time to write down your fitness goals and all the things you’d like to accomplish. Take a picture of yourself in workout clothes that are more form fitting, and use it as the “before” picture. Keep it in front of you constantly, reminding yourself the “after” picture will be on New Year’s Eve at the end of the year.

Pick a goal and focus on it.

You may have lots of fitness goals, but you need to prioritize them and focus on just one. It should be important to you and not necessarily something that anyone else wants you to do. If good health is your goal, what changes do you need to make to achieve that goal? Do you need to change your diet? Your exercise habits? Your sleep patterns? Is eliminating a bad habit or addiction going to increase the odds of achieving your goal?

You may not think your other goals have anything to do with fitness, but you’d be wrong.

Everything boils down to being your healthiest and fittest. If you don’t have the energy and good health, you can’t achieve everything your goals in business. It’s one reason the movers and shakers in business often have their own personal trainer or a gym for executives. Achieving anything is about mental toughness, picking a goal and doing the things it takes to achieve that goal. You get all those things by sticking with a fitness program, plus boost your health so your body is at its best.

It’s all about focus and consistency.

You won’t get fit by doing 100 push-ups in one day. In fact, unless you’re fit, you probably won’t be able to do them. You need to be consistent and do as many as you can each day. Focus on the things you can change. At each meal, eat more vegetables. Drink more water. Chew your food more thoroughly and slowly. Focus on food that’s closer to its natural state and avoid fried foods, highly processed food and food with added sugar. Make each day the day you’ll eat healthier than the previous day.

  • Take time at the end of every day to focus on the good things that are in your life. An attitude of gratitude will help you live healthier, happier and longer.
  • Track your progress. Winners keep score, whether it’s about fitness, finance or other areas of your life. Track the things you did to help you get healthier and have written goals. Create a checklist for each day.
  • Don’t worry about the detours. Even the best laid plans have a few glitches. Just know you’ll turn it around and get back on track. Focusing on the positive doesn’t mean you ignore negatives. It means you acknowledge them and use them to your advantage.
  • Once every month or quarter, take time to assess all the progress you’ve made and adjust your goals if necessary. If you’re following the plan, you’ll be far fitter than expected and probably want to increase your fitness goals.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Get Off Your Butt To Lose Your Gut

Get Off Your Butt To Lose Your Gut

You know you have legs, you walk on them every day, but it’s been a long time since you’ve actually seen them. Your belly keeps them hidden. Isn’t it time to make a difference and get rid of that Buddha belly? It’s time to get off your butt to lose your gut. We can help you do it and you’ll have fun at the same time. That probably sounds pretty good and you may wonder if it’s too good to be true. In this case, the answer is that it’s absolutely true. Our Focus boxing and other classes don’t feel like exercise, but the focus is on you and your fitness.

Getting rid of your gut takes exercise.

While hormones play a big role in both male and female belly fat, there are things you can do to help eliminate the problem. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, you’re more likely to have visceral fat—belly fat. Exercising helps you get rid of all types of fat, particularly the fat that accumulates around the middle. Exercise also helps reduce insulin resistance, one of the primary causes of abdominal fat. Not only will participating in a program of regular exercise help shave off pounds, it will help change your body composition to one with more muscle tissue and less fat tissue.

Find ways to be more active outside of the gym.

It doesn’t seem quite natural to look for ways to work harder, but it’s one of the best things you can do. Instead of driving our car to a neighbor’s house, take a bike or walk. Park in the first spot you see when you go shopping, so you walk further to the store. It burns calories, but also saves gas, which can improve your budget and the air quality. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you’re watching television or binge watching videos, do a plank, lunges or squats, while you watch.

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.

What you eat makes a huge difference. Food that’s highly processed or that has added sugar can cause the body to store it as fat, including belly fat. It can encourage insulin resistance, where the cells don’t respond to insulin, so they don’t receive the glucose in the blood. The high blood sugar level then triggers more insulin and it becomes a vicious cycle. Insulin resistance leads to diabetes. A healthy diet and regular exercise can reverse the process and prevent type 2 diabetes.

  • Cut back on alcohol consumption. Alcohol is high in calories and low in nutrients. The empty calories in the alcohol can lead to gaining fat around the middle and the gut you want to eliminate.
  • Prolonged stress causes increased cortisol, the stress hormone. Increased cortisol is linked with increased belly fat. When you exercise it burns off stress and our workouts do it the best. You’ll punch away frustration, stress and the craziness of daily life.
  • Increase your daily intake of fiber. That means eat more greens, fresh fruit and vegetables. Be careful when adding high fiber foods, nuts, fruit and beans. Do it slowly, drink more water and add probiotics, like yogurt to your diet or you’ll end up being gassy.
  • Avoid soft drinks, including diet drinks. One study showed that people who drank diet sodas had more belly fat than those that didn’t. Switch to water instead.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Should I Be Walking 10k Steps Daily?

Should I Be Walking 10k Steps Daily?

When you see how hard people workout at Revolution Fitness in Stamford, CT, and how much exercise they get in the time they’re there, you’ll understand that walking 10k steps daily isn’t necessary for those people. There’s a lot of confusion about the 10,000 step recommendation. It’s not necessary if you’re doing high intensity workouts for 150 minutes a week, but is a good way to stay active on your days away from the gym.

Walking is good for people who can’t do intense workouts and a way to start a fitness program.

If you’ve been a couch potato for years and suddenly realize you can’t climb a flight of steps without stopping to catch your breath, walking is a good gateway exercise to something more physically demanding. You can walk outside and soak up the sunshine, which is also good for you. As you get fitter, you can modify the walk to alternate between high intensity and a recovery rate, creating a HIIT workout, making it even more effective. A brisk walk is good for bone strength, cardio, balance and coordination, while burning extra calories.

Walking won’t cover all types of training that are necessary for good health.

You need strength, flexibility, balance and cardio training to be your fittest. Walking can provide the cardio and even some balance and lower body strength training. Walking is low to moderate intensity and provides similar benefits to bicycling, swimming, aquatic exercises and elliptical cross training. In fact, doing exercises or even walking in a pool provides more exercise.

You shouldn’t replace the gym with walking, but supplement it.

If you’ve had a tough workout that day, you don’t need to walk 10K steps. If you can’t workout at the gym, due to health conditions, fitness level or even time, it’s a good idea to use it so you get some exercise. It’s all about moving and working your muscles. If you’ve ever boxed, you know you get in lots of steps, but also get an upper body workout that’s excellent. Both are good and for most people both should be part of your fitness program.

  • For people that are cramped for time, walking is a good option. You can even break it down to shorter walking times that add up to at least 30 minutes, as long as each walking session is at least ten minutes.
  • If you choose to walk as a form of exercise, focus on good posture when you walk. Keep your shoulders back, stand tall and try to imagine you’re pushing the top of your head through the clouds. As with all types of exercise, form is important.
  • You don’t need any special clothes for walking, except proper footwear. There are other ways to boost your activity, like taking the stairs. When you walk, make it brisk for the most benefit. Longer strides and more rapid ones are best.
  • If you have a pedometer to count your steps, you can increase the number of steps you take by doing simple things, like parking further away from the store when you shop, walking to lunch and taking the stairs.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Can You Workout While Fasting?

Can You Workout While Fasting?

There are a number of different types of fasts. With strict fasts, you may only drink water for several days, while others, like intermittent fasting, have you fast 16 hours and eat 8 hours, fast for a day or eat lighter a few days a week. The type you choose will determine whether you should workout while fasting. Your body needs energy to workout, so the type of fasting you do and the type of exercising you do makes a huge difference. If you’re doing a water fast for several days, don’t attempt to do intense exercise sessions if you haven’t prepared your body for the task. You can still do low intensity workouts, like walking.

When you’re fasting, your body uses glycogen stores first and then stores of energy from fat.

When you eat, your body uses some of that energy immediately, but the rest is stored. When you fast, the body first uses the glycogen stores. If you’ve trained the body to use fat stores, as in eating a keto diet or low carb diet, it then uses fat stores for energy. But, you must train your body to burn fat, it’s not natural if you constantly feed it quick energy in the form of carbs. That means you still can do your regular exercise program, but you need to prepare your body to do it. Most people don’t do that step first, which is why intense exercise isn’t recommended. You’ll hit the wall and run out of steam.

Intermittent fasting is a bit different.

Intermittent fasting on a regular basis trains your body to burn fat without shocking it. If you start eating later in the day, rather than having breakfast—which literally means breaking a fast—you’ll might have your first meal at 10:00 a.m. and your last meal at 6:00 p.m. You’re just extending your fasting time slightly, so little by little, your body will use glycogen reserves and then adjust to burning fat. Be aware, it could also start burning lean muscle tissue if you aren’t doing strength training. That can actually lower your metabolism.

Match your workout to your fast and plan ahead.

Before you do any type of fast, make sure you’re fit enough to fast. That means you need to check with your health care professional. If you’re doing intermittent fasting, plan to start your workout after you end the fast, so you can have a small preworkout snack and a post workout snack if you’re strength building.

  • Pay attention to the signals your body sends. Do you feel light headed? Either break the fast, change your workout time if you’re doing intermittent fasting or focus on a less intense workout.
  • Don’t eat a full meal immediately before a workout, instead opt for a small snack about a half hour before the workout. If you eat a full meal, don’t workout for anywhere from an hour to three hours, depending on the meal.
  • Studies show that intermittent fasting, the least radical form, provides many health benefits. Some of these are similar to the benefits from exercise, such as reducing insulin resistance, improving digestive issues and improving the body’s ability to remove damaged cells to reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Fasting isn’t for everyone. People on medication should always check to see if it’s safe. Anyone who has diabetes also should only fast under supervision of a health care professional. Pregnant and lactating women shouldn’t fast.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

How Much Water You Actually Need To Drink For Your Size?

How Much Water You Actually Need To Drink For Your Size?

Hydration is important and water is one of the best ways to hydrate, but you can overdo it. You need to drink for your size and need. A lot of things will affect the amount of water your body needs. If you’re in a room that’s too warm or outside in the hot sun, you’ll need to rehydrate more than if you’re sitting comfortably in an air conditioned room. Water is far more important than food for survival, but how much is enough and when do you cross the line to too much?

There’s a lot of factors that determine how much water you need.

Your size is one important factor. Most people know that it’s recommended that you drink eight 8-oz glasses of water a day, but that may not be enough. Your sex makes a difference. Mayo clinic suggests that men drink as much as 15.5 cups of fluid a day, while women need about 11.5 cups. You’ll notice that it says fluids, not just water, so it includes tea, coffee and other beverages. The fluid can also come from the food you eat, which is about 20% of the average person’s fluid intake.

Your weight plays an important role in water intake.

The more you weigh, the more fluid you need. You can calculate the amount by taking half or two thirds of your weight in pounds and making that the amount of ounces you need. For instance, a 120 pound woman would need 80 ounces, since 2/3 of 120 is 80. If it’s hot, you also need more fluid, since you perspire more, losing fluid. Exercise also causes you to perspire, so you need to replace it with extra water. The higher your elevation, the more water you require. Health issues, like vomiting, fever and diarrhea also cause dehydration. Lactating and pregnant women also require more fluid.

You can drink too much water at one time, causing hyponatremia.

The term for drinking too much water at one time is also called water intoxication or water poisoning. It causes your cells to swell that can create health issues. It’s based on how much water is consumed in an hour. More than four cups an hour can create the problem. The excess fluid can overwhelm the kidneys and the swelling cells can cause problems, especially if it’s in the brain or vital organ. Ironically the symptoms of headache, confusion, vomiting and nausea, fatigue and muscle spasms and cramps are the same as dehydration. How do you tell the difference? Look at your urine. If it’s a dark yellow, you’re dehydrated. Clear and colorless you’re over hydrated.

  • Schedule your fluid intake throughout the day if you have a problem drinking more water. Carry a bottle with you and sip on it throughout the day. Don’t guzzle bottles of water all at once if you’re thirsty. Take it slowly.
  • Most people need to hydrate more. Drinking more water can help limit UTIs, kidney stones, reduce bloating and even help you lose weight. A glass of water before a meal can help fill you up, so you don’t eat as much.
  • If you’re older, you may need to drink more fluid, since older people dehydrate faster than young people. Signs of dehydration resemble dementia in seniors. Achy joints can also be caused by dehydration, since water lubricates the joints.
  • Staying hydrated can help reduce the appearance of aging. It helps keep the skin plump and more youthful. It can make your eyes appear more youthful, as well as preventing some wrinkling.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Exercises For People Recovering From Surgery

Exercises For People Recovering From Surgery

People in Stamford, CT, come to Revolution training to learn the best exercises for fitness or participate in boxing, which depends on good training and fitness. While we work with people of all fitness levels, we also need to know more about you to be effective, especially if you’re recovering from surgery. What types of exercises should you be doing? That all depends on the type of surgery you had and how far along you are in the healing process. You also need to clear any workout program with your doctor or physical therapist.

Taking it slowly is good advice.

No matter what type of surgery you had, making sure everything is healed before diving into a tough workout is important. That doesn’t mean you should sit for months after a surgery. If you had foot surgery, doing exercises for the upper body while you’re physical therapist works with exercises for your lower body can be helpful. Walking, when possible is the first step back to fitness and getting moving. The more you move, the more your blood circulates and the quicker you heal. Just do light stretches or other mild forms of exercise that doesn’t cause trauma at the surgical site. Listening to your body and taking the advice of your health care professional is extremely important when you first get back into exercise.

Avoid making the following mistakes.

You can be too gung ho and overdo or do too little and not heal as fast. Doing too much can cause setbacks, but laying in bed too long can be even more dangerous, with the potential for blood clots, pressure sores and even weaker muscles. If you don’t move much, it can cause digestive issues, but that doesn’t mean you need to quit eating. Just make sure it’s healthy food. Stick with the protocols from your health care professionals. Do breathing exercises if they’re assigned. Take it easy, but keep moving, if only a little more each day.

Light exercise means very little stress.

Light exercise means short walks, not lifting lighter weights, unless the surgery doesn’t involve the upper body. That short walk can be lengthened every few days and become brisker by the third or fourth week if the health care professional approves. A stationary bike ride and low impact exercises can be added as you heal. Avoid high impact exercise like heavy lifting, jumping or sprinting that add excess strain on your body.

  • Doing too intense a workout too soon, can increase blood flow at the point of surgery and cause swelling that can break stitches. Sweating can spread germs to the area healing. Wait at least five days and always consult your surgeon or health care professional.
  • Don’t expect to immediately pick up where you left off before the surgery. Start slowly, as though you’ve never exercised before the surgery. You can always make it harder as you heal.
  • The location of the surgery and the severity all makes a difference. Even if you got the okay from your health care professional, don’t forget to tell your trainer about the surgery before the trainer creates your workout program.
  • Start out by breaking your workout into ten minute sessions you do three times a day. As you get fitter, make them 15 minutes and do them twice a day. When you’re ready, switch to one 30 minute session.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Taking Care Of Gut Health

If you want to change your overall health for the better, you need to start with your gut health. A lot of the focus should be on the microbiome and a healthy balance of beneficial microbes. You have more microbes than you have cells and how they function can determine your overall health. Some are beneficial, some are harmful and some are absolutely necessary for good health.

Make sure you have adequate nutrients.

Magnesium is one of those nutrients that’s necessary to create enzymes that help break down food and absorb the nutrients. Lack of magnesium can cause muscle aches, spasms, chronic headaches, constipation and even chocolate cravings. Another way to boost your nutrition is by consuming bone broth. Bone broth contains collagen, which is necessary for creating connective tissue throughout the body. It also has loads of nutrients and improves nutrient absorption.

Feed those beneficial gut bacteria what they need.

Fiber, fiber, and more fiber should be your chant if you want gut health. Introduce it slowly or you’ll end up with cramps and enough gas to power a fleet of 18 wheelers. Fiber can’t be digested by the body. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber is found in almonds, beans, prunes and wheat germ. Soluble fiber is in beans, apples and other produce. While the body can’t digest fiber with enzymes, it passes to the intestines where the beneficial microbes in your gut feast on the soluble fiber and the insoluble fiber builds bulk for your stool.

Avoid sugar and move.

Sugar is not only bad for your body, it’s bad for your gut. It can cause an overgrowth of Candida albicans, which creates many gut problems. It also feeds other harmful microbes. You’ll be surprised at how many processed foods contain sugar, which includes soft drinks. Don’t think the sugar free type are better, they also affect gut bacteria negatively. Also, the more you move around and exercise, the better your gut health. It helps food pass through the body more efficiently and also boosts the friendly bacteria in the gut.

If you’ve taken antibiotics, give your gut a boost of beneficial ones. Eat fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt and kimchee. An imbalance of microbes can cause leaky gut syndrome.

Get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can affect gut health by causing stress, which is bad for gut health. Also drink plenty of water, which also is necessary for healthy digestion and a healthy microbiome.

Prepare grains, nuts and beans properly. Sprouted grain bread is one way, soaking them and rinsing thoroughly before cooking is another. Grains are seeds, and many contain phytic acid, to prevent digestion so animals can spread the seed in their excrement.

One study that lasted six weeks, showed that people who exercised improved the gut microbiome by increasing the amount of friendly bacteria.

Building Muscles For Beginners

Building Muscles For Beginners

Building muscles means doing some type of strength training. However, there’s also a difference between being strong and being muscular. At Revolution Training in Stamford, CT, we help people do both. When beginners first start working out, exercises that build strength may also be the same for building muscles. That overlap ends as you get more seasoned. If you want to be strong, that’s one thing, but if you’re a bodybuilder who wants to compete, you need to go an entirely different direction since your goal is all about size and body aesthetics. The weight lifters at an Olympic level have smaller muscles than a less strong bodybuilder.

Do you want bulk or just strength?

In order to build any type of muscle, you have to lift something heavy. If you’re building for strength, you’ll use heavier loads and do five sets that include one to eight repetitions. The goal is to lift as heavy as you can or 80 to 100 percent of a one-repetition capacity. You’ll get a slight increase in your muscle size. You lift lighter when building muscles, about 70 to 80 percent of maximum with as many as six sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. In other words, go slightly lighter but do more.

You have slow-twitch muscle fibers and fast-twitch ones.

Low intensity and long duration movements, like walking, are performed by slow-twitch muscle fibers. High-intensity movements like jumping or supersets where two different sets of exercises for different parts of the body are performed back-to-back. While you activate both types of fibers during each type of exercise, one of the two dominates depending on the movement. If you want bigger muscles, go for exercises that trigger more fast-twitch fibers.

Focus on the basics at first, then make adjustments based on your fitness level and goal.

As noted before, you’ll workout both slow and fast-twitch muscles doing any exercise. The key is to do it and do it consistently. Some great bodyweight exercises you can do at home or in the gym are push-ups, burpees, squats and lunges. To build upper body muscles, having dumbbells and/or barbells are a big help, since lifting something heavy builds muscles. Always warm up before you workout and cool down afterward.

  • Get adequate sleep. You need at least seven hours of sleep or more each night to give muscles adequate time to heal and build. Never do strength training for the same muscle groups two days in a row for the same reason.
  • Focus on compound movements and compound exercises, like a dumbbell deadlift or chin-up, to build muscle faster. Isolation movements, such as curls, sculpt the muscles, but aren’t as good for building.
  • If you want to build muscle and don’t need to lose weight, you need to eat more calories and focus more on protein. If you need to lose weight, cut back on calories slightly. No matter what your weight, a snack of carbs and protein before and after your workout is important.
  • No two people are alike. Even if your best friend got great results with his workout, it doesn’t mean it’s the best for you. Our trainers can help you find a program that works best for you.

For more information, contact us today at Revolutionary Training

Simple Ways To Start Losing Fat

Simple Ways To Start Losing Fat

I have a lot of friends in the fitness industry that are so intent on learning the latest scientific discoveries, they forget about the simple ways to start losing fat. It’s easy to do. The more you know, the more you forget that not everyone has the same fitness experience as you do and the more you start to focus on the complicated. Let’s take one simple example. I have a client that followed his diet to a T, worked out and still wasn’t getting his desired results. After several talks, I learned he drank five or six colas a day. Soft drinks are nothing but carbonated sugar water. They pack on the pounds. He switched to water and got back on track.

Be easy on yourself and start by changing one thing.

Add a half hour of exercise to your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be at the gym, you can go for a walk. In fact, you can go for three time minute walks if you don’t have a half hour all at once. Make life a little more active by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Speed up and increase your intensity. If you have household chores, move as fast as you can and if you get tired, keep working for a few minutes longer. Don’t change everything in your diet at once. Start by giving up food with added sugar. Is that too hard? Then just start by cutting down on sugar and switching fruit for the sweets as a snack.

Try HIIT—high intensity interval training.

HIIT is a fancy way of saying you modify your workout by spending a minute at highest intensity and then switching to equal or longer time at moderate, recovery intensity. You can use it for almost any exercise, even walking. People who want to start working out, but aren’t ready for the gym, can start by walking briskly for a minute, alternating that with a moderate walk for the same time and back to a brisk walk. By the way, that pattern of high intensity and moderate recovery intensity is a lot like the type of exercise you get when you box.

Focus on green and lean.

There are all types of diets, with some aiding in weight loss and others increasing the nutrients necessary for building muscle. What’s the best type? That’s up to your and based on your goals. However, eating healthy, no matter what your goal, is important. You can do it without following a diet. Focus on filling half your plate with colorful vegetables and fruit, a quarter of your plate with lean protein and the rest whole grains. Healthy fat should also be part of your daily meals.

  • Try simple things to improve your diet and lower your calories. Mash avocado and use it on toast instead of butter. It’s delicious and healthy.
  • Don’t fall for the marketing gimmick touting low fat products, like yogurt. When they remove the fat from yogurt, they have to replace it with something to improve the flavor, that something is often sugar, which is far worse for you.
  • Do you miss desserts but want to lose weight? Opt for plain full fat Greek yogurt. Put a layer of yogurt in a cup, cut up a half ripe banana and add your own berries for sweetness. Top with more yogurt and then add raw walnuts. It’s healthy, sweet and best when mushed together and mixed.
  • Get more sleep. When you sleep, your body repairs tissue while organizing your brain. If you lack sleep, it upsets the hunger/satiety hormone balance, leaving you hungry all the time. Lack of sleep can cause you to increase your body fat.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Reasons Why You're Not Getting The Results You Want

Reasons Why You’re Not Getting The Results You Want

If you’re doing everything you believe is right, but still not getting the results you want, maybe you need to change things up and do something different. At Revolution Training in Stamford, CT we focus on helping people achieve their goals, getting stronger, losing weight and achieving the fitness goals you desire, while having fun. One problem that faces many people, particularly after a few months or years of exercise, is that they plateau and stop achieving more or the results come slower. It’s a common problem that occurs when you do the same workout continuously.

Some people run and there’s nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn’t be all you do.

If you love running, I say, “go for it!” Always do things you love as part of your fitness routine. It makes staying fit even more worthwhile. However, running can only help you so much, It’s cardio and it does burn fat, but it also burns muscle tissue and doesn’t work the whole body. You need to mix up your workout. Do some strength training, take a yoga class or learn to box. Boxing is a full body workout that is continuously changing. No two sessions are alike, so you’ll never plateau.

Why does plateauing occur.

Your body was designed to work at peak performance, so it’s constantly fine-tuning every muscle. The more you do any type of movement, the more adept the body becomes at doing it. That also means it burns fewer calories, since it’s more efficient. Just like using various types of exercise, it you’re doing a workout routine, it needs to vary too. You can’t do the same routine for years and expect to continue to see results. Make your workout more intense as you get fitter and add variety to work all muscles on all planes.

It’s not always about how hard you work.

Sometimes, your spoon and fork are to blame…or in the case of burgers and fries, your hands. What you eat plays a huge role not only in how much you weigh, but your overall health and progress in the gym. No matter how much you workout to build muscle and strength, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. A great body, a healthy body, starts in the kitchen. Cut out sugary treats and fatty fried foods and focus on more fruits and vegetables, with lean protein to build muscle tissue.

  • We’ll help you with a diet that’s created specifically for your goals and needs. A healthy diet can help you lose weight, build muscle and become healthier and more energetic.
  • Shaking things up a bit and varying your training can be as simple as varying your intensity within the session. Consider HIIT training. HIIT is high intensity interval training where you vary the intensity from high intensity to recovery and back. It burns tons of calories and conditions the body quickly.
  • Are your daily habits outside the gym affecting your progress. Are you getting enough sleep? Get at least 8 hours. Are you drinking soft drinks or higher calorie alcoholic drinks? Both add calories. Try water.
  • Could you be measuring your success wrong? It’s not all about weight loss. Sometimes, you’re making great strides even though the scales don’t show it. Muscle weighs more than fat does, so if your weight doesn’t change, but you’ve lost inches, you’ve gained muscle and lost fat.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training