If you workout in Stamford, CT, you know building stronger muscles is important. That takes adequate protein. Today, with prices rising, people often look to alternative plant sources that are less expensive. I get a lot of questions from people trying to find the best type of plant source. One reoccurring question is, “Which is best, chickpeas or garbanzo beans?” The answer is simple. They’re the same thing. It’s like the difference between children and humans. All children are humans, humans but not all humans are children. All garbanzo beans are chickpeas, but not all chickpeas are garbanzo beans.
Garbanzo beans are a type of chickpea.
The US has their own names for various types of food that even vary from state to state. Soft drinks are called coke, soda and pop depending on where you live. Garbanzo beans are a variety of chickpeas officially named Kabuli chickpeas to the rest of the world, but not here in the USA. If you’re looking up the nutritional value of garbanzo beans, you’ll be finding the nutritional value of chickpeas and vice versa. You can use them interchangeably in a recipe, too.
Stock up on protein and keep it ready.
You can buy meat ahead and freeze it, but it only stays good for about four to six months. Dried chickpeas can be kept on the shelf for about two to three years. That makes them a great staple for those busy weeks you didn’t have a chance to make it to the grocery. You can use them to make hummus for a snack, add them to a salad or soup and use them for a main protein source in the entree. Unlike meat, they also add fiber to your diet.
Chickpeas can help you stay healthy and lose weight, too.
When you eat chickpeas, whether or not they’re called garbanzo beans, they contain fiber and protein, both of which fill you up without adding a lot of calories to your diet. A cup of chickpeas is 269 calories and contains 14.5 grams of protein and 12.5 grams of fiber. They also contain manganese, folate, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, thiamine, B6, selenium and potassium.
- Chickpeas aid in managing blood sugar levels with their fiber, slowing the absorption of carbs into the bloodstream. They have a low glycemic index. Eating a 10.5 oz can of chickpeas a week lowered fasting insulin levels significantly in one study.
- The fiber in chickpeas is soluble, which can increase the beneficial microbes in the gut. It can reduce the risk of colon cancer and reduce the potential for IBS and other digestive issues.
- Chickpeas can lower the risk of heart disease, due to their nutrients and cholesterol lowering fiber. Eating them can also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer, too.
- The choline, selenium, magnesium and zinc in chickpeas promote brain health and provide nutrients essential for producing neurotransmitters. They’re also a good source of iron to prevent iron deficiency.
For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training